Dubbo is a family of libraries for building and consuming APIs on different languages and platforms, and @apachedubbo/dubbo brings type-safe APIs with Protobuf to TypeScript.
provides a plugin for Next.js,
the React Framework for the Web.
Provide your Dubbo RPCs via Next.js API routes. To enable Dubbo in Next.js, add two files to your project:
├── connect.ts
└── pages
└── api
└── [[...connect]].ts
is where you register your RPCs:
// connect.ts
import { DubboRouter } from "@apachedubbo/dubbo";
export default function(router: DubboRouter) {
// implement rpc Say(SayRequest) returns (SayResponse)
router.rpc(ElizaService, ElizaService.methods.say, async (req) => ({
sentence: `you said: ${req.sentence}`,
is a Next.js catch-all API route:
// pages/api/[[..connect]].ts
import { nextJsApiRouter } from "@apachedubbo/dubbo-next";
import routes from "../../connect";
const {handler, config} = nextJsApiRouter({ routes });
export {handler as default, config};
With that server running, you can make requests with any Dubbo or gRPC-Web client.
Note that Next.js serves all your RPCs with the /api
with the Dubbo protocol:
curl \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"sentence": "I feel happy."}' \
--http2-prior-knowledge \
Node.js with the gRPC-web protocol (using a transport from @apachedubbo/dubbo-node):
import { createPromiseClient } from "@apachedubbo/dubbo";
import { createGrpcWebTransport } from "@apachedubbo/dubbo-node";
import { ElizaService } from "./gen/eliza_dubbo.js";
const transport = createGrpcWebTransport({
baseUrl: "http://localhost:3000/api",
httpVersion: "1.1",
const client = createPromiseClient(ElizaService, transport);
const { sentence } = await client.say({ sentence: "I feel happy." });
console.log(sentence) // you said: I feel happy.
A client for the web browser actually looks identical to this example - it would
simply use createDubboTransport
from @apachedubbo/dubbo-web
Note that support for gRPC is limited, since many gRPC clients require HTTP/2,
and Express does not support the Node.js http2
Deploying to Vercel
Currently, @apachedubbo/dubbo-next
does not support the Vercel Edge runtime.
It requires the Node.js server runtime, which is used by default when deploying
to Vercel.
Getting started
To get started with Dubbo, head over to the docs for a tutorial, or take a look at our example.