
0.24.0 • Public • Published

Cicero Server

Exposes the Cicero Engine as a RESTful service.

Templates are loaded from a the root CICERO_DIR. Clauses may be instantiated by passing the JSON or MD (i.e. TXT) via the payload Body as, either, request, data, state, options or sample objects.

See below CURL examples for details.




npm install -g @accordproject/cicero-server --save


Assuming you cloned the Cicero template library in directory <cicero-template-library-dir>, you can start the server using:

export CICERO_DIR=<cicero-template-library-dir>/src

The default port for the server is 6001. You can set a different port as an environment variable CICERO_PORT.

Once the server is started, you can sent requests as follows:

Parse request

curl --request POST \
  --url http://localhost:6001/parse/latedeliveryandpenalty \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
	  "sample": "## Late Delivery and Penalty.\n\n In case of delayed delivery except for Force Majeure cases,\n\"Dan\" (the Seller) shall pay to \"Steve\" (the Buyer) for every 2 days\nof delay penalty amounting to 10.5% of the total value of the Equipment\nwhose delivery has been delayed. Any fractional part of a days is to be\nconsidered a full days. The total amount of penalty shall not however,\nexceed 55% of the total value of the Equipment involved in late delivery.\nIf the delay is more than 15 days, the Buyer is entitled to terminate this Contract." }

Draft request

curl --request POST \
  --url http://localhost:6001/draft/latedeliveryandpenalty \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "$class": "org.accordproject.latedeliveryandpenalty.LateDeliveryAndPenaltyContract",
    "buyer": "resource:org.accordproject.party.Party#Steve",
    "seller": "resource:org.accordproject.party.Party#Dan",
    "forceMajeure": true,
    "penaltyDuration": {
        "$class": "org.accordproject.time.Duration",
        "amount": 2,
        "unit": "days"
    "penaltyPercentage": 10.5,
    "capPercentage": 55,
    "termination": {
        "$class": "org.accordproject.time.Duration",
        "amount": 15,
        "unit": "days"
    "fractionalPart": "days",
    "contractId": "c538755a-6c9e-43ff-8767-f8915d0336a0",
    "$identifier": "c538755a-6c9e-43ff-8767-f8915d0336a0"
    "options": {
        "unquoteVariables": true

Trigger request

curl --request POST \
  --url http://localhost:6001/trigger/latedeliveryandpenalty \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "request": {
        "$class": "org.accordproject.latedeliveryandpenalty.LateDeliveryAndPenaltyRequest",
        "forceMajeure": false,
        "agreedDelivery": "December 17, 2017 03:24:00",
        "deliveredAt": null,
        "goodsValue": 200.00
    "state": {
        "$class": "org.accordproject.runtime.State",
        "$identifier": "81fc1750-a77b-11eb-9770-7ddd576a12c2"
    "data": {
        "$class": "org.accordproject.latedeliveryandpenalty.LateDeliveryAndPenaltyContract",
        "buyer": "resource:org.accordproject.party.Party#Steve",
        "seller": "resource:org.accordproject.party.Party#Dan",
        "forceMajeure": true,
        "penaltyDuration": {
            "$class": "org.accordproject.time.Duration",
            "amount": 2,
            "unit": "days"
        "penaltyPercentage": 10.5,
        "capPercentage": 55,
        "termination": {
            "$class": "org.accordproject.time.Duration",
            "amount": 15,
            "unit": "days"
        "fractionalPart": "days",
        "contractId": "c538755a-6c9e-43ff-8767-f8915d0336a0",
        "$identifier": "c538755a-6c9e-43ff-8767-f8915d0336a0"

Trigger request - Stateless (legacy)

Only supported for clauses or contracts without references to contract state

If the body contains an object with the properties 'state', then this is used as the contract state. If no 'state' property exists then no contract state is used.

Assuming you cloned the Cicero template library in directory <cicero-template-library-dir>:

curl --request POST \
  --url http://localhost:6001/trigger/latedeliveryandpenalty \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "request": {
        "$class": "org.accordproject.latedeliveryandpenalty.LateDeliveryAndPenaltyRequest",
        "forceMajeure": false,
        "agreedDelivery": "December 17, 2017 03:24:00",
        "deliveredAt": null,
        "goodsValue": 200.00
    "data": {
        "$class": "org.accordproject.latedeliveryandpenalty.LateDeliveryAndPenaltyContract",
        "buyer": "resource:org.accordproject.party.Party#Steve",
        "seller": "resource:org.accordproject.party.Party#Dan",
        "forceMajeure": true,
        "penaltyDuration": {
            "$class": "org.accordproject.time.Duration",
            "amount": 2,
            "unit": "days"
        "penaltyPercentage": 10.5,
        "capPercentage": 55,
        "termination": {
            "$class": "org.accordproject.time.Duration",
            "amount": 15,
            "unit": "days"
        "fractionalPart": "days",
        "contractId": "c538755a-6c9e-43ff-8767-f8915d0336a0",
        "$identifier": "c538755a-6c9e-43ff-8767-f8915d0336a0"


Accord Project source code files are made available under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (Apache-2.0), located in the LICENSE file. Accord Project documentation files are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY-4.0), available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

© 2017-2019 Clause, Inc.

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