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api.video media recorder

npm ts

api.video is the video infrastructure for product builders. Lightning fast video APIs for integrating, scaling, and managing on-demand & low latency live streaming features in your app.

Table of contents

Project description

Typescript library to easily upload data from a MediaStream to api.video. It can be used to upload a video to api.video from the user's webcam with ease, as well as from a screen recording.

Getting started


Installation method #1: requirejs

If you use requirejs you can add the library as a dependency to your project with

$ npm install --save @api.video/media-recorder

You can then use the library in your script:

var { ApiVideoMediaRecorder } = require('@api.video/media-recorder');

var recorder = new ApiVideoMediaRecorder(mediaStream, {
    uploadToken: "YOUR_DELEGATED_TOKEN"
    // ... other optional options

Installation method #2: typescript

If you use Typescript you can add the library as a dependency to your project with

$ npm install --save @api.video/media-recorder

You can then use the library in your script:

import { ApiVideoMediaRecorder } from '@api.video/media-recorder'

const recorder = new ApiVideoMediaRecorder(mediaStream, {file: files[0],
    uploadToken: "YOUR_DELEGATED_TOKEN"
    // ... other optional options

Simple include in a javascript project

Include the library in your HTML file like so:

    <script src="https://unpkg.com/@api.video/media-recorder" defer></script>

Then, once the window.onload event has been trigered, create your player using new ApiVideoMediaRecorder():

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    const recorder = new ApiVideoMediaRecorder(mediaStream, {
        uploadToken: "YOUR_DELEGATED_TOKEN"
    // ...
    recorder.stop().then((video) => console.log(video));




The media recorder object is instantiated using a MediaStream and an options object. Options to provide depend on the way you want to authenticate to the API: either using a delegated upload token (recommanded), or using a usual access token.

Using a delegated upload token (recommended):

Using delegated upload tokens for authentication is best options when uploading from the client side. To know more about delegated upload token, read the dedicated article on api.video's blog: Delegated Uploads.

Option name Mandatory Type Description
uploadToken yes string your upload token
videoId no string id of an existing video
common options (see bellow)
Using an access token (discouraged):

Warning: be aware that exposing your access token client-side can lead to huge security issues. Use this method only if you know what you're doing :).

Option name Mandatory Type Description
accessToken yes string your access token
videoId yes string id of an existing video
common options (see bellow)
Common options
Option name Mandatory Type Description
apiHost no string api.video host (default: ws.api.video)
retries no number number of retries when an API call fails (default: 5)
videoName no string the name of your recorded video (overrides the default "file" name)


    const mediaRecorder = new ApiVideoMediaRecorder(myMediaStream, {
        uploadToken: "YOUR_DELEGATED_TOKEN",
        retries: 10,


start(options?: { timeslice?: number })

The start() method starts the upload of the content retrieved from the MediaStream. It takes an optionnal options parameter.

Option name Mandatory Type Description
timeslice no (default: 5000) number The number of milliseconds to record into each Blob.


    // ... mediaRecorder instantiation

    // or, with a 2 seconds timeslice:
    // mediaRecorder.start({ timeslice: 2000 });

stop(): Promise<VideoUploadResponse>

The start() method stops the media recording. It upload the last part of content retrieved from the MediaStream (this will start the aggregation of the video parts on the api.video side). It takes no parameter. It returns a Promise that resolves with the newly created video.

addEventListener(event: string, listener: Function)

Define an event listener for the media recorder. The following events are available:

  • "error": when an error occurs
  • "recordingStopped": when the recording is stopped
  • "videoPlayable": when the video is playable


    // ... mediaRecorder instantiation

    mediaRecorder.addEventListener("error", (event) => {

getMediaRecorderState(): RecordingState

Return the state of the underlaying MediaRecorder. The state can be one of the following: inactive, paused, recording.


    // ... mediaRecorder instantiation

        .then(video => console.log(video));

Full example

        <script src="../dist/index.js"></script>
            #container {
                display: flex;
                flex-direction: column;
                align-items: center;
            #video {
                width: 640;
                height: 480;
                border: 1px solid gray;
            #container div {
                margin: 10px 0;

        <div id="container">
                <video id="video"></video>
                <button id="start" disabled>start recording</button>
                <button id="stop" disabled>stop recording</button>
                <p>Video link: <span id="video-link"><i>will be displayed when the recording is finished</i></span></p>
            const video = document.querySelector('#video');
            const startButton = document.getElementById("start");
            const stopButton = document.getElementById("stop");
            const videoLink = document.getElementById("video-link");
            let stream, recorder;

            var constraints = window.constraints = {
                audio: true,
                video: true

            navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints).then((s) => {
                stream = s;
                video.srcObject = s;
                startButton.disabled = false;

            document.getElementById("start").addEventListener("click", () => {
                recorder = new ApiVideoMediaRecorder(stream, {
                    uploadToken: "UPLOAD_TOKEN"
                startButton.disabled = true;
                stopButton.disabled = false;

            document.getElementById("stop").addEventListener("click", () => {
                startButton.disabled = false;
                stopButton.disabled = true;

                recorder.stop().then(v => videoLink.innerHTML = v.assets.player);



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