
0.1.7 • Public • Published

CLI to bootstrap React projects with TypeScript

A CLI to bootstrap React Applications ranging in complexity from the very simple to more complex setups with CI.

To install run

npm i -g @webnsurf/bootstrap

This will install the package globally and make wns-new command available anywhere on your machine. You can also install it locally and then use it with NPX

To create a new project run

wns-new <project_name> [arguments]

If no project_name is provided the current working directory is used. Each project can be configured with:

The CLI is interactive so specifying the below arguments when running the command is not required.


Name Alias Action Default value Info
--yes -y Skip the propmpt and use default options false Preferred default options to use here can be set and saved using the --set-defaults flag (see below)
--docker -d Create a Docker setup within the project false This will create the following structure:
  • Docker image build script /docker/build.sh
  • Docker container start script /docker/start.sh
  • front-end and back-end Dockerfile.prod & Dockerfile.dev in their corresponding folders
  • docker-compose.prod.yml & docker-compose.yml files to easily spin up production and development containers
The default Docker setup uses Web'n'surF Docker network. It allows you to access the development server on https://dev.webnsurf.com and the local "staging" server on https://local.webnsurf.com (both resolve to and are then proxied to the right containers using Web'n'surF proxy). Get the Web'n'surF proxy based on Træfik
--pipeline -p Create a Jenkins pipeline false This will create the following structure:
  • Jenkinsfile in the root directory
  • Deployment script /docker/deploy.sh
  • Remote start script /docker/start-remote.sh
This option automatically sets --docker to true.
Specify --server-user & --server-ip options to replace variables in the files listed above.
Get the Web'n'surF CI server based on Jenkins
--install -i Install node modules false Install node modules once the project is initialised
--set-defaults -s Set default options false Set default options to use next time --yes(-y) is used
--no-backend N/A Create a project without a back-end server false By default the project is created with an Express JS backend server. This option disables that.
--no-git N/A Create a project without Git false By default a new Git project is initiated. This option disables that.
--no-router N/A Create a project without React router false By default React router is included and a few front-end routes are set up. This option disables that.
This option can not be disabled if the project is created with Login functionality.
--no-login N/A Create a project without login fuctionality false By default the project is setup with a redux store and a user login functionality (both back-end and front-end logic). This option disables that
--design N/A Specify a design library null Sets up, istalls and uses a React design library in the project.
Available options:
--domain N/A Domain name for proxy webnsurf.com Specify a domain name to use in the Web'n'surF proxy router setup.
This option is only needed if --docker is set to true
--server-user N/A Remote server username <SERVER_USERNAME> Specify a username on the remote server for the deployment (/docker/deploy.sh) and start-remote (/docker/start-remote.sh) scripts to use.
This option is only needed if --pipeline is set to true
--server-ip N/A Remote server IP address <SERVER_IP> Specify the remote server IP address for the deployment (/docker/deploy.sh) and start-remote (/docker/start-remote.sh) scripts to use.
This option is only needed if --pipeline is set to true

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npm i @webnsurf/bootstrap

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  • laurynasgr
  • webnsurf