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9.0.0 • Public • Published

React XMTP client SDK


This package provides the XMTP client SDK for React.

To keep up with the latest SDK developments, see the Issues tab in this repo.

To learn more about XMTP and get answers to frequently asked questions, see the XMTP documentation.

What's inside?


These hooks are mostly bindings to the xmtp-js SDK that expose the underlying data in a React way.


  • Node 18+
  • React 16.14+


The XMTP React SDK requires React, the XMTP JS SDK, and several content types.


npm install react @xmtp/react-sdk @xmtp/xmtp-js @xmtp/content-type-reaction @xmtp/content-type-remote-attachment @xmtp/content-type-reply


pnpm install react @xmtp/react-sdk @xmtp/xmtp-js @xmtp/content-type-reaction @xmtp/content-type-remote-attachment @xmtp/content-type-reply


yarn add react @xmtp/react-sdk @xmtp/xmtp-js @xmtp/content-type-reaction @xmtp/content-type-remote-attachment @xmtp/content-type-reply

Buffer polyfill

If you run into issues with Buffer and polyfills, see this solution.

Create React App

If you see a lot of warnings related to source maps, see this issue to learn more.

Reference docs

Access the XMTP React SDK reference documentation.

Local-first architecture

This client SDK uses a local-first architecture to help you build a production-grade and performant app. To learn more about how we use a local-first architecture, see our official documentation.


Check out our official documentation to get started developing with XMTP and React.

XMTP network environments

XMTP provides production, dev, and local network environments to support the development phases of your project. To learn more about these environments, see our official documentation.

When you create a client, it connects to the XMTP dev environment by default. To learn how to use the env parameter to set your client's network environment, see Configure the client.

Breaking revisions

Because this SDK is in active development, you should expect breaking revisions that might require you to adopt the latest SDK release to enable your app to continue working as expected.

XMTP communicates about breaking revisions in the XMTP Discord community, providing as much advance notice as possible. Additionally, breaking revisions in a release are described on the Releases page.


Older versions of the SDK will eventually be deprecated, which means:

  1. The network will not support and eventually actively reject connections from clients using deprecated versions.
  2. Bugs will not be fixed in deprecated versions.

The following table provides the deprecation schedule.

Announced Effective Minimum Version Rationale
There are no deprecations scheduled for this SDK at this time.

Bug reports, feature requests, and PRs are welcome in accordance with these contribution guidelines.


Run yarn dev to build the SDK and watch for changes, which will trigger a rebuild.

Useful commands

  • yarn build: Builds the SDK
  • yarn clean: Removes node_moduleslib, and .turbo folders
  • yarn dev: Builds the SDK and watches for changes, which will trigger a rebuild
  • yarn format: Runs prettier format and write changes
  • yarn format:check: Runs prettier format check
  • yarn lint: Runs ESLint
  • yarn test: Runs all unit tests
  • yarn typecheck: Runs tsc

Package Sidebar


npm i @xmtp/react-sdk

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  • galligan
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