TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.5.3 • Public • Published

Discovery - Highcharts

Produce by Kwh50


This plugin allows seamless integration between Discovery, a powerful tool distributed by SenX, and Highcharts, a popular JavaScript charting library. With this plugin, users can visualize data from Discovery dashboards directly in Highcharts, enabling rich and interactive data visualization capabilities.

⚠️ Warning: If you want to use this plugin for commercial purposes, you need to purchase a license here

Table of Contents


To install the plugin, run this command in your project:

npm install @_kwh50/discovery-highcharts highcharts

Getting Started

To use this plugin you have to import it in your page

  • In HTML
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/@_kwh50/discovery-highcharts@1.0.2/dist/discovery-highcharts/discovery-highcharts.esm.js" />
  • In Typescript
import "@_kwh50/discovery-highcharts";


To implement a Highcharts chart inside a Discovery dashboard, you need to specify the type of the tile :

'type' 'HC'

Then, you can pass your Highcharts chart definition in the options field. :

  • HTML
<discovery-dashboard url="https://warpcloud.senx.io/api/v0/exec" dashboard-title="Discovery - Highcharts" debug id="dash">
    Discovery definition here
    // Set HCOptions which correspond to Highcharts options
    document.getElementById('dash').setAttribute('options', JSON.stringify({
        HCParams: //Your Highcharts chart definition here
  • React
<discovery-dashboard url="https://warpcloud.senx.io/api/v0/exec" dashboard-title="Discovery - Highcharts">
        'title' 'Discovery - Highcharts'
        'description' 'Discovery dashboard using Highcharts'
        'tiles' [
                'title' 'Highcharts graph'
                'x' 0 'y' 0 'w' 12 'h' 3
                'type' 'HC'
                'options' {
                    'HCParams' `${Your Highcharts chart definition here}`
                'macro' <%
                    1 4 <% DROP 
                    NEWGTS 'g' STORE
                    1 10 <% 
                        'ts' STORE $g $ts RAND + STU * NOW + NaN NaN NaN RAND ADDVALUE DROP
                    %> FOR
                $g %> FOR STACKTOLIST 'data' STORE
                    'data' $data 


Here you can see an exemple in pure HTML and in React :

  • HTML
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=5.0" />
    <title>Stencil Component Starter</title>

    <!-- Import Discovery -->
    <script nomodule src="https://unpkg.com/@senx/discovery-widgets/dist/discovery/discovery.js"></script>
    <script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@senx/discovery-widgets/dist/discovery/discovery.esm.js"></script>

    <script type="module" src="/build/kwh50-discovery-highcharts.esm.js"></script>
    <script nomodule src="/build/kwh50-discovery-highcharts.js"></script>
    <discovery-dashboard url="https://warpcloud.senx.io/api/v0/exec" dashboard-title="Discovery - Highcharts" debug id="dash">
          'title' 'Discovery - Highcharts'
          'description' 'Discovery dashboard using Highcharts'
          'tiles' [
                  'title' 'Highcharts graph'
                  'x' 0 'y' 0 'w' 12 'h' 3
                  'type' 'HC'
                  'macro' <%
                      1 4 <% DROP 
                      NEWGTS 'g' STORE
                      1 10 <% 
                      'ts' STORE $g $ts RAND + STU * NOW + NaN NaN NaN RAND ADDVALUE DROP 
                      %> FOR
                      $g %> FOR STACKTOLIST 'data' STORE
                          'data' $data 
        // Set HCOptions which correspond to Highcharts options
        document.getElementById('dash').setAttribute('options', JSON.stringify({
          HCOptions: {
            chart: {
              type: 'area',
              animation: false,
            legend: {
              enabled: true,
            rangeSelector: {
              enabled: false
            xAxis: {
              type: 'datetime',
              title: {
                text: 'Time',
            yAxis: {
              title: {
                text: 'Value',
            series: [
              type: 'line',
              name: 'My custom serie',
              type: 'line',
              name: 'My other custom serie',
              type: 'line',
              name: 'An other one',
              type: 'line',
              name: 'And again...',
  • React
import React from 'react';
import "@senx/discovery-widgets/dist/discovery/discovery.esm.js";
import "@_kwh50/discovery-highcharts";
import "highcharts/highstock";

//declare the html tag discovery-dashboard
declare global {
    namespace JSX {
        interface IntrinsicElements {
            "discovery-dashboard": any;

function App() {

    return (
        <div className="App">
                dashboard-title="Discovery - Highcharts"
                    'title' 'Discovery - Highcharts'
                    'description' 'Discovery dashboard using Highcharts'
                    'tiles' [
                            'title' 'Highcharts graph'
                            'x' 0 'y' 0 'w' 12 'h' 3
                            'type' 'HC'
                            'options' {
                                'HCParams' '${JSON.stringify({
                                    chart: {
                                        type: "area",
                                        animation: false,
                                    legend: {
                                        enabled: true,
                                    rangeSelector: {
                                        enabled: false,
                                    xAxis: {
                                        type: "datetime",
                                        title: {
                                            text: "Time",
                                    yAxis: {
                                        title: {
                                            text: "Value",
                                    series: [
                                            type: "line",
                                            name: "My custom serie",
                                            type: "line",
                                            name: "My other custom serie",
                                            type: "line",
                                            name: "An other one",
                                            type: "line",
                                            name: "And again...",
                                } as Highcharts.Options)}'
                            'macro' <%
                                1 4 <% DROP 
                                NEWGTS 'g' STORE
                                1 10 <% 
                                'ts' STORE $g $ts RAND + STU * NOW + NaN NaN NaN RAND ADDVALUE DROP 
                                %> FOR
                                $g %> FOR STACKTOLIST 'data' STORE
                                    'data' $data 

export default App;


License powered by LGPL




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  • zukabriek
  • _kilowattheure50