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6.0.5 • Public • Published

Baileys - Typescript/Javascript WhatsApp Web API


As we all know famous @adiwajshing closed the original Baileys library since he received a cease & desist from WhatsApp. I fully respect his desicion but since library is under GPL-3 we have freedom to share and change the library to suit our needs. This fork contains latest sources of Baileys commited in Master branch and native-mobile-api pull-request sources placed to separate branch. Also i have set up builds and published first release 5.1.0. Now the fork is going to be mantained by community. The fork is used in real project BASIS API so i'm being involved and fully interested in it's future. I'm hoping that community will help and join. Surely copyright belongs to @adiwajshing and I hope the author changes his mind and comes back one day. Since repository might be blocked we must be prepared. I'm going to create mirrors and use own git server. News are coming soon .But for now enjoy the 5.1.0. release!

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npm i @yard-team/baileys-mobile

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  • ripreal