
2.0.30 • Public • Published


CAB (Cardano Application Backend) is a library, that helps you with development of Cardano apps for browser and Node.js. It can help with:

  • Wallet and Account management
  • Ability to define custom data sources for blockchain data
  • Crypto helpers to generate new mnemonics and derive public and private keys
  • CIP-30 dApp connector helpers
  • A transaction planner with Plutus, metadata support and automatic UTxO selection

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Development roadmap

  • [ ] Add documentation
  • [ ] Add support for Plutus V2
  • [ ] Refine transaction planner
  • [ ] Open-source data providers
  • [ ] Clean up helpers and error reporting
  • [ ] Refine tests
  • [ ] ES Modules support

Basic usage

CAB has many functionalities, which we are working on documentating. These are just basic examples of how you may use the library.

Account management

An account belongs to a wallet, that is defined mainly by the wallet's secret key - mnemonic.

import {NETWORKS} from '@wingriders/cab/constants'
import {JsCryptoProvider, mnemonicToWalletSecretDef} from '@wingriders/cab/crypto'
import {NetworkName} from '@wingriders/cab/types/network'
import {Wallet} from '@wingriders/cab/wallet'

// Here we assume the `onChainDataProvider`, `ledgerStateProvider` and
// `submitTxProvider` are already defined. We are working on open-source
// implementation of these. In the meantime you can bring your own that
// adheres to the defined interfaces - see src/dataProviders/types.ts

const wallet = new Wallet({
  cryptoProvider: new JsCryptoProvider({
    // Here we assume the mnemonic is in a variable called `secretMnemonic`
    // for example loaded from the environment variables
    walletSecretDef: await mnemonicToWalletSecretDef(secretMnemonic),
    network: NETWORKS[NetworkName.MAINNET],
    config: {
      shouldExportPubKeyBulk: true,
  config: {
    shouldExportPubKeyBulk: true,
    gapLimit: 20,

// Load the first account - account with index 0
await wallet.getAccountManager().addAccounts([0])

// Get the first account
const account = wallet.getAccountManager().getAccount(0)

Transaction planner

To create a basic transaction for sending 10 ADA to Alice, from account we loaded in previous step

import {getTxPlan} from '@wingriders/cab/ledger/transaction'
import {TxPlanArgs} from '@wingriders/cab/types'

// Obtain the protocol parameters from your ledger state provider
const protocolParameters = await ledgerStateProvider.getProtocolParameters()

// Define the plan of the transaction
const txPlanArgs: TxPlanArgs = {
  planId: 'send-ada-to-Alice',
  outputs: [
      address: "addr1z8n...u6v8",
      coins: new Lovelace(10_000_000) as Lovelace,

// Try to create the transaction plan, using available utxos in your account
// and send the change to your account's change address
const txPlanResult = getTxPlan(txPlanArgs, account.getUtxos(), account.getChangeAddress())

if (!txPlanResult.success) {
  // If it failed report the reasons why, for avaible fiels refer to the
  // `TxPlanResult` type

// Sign the transaction using your account and submit the transaction
// via your wallet's SubmitTxProvider
const txAux = prepareTxAux(txPlanResult.txPlan)
const signedTx = await account.signTxAux(txAux)
await wallet.submitTx(signedTx)

// If needed feel free to track your transaction submission here



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