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19.0.1 • Public • Published


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Contracts through which API3 services are delivered

This package provides the tools to integrate data feeds that can be found at the API3 Market. The typical workflow is as follows:

  1. Purchase data feed subscriptions and get the respective proxy addresses at the API3 Market
  2. Use the proxy address computation utility function provided by this package (computeCommunalApi3ReaderProxyV1Address()) to validate the proxy addresses being used
  3. Use the proxy contract interfaces provided by this package in the reader contract, as demonstrated in https://github.com/api3dao/data-feed-reader-example

A more complete list of what this package includes is as follows:

  • All contracts that facilitate API3 data feed services, including OEV auctions
  • @typechain/ethers-v6 typings of these contracts
  • Addresses of the API3 deployments of these contracts
  • Proxy address computation utility functions


We have conducted 10+ audits of our contracts and their off-chain components. Below are the reports of the ones that are directly related to the contracts in this repo (or in some cases, earlier versions of them).

For bug reports, contact security@api3.org

Developer instructions

Install the dependencies and build

pnpm i && pnpm build

Test the contracts, get coverage and gas reports

pnpm test
pnpm test:extended
# Outputs to `./coverage`
pnpm test:coverage
# Outputs to `gas_report`
pnpm test:gas

Verify that the vendor contracts are identical to the ones from their respective packages.

pnpm verify-vendor-contracts

Check the local files containing metadata

pnpm check

Verify the deployments and validate their current state

# on all chains
pnpm verify-deployments
# or a single chain
NETWORK=ethereum pnpm verify-deployments
# on all chains
pnpm validate-deployments
# or a single chain
NETWORK=ethereum pnpm validate-deployments

Package Sidebar


npm i @api3/contracts

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  • aquarat
  • dcroote
  • bbenligiray
  • siegrift