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1.0.4-2 • Public • Published

Anzens' Client API

How to publish it to the NPM repository

Pre conditions

The file swagger.json MUST exist in the root folder of the project and it MUST contain a valid Swagger spec.

Manul Releasing

  1. Create a new branch with the version that you want to be based on the branch that is ready to production git checkout -b release/v1.0.0 main or git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "Release 1.0.0"
  2. Push your new branch git push origin --follow-tags
  3. Prepare the version by running npx release-it --ci --increment (major|minor|patch|pre)
  1. It will bump the package.json version
  2. It will push the branch to your current upstream
  3. It will provide a link to create the release on the Github web interface. I.e 🔗 https://github.com/Emurgo/sc-services/releases/new?tag=v1.0.3&title=Release+1.0.3&body=*+chore%3A+release+it+%28a731ba2%29%0A*+Merge+pull+request+%231+from+stackchain%2F1.0.3-rc.1+%28e44a317%29%0A*+feature%28ci%29%3A+pipelines+%28b0f8e46%29&prerelease=false

When creating the release on Github web interface or via cli gh the option Pre-release MUST be checked, if the build version is tagged as beta, canary or rc, otherwise it will cause the Github workflow to fail when matching the version of the package.json against the release version. This will force having the appropriate package version on the NPM repository and on the Github.

The same rule above should be applied when creating a production version, the Pre-release options MUST NOT be checked.

The workflow will start the process of building and deploying it, only after the release is published (no longer set as a draft).

Post conditions

  • New tag with the new version
  • New branch tagged with the tag above
  • New release using the tag above

On success

  • The workflow is green
  • The new version is published on NPM repository

On error

  • The workflow is red
  • The package was not published

Not covered

Hotfixes for old versions won't work with this pipeline. It will need to be published manually.

Merge the release

The branch created in this process won't be merged automatically.




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  • drkost
  • stackchain