AdonisJs Vow Browser Browser client for AdonisJs test runner
Vow is the testing engine for AdonisJs and this repo contains the browser client for it.
- Built on top of Google Puppeteer
- Offers seamless API to run tests in chromium.
- Uses AdonisJs eco-system to make testing assertions easier.
You can install the package from npm.
adonis install @adonisjs/vow-browser
Basic Usage
// add trait
test('visit home page', async ({ browser }) => {
const page = await browser.visit('/')
await page.assertHas('AdonisJs')
Moving Forward
Checkout the official documentation at the AdonisJs website for more info.
Tests are written using japa. Run the following commands to run tests.
npm run test:local
# report coverage
npm run test
# on windows
npm run test:win
Release History
Checkout CHANGELOG.md file for release history.
AdonisJs – @adonisframework – virk@adonisjs.com
Checkout LICENSE.txt for license information
Harminder Virk (Aman) - https://github.com/thetutlage