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1.0.3 • Public • Published


An Infinite Scroll calendar in react and typescript. React js Infinite scrolling date-picker, with multiple select, single select, inifinte scrolling, min and max date, and more..


  • Infinite scroll – Just keep scrollin', just keep scrollin'
  • Typescript Support
  • Flexible – Min/max date, disabled dates, selected dates, etc.
  • Extensible – Multiple date selection, Single Date Selection
  • Customizeable – Customize Css according to your theme.
  • Mobile-friendly – Silky smooth scrolling on mobile

Getting Started


npm install @anvikjs/react-infinite-scroll-calendar


Step 1

npm install @anvikjs/react-infinite-scroll-calendar

Step 2

import InfiniteScrollCalendar from "@anvikjs/react-infinite-scroll-calendar";

Step 3

         renderMinDate={new Date(2022, 0, 1)}
        renderMaxDate={new Date(2022, 11, 31)}
        handleDateSelect={(date) => {

Prop Types

Property Type Default Description
calendarWidth Number 450 Width of the calendar, in pixels
calendarHeight Number 600 Height of the calendar, in pixels
renderMinDate Date The minimum month that can be scrolled to, If inifinite scroll is true, then its disabled all dates before renderMinDate
renderMaxDate Date The maximum date that can be scrolled to, If inifinite scroll is true, then its disabled all dates after renderMaxDate
visibleDate Date The date is to be visible when calendar initinal render
inifinityScroll Bool true Allow calendar to scroll inifinte times.
isMultipleSelect Bool false Allow to select multiple dates
disabledDates Array [] Array of dates that should be disabled. For example: ["18-11-2024"]
selectedDates Array [] Array of dates that should be selected. for example ["19-11-2024"]
handleDateSelect Function Callback invoked after date is selected.
calendarContainerClass String '' Class thats add to the main container of Calendar.
calendarHeaderContainerClass String '' Class thats add to ther header container of Calendar.
calendarDateContainerClass String '' Class thats add to the date container of Calendar

Reporting Issues

If you find an issue, please report it along with any relevant details to reproduce it. Its is a great help to improving the packages

Future Release

  • Date Range Selection
  • Horizontal Scroll
  • Customized Month To Render


React Infinite Calendar has very few dependencies. It relies on date-fns. It also has the following peerDependencies: react.


We welcome contributions to the project! If you have any suggestions or would like to improve the calendar, feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. Please follow these guidelines:

  • Ensure that your code follows the existing style and structure of the project.
  • Write clear and concise commit messages.
  • Add relevant tests for new features or bug fixes.

To contribute, please fork the repository and create a new branch for your feature or fix:

    git checkout -b feature-name

Once you're done, push your changes to your fork and create a pull request.


[Kawal Jain]


  • Thanks to all the contributors for helping make this project better!
  • Inspired by the need for a smooth calendar experience in React-based web applications.


@anvikjs/react-infinite-scroll-calendar is available under the MIT License.

Feel free to reach out to me for questions, suggestions, or support.

Happy coding! 👨‍💻👩‍💻

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  • anvikjs