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anon-aadhaar-react is a React component library to embed the anon-aadhaar protocol in your project, and let you verify that a user has a regular Aadhaar ID, by generating ZKProofs in the client.

🛠️ Installation

Install anon-aadhaar-react with npm

  npm install @anon-aadhaar/react

Install anon-aadhaar-react with yarn

  yarn add @anon-aadhaar/react

📜 Usage


AnonAadhaarProvider for the AnonAadhaarContext. It manages the authentication state, login requests, and communication with the proving component. This provider initializes the authentication state from local storage on page load and handles updates to the state when login requests are made and when new proofs are received.

import { AnonAadhaarProvider } from '@anon-aadhaar/react'

export default function App({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return (
    // Add the Anon Aadhaar Provider at the root of your app
      <Component {...pageProps} />
Parameter Description Default Value
_useTestAadhaar Optional. A boolean flag to determine the usage of test or real Aadhaar data. false
_artifactslinks Optional. Links of your own custom artifacts. By defaults it will be set to Anon Aadhaar production files. undefined


useAnonAadhaar() is a custom React hook that facilitates access to the Anon Aadhaar authentication state and a method to initiate login requests. This hook is specifically designed for use in components nested within AnonAadhaarProvider.

The hook returns an array containing:

  1. AnonAadhaarState: An object representing the current authentication state, which includes:
    • status: Indicates the current authentication status, which can be:
      • "logged-out": The user is not logged in.
      • "logging-in": The login process is underway.
      • "logged-in": The user is successfully logged in.
    • When status is "logged-in", AnonAadhaarState also includes:
      • serializedAnonAadhaarProof: The serialized proof of the Anon Aadhaar authentication.
      • anonAadhaarProof: The actual Anon Aadhaar proof object.
  2. startReq: A function to trigger the login process.
const [AnonAadhaar] = useAnonAadhaar()

useEffect(() => {
  console.log('Country Identity status: ', AnonAadhaar.status)
}, [AnonAadhaar])

<LogInWithAnonAadhaar />

<LogInWithAnonAadhaar nullifierSeed={1234} />

LogInWithAnonAadhaar provides a user interface for logging in and logging out using the AnonAadhaarContext.

Parameter Description Default Value Optional
signal A unique identifier used to trigger the proof generation process. undefined Yes
fieldsToReveal Specifies which fields should be revealed during the process. undefined Yes
nullifierSeed A unique number used to generate a nullifier for the proof. undefined No


Description: verifySignature is a function that authenticates digital signatures on Aadhaar data. It operates by converting string data into a byte array and then decompressing it to extract the signature and the signed data. A public key, fetched from UIDAI's server, is used to verify the authenticity of the signature.


const isValidSignature = await verifySignature(qrData, useTestAadhaar)


  • qrData: A string representation of the Aadhaar QR code data to be verified.
  • useTestAadhaar: Boolean flag to toggle between test and real Aadhaar data.

Returns: A promise resolving to a boolean indicating the validity of the signature.


Description: The proveAndSerialize function generates SNARK proofs using the Anon Aadhaar proving system. It takes AnonAadhaarArgs as input and returns a promise with the generated proof (AnonAadhaarCore) and its serialized form.


const { anonAadhaarProof, serialized } =
  await proveAndSerialize(anonAadhaarArgs)


  • anonAadhaarArgs: Arguments required to generate the anonAadhaarProof.

Returns: A promise that resolves to an object containing the generated anonAadhaarProof and its serialized form.


Description: processAadhaarArgs processes QR data to create arguments needed for proof generation in the Anon Aadhaar system.


const anonAadhaarArgs = await processAadhaarArgs(qrData, useTestAadhaar)


  • qrData: A string representation of the Aadhaar QR code data to be verified.
  • useTestAadhaar: Boolean flag to toggle between test and real Aadhaar data.

Returns: A promise resolving to the AnonAadhaarArgs object, which contains parameters needed for proof generation.


The LaunchProveModal component offers a seamless interface for users to initiate the proof generation process and bypass the conventional authentication flow. It leverages the AnonAadhaarContext to manage the initiation and completion of the zero-knowledge proof generation, enhancing user privacy and security.

import { LaunchProveModal } from '@anon-aadhaar/react'

function YourComponent() {
  return (
        buttonStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'blue', color: 'white' }}
        buttonTitle="Generate a proof"
Parameter Description Default Value Optional
signal A unique identifier used to trigger the proof generation process. undefined Yes
buttonStyle CSS properties to customize the appearance of the button. {} Yes
buttonTitle Text displayed on the button to indicate the action to the user. 'Generate a proof' Yes
fieldsToReveal Specifies which fields should be revealed during the process. undefined Yes
nullifierSeed A unique number used to generate a nullifier for the proof. undefined No

This component simplifies the user interaction by providing a single button that, when clicked, opens the proof generation modal window.

useProver Hook

import { useProver } from '@anon-aadhaar/react'

function YourComponent() {
  const [proverState, anonAadhaarCore] = useProver()

  // Use proverState and anonAadhaarCore as needed
Return Value Description
ProverState The current state of the proof generation processwith relevant state details.
AnonAadhaarCore Represents the deserialized proof of authentication, if available, indicating a successful proof generation. Otherwise, it is undefined.




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  • sinaxyz