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1.3.0 • Public • Published

10Duke Identity and Entitlement client library for browser-based applications

Main features of this library are:

The client library currently covers basic use cases for license consumption and release.

The library uses the Fetch API for HTTP requests, and SubtleCrypto of Web Crypto API for computing PKCE hashes.

⚠️ SubtleCrypto requires using secure context (HTTPS)

localhost is considered a secure context, but with other hosts HTTPS is required


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This library is used by 10Duke Identity and Entitlement React sample client.

Basic usage, authentication

The example linked above gives a real-world example of how to use this client library. Examples of library usage for authentication are given below:

import { Authenticator } from "@10duke/web-client-pkce";
import { Authentication } from "@10duke/web-client-pkce";

// Create authenticator for OpenID Connect authentication and OAuth authorization
// against the 10Duke server
const authenticator = new Authenticator(
  new URL("https://10duke-account.example.com/user/oauth20/authz"),
  new URL("https://10duke-account.example.com/user/oauth20/token"),
  new URL("https://10duke-account.example.com/user/oauth20/signout"),
  new URL("https://10duke-account.example.com/.well-known/jwks.json"),
  new URL("https://my-client.example.com/logincb"),
  "openid profile email https://apis.10duke.com/auth/openidconnect/organization"

 * Start login against 10Duke. Browser is directed to 10Duke for login. When login
 * is complete, 10Duke returns the browser back to the client redirect_uri
 * ("https://my-client.example.com/logincb" in this example). As dictated by the
 * OpenID Connect spec, client is required to store some state for later use.
async function startLogin(state?: string): Promise<void> {
  const startLoginState = await authenticator.startLogin("MyState");
  localStorage.setItem("startLoginState", JSON.stringify(startLoginState));
  window.location.href = startLoginState.url.toString();

 * ...eventually browser is directed back to the client, and client needs to handle
 * OpenID Connect response from 10Duke. An example response URL:
 * https://my-client.example.com/logincb?code=abc123&state=MyState
 * In real life, this response handling would probably not be in the same
 * context / component / code file as starting the login.
 * See the sample projects for a real-life example.
 * @param code Authorization code received as "code" query parameter in
 *     the OpenID Connect response from the server
 * @param state State received as "state" query parameter in the OpenID Connect
 *     response from the server (optional, only included in the response if client
 *     specified state when starting login)
async function completeLogin(
  code: string,
  state: string
): Promise<Authentication> {
  // Read the state stored when starting login
  const storedLoginState = localStorage.getItem("startLoginState");
  const startLoginState = JSON.parse(storedLoginState) as StartLoginResponse;

  // Complete authentication by exchanging the code to an access token and ID token
  return await authenticator.completeAuthentication(

// completeLogin must be called with actual values read from the response URL.
// Here "abc123" and "MyState" represent values of "code" and "state" query parameters,
// respectively.
const authn = await completeLogin("abc123", "MyState");
// The Authentication object can now be used for accessing user details and
// OAuth access token, for example:
const email = authn.getUserEmail();
const accessToken = authn.getAccessToken();

Basic usage, licensing

The example linked above gives a real-world example of how to use this client library. Examples of library usage for licensing are given below:

import { LicenseChecker } from "@10duke/web-client-pkce";
import { LicenseCheckResult } from "@10duke/web-client-pkce";
import { LicenseReleaseResult } from "@10duke/web-client-pkce";

// Create license checker for checking, consuming and releasing licenses
const licenseChecker = new LicenseChecker(
  // accessToken received from the server (see the authentication / authorization example)
  new URL("https://10duke-account.example.com/authz"),
  new URL("https://10duke-account.example.com/.well-known/jwks.json"),
  // Optional hw parameter for identifying the client hardware, for example hash derived
  // from baseboard serial number. Can be omitted for browser applications.

 * Consumes license for the given licensed item.
 * @param licensedItem Name of licensed item to consume. Typically this is name of
 *    the client application or a licensed feature of the client application.
async function consumeLicense(
  licensedItem: string
): Promise<LicenseCheckResult> {
  return licenseChecker.consumeLicense(licensedItem);

// Here "MyCoolApp" represents name of the license to check
const licenseCheckResult = await consumeLicense("MyCoolApp");
const licenseGranted = licenseCheckResult.hasLicense("MyCoolApp");
const leaseId = licenseCheckResult.jti;

 * Releases an earlier consumed license.
 * @param leaseId Lease id received when consuming the license
async function releaseLicense(leaseId: string): Promise<LicenseReleaseResult> {
  return licenseChecker.releaseLicense(leaseId);

// Use the earlier received leaseId to release license
const licenseReleaseResult = await releaseLicense(leaseId);
const licenseReleased = licenseReleaseResult(leaseId);

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