's sdk
currently supported:
- typescript
- openapi
- javascript's joi runtime types the server uses for validating request and response data
npm install --save @affixapi/api
- c# / .NET
npx openapi-generator-cli generate -i docs/openapi.json --additional-properties=targetFramework=netcoreapp3.1 -o ./csharp -g csharp-netcore
$ npx openapi-generator-cli list
The following generators are available:
CLIENT generators:
- ada
SERVER generators:
- ada-server
- asciidoc
SCHEMA generators:
- graphql-schema
CONFIG generators:
- apache2
and options:
$ npx openapi-generator-cli config-help -g csharp-netcore
The target .NET framework version. To target multiple frameworks, use `;` as the separator, e.g. `netstandard2.1;netcoreapp3.0` (Default: netstandard2.0)
netstandard1.3 - .NET Standard 1.3 compatible
netstandard1.4 - .NET Standard 1.4 compatible
netstandard1.5 - .NET Standard 1.5 compatible
netstandard1.6 - .NET Standard 1.6 compatible
netstandard2.0 - .NET Standard 2.0 compatible
netstandard2.1 - .NET Standard 2.1 compatible
netcoreapp2.0 - .NET Core 2.0 compatible
netcoreapp2.1 - .NET Core 2.1 compatible
netcoreapp3.0 - .NET Core 3.0 compatible
netcoreapp3.1 - .NET Core 3.1 compatible
net47 - .NET Framework 4.7 compatible
net5.0 - .NET 5.0 compatible