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Http Errors

This is a small library whose primary export is the HttpError class, a derivative of the native Error class. HttpError can be instantiated and thrown like any error, except that it carries additional information that is pertinent to HTTP interactions.

For example:

import * as express from "express";
import { HttpError, isHttpError } from "http-errors";
import { authenticate } from "./Authnz";
import { doThings } from "./myLib";
import { SimpleLoggerConsole } from "@wymp/simple-logger-console";

const app = express();
const log = new SimpleLoggerConsole();

// Normal endpoint
app.get("/my/endpoint", function(req, res, next) {
  try {
    if (!req.headers("Authorization")) {
      throw new HttpError(
        "You must pass a standard Authorization header to use this endpoint",
        { subcode: "MissingAuthHeader" }

    // May throw additional HTTP errors, such as 400, 401 or 403

    // If nothing threw, just return 200 with our data
    return res.status(200).send({ data: "Yay!" });
  } catch (e) {
    // Otherwise, pass the error to next

// Global error handler
app.use(function(_e: Error, req, res, next) {
  // If it's not already an HttpError, convert it into an InternalServerError (500)
  const e = HttpError.from(_e);

  // Log the error

  // Return the response with the correct status and structure
  return res.status(e.status).send({
    ok: false,
    // Note that an HttpError is properly serialized by JSON.stringify, so we don't need to do anything extra here
    error: e



A typeguard allowing you to check if a given error is an HttpError. Probably better to just use HttpError.from instead.


Takes any Error object and converts it to an HttpError. This is most often used in catch blocks to turn native Errors into HttpErrors like so:

try {
  woops this is gonna throw
} catch (_err) {
  const err = HttpError.from(_err);

  // Now we know it's an HttpError and can access its fields
  // ...

HttpError.toJSON and (static) HttpError.fromJSON

These methods allow you to easily serialize to JSON and de-serialize back into a native HttpError. To serialize, simply pass the error to JSON.stringify and it will output important fields (although not headers or stack, to avoid accidental leakage). To de-serialize, pass either the string or the already-deserialized object into the HttpError.fromJSON static method.

For example:

const e = new HttpError(404, "Not Found", { obstructions: [{ code: "something", text: "Some explanation" }] });
const json = JSON.stringify(e);
const inflated = HttpError.fromJSON(json);
// e.status === inflated.status
// e.name === inflated.name
// e.obstructions == inflated.obstructions
// etc...


Throw this error instead of native errors in order to attach additional data pertinent to your application and to the HTTP context.

Important fields are:

  • status - The status code of the error. (You must pass this into the constructor, and it defaults to 500 when converting regular errors)
  • name - The standardized status text corresponding to the status code. (See also HttpErrorStatuses)
  • subcode - You can use this field to offer a concise, immutable code indicating more specifically what the error pertains to. In the example above, we used MissingAuthHeader as the subcode in our 401. This can help the client understand what needs to change about the request in order for it to succeed.
  • logLevel - This is an internal field that you can use in your system to determine whether or not to log this error.
  • obstructions - An optional collection of more specific data about why the user cannot do what they want to do. See below.
  • headers - Some errors (such as 401) require certain headers to be returned. This allows you to do that.


The concept of obstructions is specific to the HttpError world. An obstruction is defined as follows:

export type ObstructionInterface<Data = undefined> = Data extends undefined
  ? { code: string; text: string }
  : { code: string; text: string; data: Data };

These are meant to be light-weight and data-dense packets that allow you to communicate to consumers about multiple issues that are preventing a given request from completing successfully.

Imagine you're registering a new user. Using an HttpError with obstructions, you can easily stop execution and send back a 400 with useful information from anywhere in your code. In the following example, there are certain things for which we immediately throw and other things where we build up a list of obstructions and then throw.

// library: @my-org/types

// First we'll define our obstructions. This allows front- and back-end code to work with type-safe errors
import { ObstructionInterface } from "@wymp/http-errors";
export type MyObstructions =
  | ObstructionInterface<"NoUserName">
  | ObstructionInterface<"NoEmail">
  | ObstructionInterface<"InvalidEmail", { email: string; pattern: string }>
  | ObstructionInterface<"NoPassword">
  | ObstructionInterface<"NoPasswordConf">
  | ObstructionInterface<"PasswordConfMismatch">;
// app: @my-org/core

import { MyObstructions } from "@my-org/types";

const body = req.body;
if (!body) {
  throw new HttpError(400, "Missing request body. Did you send it?");
if (!body.user) {
  throw new HttpError(400, "Missing incoming user object. Did you send it?");

const obstructions: Array<MyObstructions> = [];
const ourEmailRegex = /.../;

if (!body.user.name) {
    code: "NoUserName",
    text: "You must send a user name to register."

if (!body.user.email) {
    code: "NoEmail",
    text: "You must send an email for the user you're registering."
} else {
  if (!validateEmail(body.user.email, ourEmailRegex)) {
      code: "InvalidEmail",
      text: "Your email doesn't appear to be in valid format.",

      // Note that we can provide data so consumers can be more detailed about
      // how they display the errors
      data: {
        email: body.user.email,
        pattern: ourEmailRegex.toString()

if (!body.user.password) {
    code: "NoPassword",
    text: "You haven't provided a password."
} else {
  if (!body.user.passwordConfirmation) {
      code: "NoPasswordConf",
      text: "You haven't provided a password confirmation."
  } else {
    if (body.user.password !== body.user.passwordConfirmation) {
        code: "PasswordConfMismatch",
        text: "Your password confirmation doesn't match the password you entered."

if (obstructions.length > 0) {
  throw new HttpError(400, "There were problems registering your user.", { obstructions });

// Continue processing....




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  • kael.shipman