import {Authenticator} from "2fauth-lib";
const passkey = "super secret";
const userId = 1; // Identifier can be anything
const auth = new Authenticator();
// creates the bcrypt hash and totp, you can of course create them yourself without this method
const hashAndTotp = await auth.CreateHashAndTotp(passkey);
// hashAndTotp = {passwordHash,totpKey}
// register the secrets so we don't have to pass them on each authentication call
// do some work getting the users input
const userProvidedPassword = "super secret";
const userProvidedTotpValue = 123456;
// won't work and returns undefined since totp is wrong but you get the gist of it here
const token = await auth.Authenticate(userId,userProvidedPassword,userProvidedTotpValue);
// if you did not register the secrets you can also opt to pass them into the optional parameters
const token = await auth.Authenticate(userId,userProvidedPassword,userProvidedTotpValue,{secrets : hashAndTotp});
// if you want to validate an auth token a user provided you can use :
// do some work to get the auth token
const userAuthToken = "Gibberish";
const authData = auth.CheckAuthToken(userAuthToken);
// authData = {id,timeAdded,timeExpires,usages} or undefined if not valid
// if you no longer wish to use an auth token you can expire it early
// or you can expire all auth tokens for a specific id
// if you want to remove a Secret from a user you can use
// if you want to check if the user has a secret you can use
if (auth.CheckIfSecretIsRegisterWithIdentifier(userId){
console.log("user has a secret");
The constructor of the Authenticator
class accepts an object as parameters, this object can have multiple properties, if they are not set the default is used.
- maxTokensPerId : Number, default : 10, minimum : 1
- expiryTimeS : Number, default : 604800 (1 week), minimum : 5
- bcryptHashRounds : Number, default : 12
- authTokenLength : Number, default : 32
- totpKeySize : Number, default : 32, minimum : 20