
3.5.0 • Public • Published


Node.js client module which provides an interface for communicating with ANGRO NAV CLOUD invoice services.

This module was developed in order to satisfy the following specification:
Online invoice interface specification


Tested with version 12.13.1 of Node.js.

$ npm install @angro/nav-client-node


const ApiClient = require("@angro/nav-client-node");

/* Import classes if needed for invoice management */
const {
} = require("@angro/nav-client-node").util;

/* Your credentials */
const userId = "cc869f48-5f47-466c-ac8d-d1c015bab80c";
const secretToken = "eb19924b-0c15-4a1b-b301-ef178796f399";

/* Create the node client interface. */

const apiClient = new ApiClient(userId, secretToken);

const taxNumber = "12345676";
const taxPayerInfo = await apiClient.getTaxpayer({ taxNumber });

if (taxPayerInfo.errors.length) {
} else {



Class representing the implementation of the ANGRO NAV cloud client

 * @param {string} userId - ID of your user
 * @param {string} secretToken - Corresponding secret token
 * @param {number} [params.timeout=70000] Axios default timeout integer in milliseconds.
const apiClient = new ApiClient(userId, secretToken);

Set different axios timeout if needed

const apiClient = new ApiClient(userId, secretToken, 70000);


Method to get taxpayer information by tax number.
It resolves to an object containing taxpayerValidity and taxpayerData properties.

 * Send request to ANGRO NAV CLOUD to return taxpayer information
 * @async
 * @param {Object} params Function params.
 * @param {string} params.taxNumber Taxpayer tax number to get information for.
 * @returns {Promise<Object>} Taxpayer information.
const taxPayerInfo = await apiClient.getTaxpayer({ taxNumber });


Get all invoices associated with the user. It resolves to an object containing invoices and their invoice items if needed.

 * Send request to ANGRO NAV CLOUD to return invoices information
 * @async
 * @param {Object} params Function params.
 * @param {boolean} [params.requestItems=false] If true, associated items will be returned with invoices
 * @returns {Promise<Object>} All invoices
const invoices = await apiClient.getInvoices();


Get a specific invoice associated with the user. It resolves to an object containing the invoice and it's invoice items and data/status from NAV if needed You can only specify requestNavData or requestNavStatus to be true but not both

 * Send request to ANGRO NAV CLOUD to return specific invoice information
 * @async
 * @param {Object} params Function params.
 * @param {string} params.id The id of the invoice
 * @param {boolean} [params.requestNavData=false] If true invoice data from NAV will be returned
 * @param {boolean} [params.requestNavStatus=false] If true invoice status from NAV will be returned
 * @returns {Promise<Object>} Invoice information

const id = "d70c7ff5-2d9a-41ce-8b14-d9cefed21bb7";
const invoice = await apiClient.getInvoice({ id });


Method to create an invoice. The method returns the id of the operation which can be used later to get the invoice of this request.

 * Send request to create an invoice
 * @async
 * @param {Object} params Function params
 * @param {Invoice} params.payload Invoice payload
 * @returns {Promise<string>} Invoice id

const invoice = await apiClient.createInvoice(payload);

Example for payload parameter:

const spinfo = {
  taxpayerId: "68845007",
  vatCode: "2",
  countyCode: "41",
  name: "ANGRO Kft.",
  countryCode: "HU",
  postalCode: "5600",
  city: "Békéscsaba",
  streetName: "Kétegyházi",
  publicPlaceCategory: "út.",
  number: "7"

const csinfo = {
  taxpayerId: "12345676",
  vatCode: "1",
  countyCode: "31",
  name: "Vevő Kft.",
  countryCode: "HU",
  postalCode: "5600",
  city: "Békéscsaba",
  streetName: "Tompa",
  publicPlaceCategory: "u.",
  number: "7"

const invoiceDetail = {
  invoiceNumber: "INV-201901",
  invoiceCategory: "NORMAL",
  invoiceIssueDate: "2019-11-12",
  invoiceDeliveryDate: "2019-11-12",
  currencyCode: "HUF",
  exchangeRate: 1,
  paymentMethod: "TRANSFER",
  paymentDate: "2019-11-12",
  invoiceAppearance: "PAPER"
const invoiceLine = {
  lineNumber: 1,
  lineExpressionIndicator: true,
  lineDescription: "BOMBA TOP",
  quantity: 1.2,
  unitOfMeasure: "PIECE",
  unitPrice: 121.12,
  discountValue: 7.26,
  discountRate: 0.05,
  lineNetAmount: 138.12,
  vatPercentage: 0.27

const payload = {
  supplierInfo: spInfo,
  customerInfo: csinfo,
  invoiceDetail: invoiceDetail,
  invoiceLines: [invoiceLine],
  invoiceNumber: "INV-2020-K",
  invoiceIssueDate: "2020-11-12",
  completenessIndicator: false | true,
  mergedItemIndicator: false | true


Method to storno an invoice. The method returns the id of the operation which can be used later to get the invoice of this request.

 * Send request to storno an invoice
 * @async
 * @param {Object} params Function params
 * @param {string} id the id of the invoice
 * @param {Invoice} params.payload Invoice payload
 * @returns {Promise<string>} Invoice id

const stornoInvoice = await apiClient.stornoInvoice({id, payload});

Example for payload parameter:

const spinfo = {
  taxpayerId: "68845007",
  vatCode: "2",
  countyCode: "41",
  name: "ANGRO Kft.",
  countryCode: "HU",
  postalCode: "5600",
  city: "Békéscsaba",
  streetName: "Kétegyházi",
  publicPlaceCategory: "út.",
  number: "7"

const csinfo = {
  taxpayerId: "12345676",
  vatCode: "1",
  countyCode: "31",
  name: "Vevő Kft.",
  countryCode: "HU",
  postalCode: "5600",
  city: "Békéscsaba",
  streetName: "Tompa",
  publicPlaceCategory: "u.",
  number: "7"

const payload = {
  supplierInfo: spinfo,
  customerInfo: csinfo,


Method to modify an invoice. The method returns the id of the operation which can be used later to get the invoice of this request.

 * Send request to modify an invoice
 * @async
 * @param {Object} params Function params
 * @param {string} id the id of the invoice
 * @param {Invoice} params.payload Invoice payload
 * @returns {Promise<string>} Invoice id

const modifyInvoice = await apiClient.modifyInvoice({id, payload});

Example for modify invoice parameter:

const spinfo = {
  taxpayerId: "68845007",
  vatCode: "2",
  countyCode: "41",
  name: "ANGRO Kft.",
  countryCode: "HU",
  postalCode: "5600",
  city: "Békéscsaba",
  streetName: "Kétegyházi",
  publicPlaceCategory: "út.",
  number: "7"

const csinfo = {
  taxpayerId: "12345676",
  vatCode: "1",
  countyCode: "31",
  name: "Vevő Kft.",
  countryCode: "HU",
  postalCode: "5600",
  city: "Békéscsaba",
  streetName: "Tompa",
  publicPlaceCategory: "u.",
  number: "7"

const invoiceLine = {
      lineExpressionIndicator: true,
      lineDescription: "HELL 250ML",
      quantity: 10,
      unitOfMeasure: "PIECE",
      unitPrice: 100,
      discountValue: 10,
      discountRate: 10,
      lineNetAmount: 900,
      lineNetAmountHUF: 900,
      vatPercentage: 0.27,

const payload = {
  supplierInfo: spInfo,
  customerInfo: csinfo,
  invoiceLines: [invoiceLine],


Method for invoice annulment. The method returns the id of the operation which can be used later to get the annulment of this request.

 * Send request for invoice annulment
 * @async
 * @param {Object} params Function params
 * @param {string} id the id of the invoice
 * @param {Annulment} params.payload Annulment class instance
 * @returns {Promise<string>} Annulment id

const annulInvoice = await apiClient.annulInvoice({id, payload});

Example for annul parameter:

const payload = {
  annulmentCode: "ERRATIC_DATA",
  annulmentReason: "test"


Method for resending invoices in case of errors. The method returns the id of the operation which can be used later to get the invoice of this request.

 * @async
 * @param {string} id the id of the invoice
 * @param {Invoice} params.payload Invoice customerInfo and supplierInfo payload
 * @returns {Promise<string>} Invoice id
const resentInvoice = await apiClient.resendInvoice({id,payload});

Error handling

All methods returns an object with an errors array, if it's not empty that means an errror occured.

const taxPayerInfo = await apiClient.getTaxpayer({ taxNumber });

if (taxPayerInfo.errors.length) {
  //handle errors, more info about them is stored inside the array
} else {
  //everything is fine, you can continue


$ npm run test


This repository is maintained by ANGRO Nagykereskedelmi Kft.



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  • rokszinrokko
  • barna.patrik