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Expression Evaluation

String Expression with some variable and basic functions to be solved

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For code base, check out expression-evaluation.

⭐️ Features

  • Solve Text (type String) which may have some parameters using prepareDynamicValue `
  • Babel 7
  • Hot reloading (npm start)
  • UMD exports, so your library works everywhere.
  • Jest unit testing
  • Daily dependabot dependency updates

📦 Getting Started

git clone https://github.com/yashkk3640/expression-evaluation.git myLibrary
npm install

🚀 Deployment

  1. npm publish
  2. Your users can include your library as usual


import expressionEvaluate from '@yashkk3640/expression-evaluation';
/* or
// one or any of this as per your use case
import {
} from '@yashkk3640/expression-evaluation';
const exprWVariable = `Hello IF_ELSE(EQ($$user$$,Yash Khatri),Owner,$$user$$) ,\nWelcome to the coding world of Expression Evaluation! 🎉

We’re excited to have you here. $$repoName$$ repository is dedicated to solve string expression variables and basic functions. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, we hope you find this project engaging and useful.`

// If your code just have expression like `IF_ELSE(EQ($$user$$,Yash Khatri),Owner,$$user$$)` recommended to use `expressionResolver` instead of EVALUATE_EXPR_LINES
const solvedExpr = EVALUATE_EXPR_LINES(exprWVariable, {user:'Yash Khatri',repoName:"@yashkk3640/expression-evaluation"})
Output : 'Hello Owner,\nWelcome to the coding world of Expression Evaluation! 🎉\n\nWe’re excited to have you here. @yashkk3640/expression-evaluation repository is dedicated to solve string expression variables and basic functions. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, we hope you find this project engaging and useful.'


Exported Functions

Functions Name Type Default Export Description
expressionResolver FUNCTION Yes use to solve direct expression (string which just have Expression) Details
EVALUATE_EXPR_LINES FUNCTION No Use to solve paragraph kind of string (multiline strings) Details
validateFunction FUNCTION No Use to validate is given string expression valid or not, Details
renderExpression FUNCTION No Use to render expression with bold and italic text, Details
EXPRESSION_TABLE JSON No Json of all available functions with example and no of arguments require to call



expressionResolver evaluates a mathematical expression represented as a string and substitutes parameters for variables. This allows users to dynamically compute values based on provided inputs.


  • expression: string
    A string representing the expression to evaluate (e.g., ADD($$firstNum$$,$$secondNum$$)).

  • parameters: object
    An object containing key-value pairs for variable substitution (e.g., { firstNum: 100, secondNum: 150 }).


  • The result of the evaluated expression, which could be a number or a string. For example, 250 for the given inputs.


const expression = "ADD($$firstNum$$,$$secondNum$$)";
const parameters = { firstNum: 100, secondNum: 150 };

const result = expressionResolver(expression, parameters);
// Output: 250



EVALUATE_EXPR_LINES evaluates string expressions with dynamic variables. It replaces placeholders with actual values, making it useful for templating and content generation.


  • expressionLines: string
    A string containing expressions with placeholders (e.g., Hello IF_ELSE(EQ($$user$$,Yash Khatri),Owner,$$user$$),...).

  • parameters: object
    An object for variable substitution (e.g., { user: 'Yash Khatri', repoName: "@yashkk3640/expression-evaluation" }).


  • A string with function and variables replaced by their corresponding values.


const expression = `Hello IF_ELSE(EQ($$user$$,Yash Khatri),Owner,$$user$$),\nWelcome to the coding world of Expression Evaluation! 🎉...`;
const parameters = {
  user: "Yash Khatri",
  repoName: "@yashkk3640/expression-evaluation",

const result = EVALUATE_EXPR_LINES(expression, parameters);
// Output: 'Hello Owner,\nWelcome to the coding world of Expression Evaluation! 🎉...'



validateFunction is a JavaScript utility that validates function calls represented as strings. It checks for proper syntax, including bracket matching, valid function names, and the correct number of arguments.


  • strFunCall: string (default: "")
    The function call string to validate.

  • setMessage: function (default: (_) => _)
    A callback function to display validation messages.

  • strict: boolean (default: false)
    If true, enforces strict validation for function call expressions.


  • Returns true if the function call is valid.
  • Returns false if invalid, setting appropriate error messages via setMessage.


const functions = {
  myFunction: { noOfArgs: 2 },
  anotherFunction: { noOfArgs: 1 },

const setMessage = (msg) => console.log(msg);

const isValid = validateFunction("myFunction(arg1, arg2)", setMessage);
// Output: true

const isInvalid = validateFunction("myFunction(arg1)", setMessage);
// Output: Invalid number of arguments for myFunction. (needs 2)



renderExpression formats a given expression string by identifying variables and rendering them in HTML. Variables are displayed in bold and italicized text.


  • expr: string (default: "")
    The expression string containing variables to format.


  • An array of strings and formatted HTML elements, where variables are wrapped in <b> and <i> tags.


const VARIABLE_REGEX = /\$\$[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/g;

const expression = "$$variable1 is greater than $$variable2";
const rendered = renderExpression(expression);

/* Output: [
   "<b key='variable1'><i>variable1</i></b> is greater than ",
   "<b key='variable2'><i>variable2</i></b>"
 ] */
Function Description Example No of Arguments
Arithmetic Functions
ADD(Number1,Number2) Summation of two input numbers ADD(3,2) => 5 2
SUB(Number1,Number2) Subtraction of two input numbers SUB(3,2) => 1 2
MUL(Number1,Number2) Multiplication of two input numbers MUL(3,2) => 6 2
DIV(Number1,Number2) Division of two input numbers DIV(10,2) => 5 2
Relational Functions
EQ(Input1,Input2) Returns TRUE if Input 1 is equal to Input 2, else returns FALSE EQ(3,3) => true 2
NEQ(Input1,Input2) Returns TRUE if Input 1 is not equal to Input 2, else returns FALSE NEQ(3,3) => false 2
GT(Input1,Input2) Returns TRUE if Input 1 is greater than Input 2, else returns FALSE GT(3,2) => true 2
GTE(Input1,Input2) Returns TRUE if Input 1 is greater than or equal to Input 2, else returns FALSE GTE(3,2) => true 2
LT(Input1,Input2) Returns TRUE if Input 1 is less than Input 2, else returns FALSE LT(3,2) => false 2
LTE(Input1,Input2) Returns TRUE if Input 1 is less than or equal to Input 2, else returns FALSE LTE(3,2) => false 2
Logical Functions
AND(Condition1,Condition2) Returns TRUE if Condition1 and Condition2 are TRUE, else returns FALSE AND(true,false) => false 2
OR(Condition1,Condition2) Returns TRUE if Condition1 or Condition2 is TRUE, else returns FALSE OR(true,false) => true 2
NOT(Condition) Returns the Opposite of provided Condition NOT(true) => false 1
TRUE() Returns TRUE always (Has no inputs) TRUE() => true 0
Date Functions
DATE_GT(Date1,Date2) Returns TRUE if Is Date1 greater than Date2, else returns FALSE DATE_GT(today,today) => false 2
DATE_GTE(Date1,Date2) Returns TRUE if Is Date1 greater than or equal to Date2, else returns FALSE DATE_GTE(today,yesterday) => true 2
DATE_LT(Date1,Date2) Returns TRUE if Is Date1 less than Date2, else returns FALSE DATE_LT(yesterday,yesterday) => false 2
DATE_LTE(Date1,Date2) Returns TRUE if Is Date1 less than or equal to Date2, else returns FALSE DATE_LTE(yesterday,yesterday) => true 2
ADD_IN_DATE(InputDate,Number,UnitType) Returns a Date that is the result of InputDate + Number of Units (you can use years, quarters, months, weeks, days, hours and minutes) ADD_IN_DATE(yesterday,1,days) => today 3
NOW() Returns a Current Datetime NOW() => 2024-11-18T08:01:45-05:00 0
DATE_FORMAT(InputDate,Format) Return Date in specified format DATE_FORMAT(02-12-2021,MM/DD/YYYY) => 02/12/2021 2
Condition Function
IF_ELSE(Condition1,True_Result,False_Result) Returns True_Result if Condition1 is TRUE, else returns False_Result. Condition1 must result in a Boolean and True_Result and False_Result values can be boolean,numeric, or text IF_ELSE(true,4,3) => 4 3
NOT_EMPTY(variable) Returns TRUE if variable is not null (not empty) NOT_EMPTY(varWithoutValue) => false 1
EMPTY(variable) Returns TRUE if variable is null (empty) EMPTY(varWithoutValue) => true 1
String Function
CONCAT(String1,String2) Results in a string that is a combination of String1 and String2 CONCAT(fname,lname) => fnamelname 2
UPPERCASE(String) Results in a string that is all uppercase letters UPPERCASE(ticketNumber) => TICKETNUMBER 1
LOWERCASE(String) Results in a string that is all lowercase letters LOWERCASE(ticketNumber) => ticketnumber 1
CAMEL_TO_TITLE(String) Results in a string that in Title Case CAMEL_TO_TITLE(ticketNumber) => Ticket Number 1
CONTAINS(String1,String2) Returns TRUE if String2 is present in String1, or else FALSE CONTAINS(ticket number,ticket) => true 2
Special Function
PUSH Add element in Array PUSH(array,3) => [(all element array),3] 2
SUM Sum of Elements separated by ':' or Sum of property from Array by '::' SUM($$array$$::propertyName) 1

Happy coding! 🚀

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  • yashkk3640