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0.0.6 • Public • Published

Appear JS introspector

Unlock the full potential of your existing APIs @ Appear.sh

Appear is a API development platform that helps companies understand, improve and manage their internal APIs.

This JS introspector is a tool that listens to both incoming and outgoing traffic in JS runtime (browser, node) and detects the shape (schema) of it and reports this schema to Appear platform where it's further merged, processed and analyzed.

Because it reports only schema of the traffic it never sends any actual content of the data nor PII.


  1. Install using your favourite package manager
    npm i @appear.sh/introspector
    yarn add @appear.sh/introspector
    pnpm add @appear.sh/introspector
  2. In entrypoint of your service initialise the introspector
      // you can obtain your reporting key in keys section in Appear settings
      // reporting keys have only the permission to report schema and can't read any data, so are safe to be sent to browser.
      apiKey: "your-api-key",
      // environment can be any string that identifies environment data are reported from.
      // Often used as "production" or "staging", however if you're using some form of ephemeral farm feel free to use it's identifier
      environment: process.env.NODE_ENV,
  3. you're done, now you can login into app.appear.sh and see what's being reported


export interface AppearConfig {
  /** API key used for reporting */
  apiKey: string
  /** environment where the report is sent from */
  environment: string
   * flag you can use to disable introspector completely
   * useful if you don't want to report in certain environments
   * @default true
  enabled?: boolean

  /** configuration of how often and where are data reported */
  reporting?: {
     * endpoint reports are sent to, useful if you want to audit what data are reported
     * simple audit can be done by navigating to https://public.requestbin.com/r which will give you endpoint url you can paste here and see in the debugger all traffic
     * @default https://api.appear.sh/v1/reports
    endpoint?: string
     * interval how often are batches sent
     * `0` means that reports are sent immidiately
     * @default 5
    batchIntervalSeconds?: number
    /** number of items in batch before it reports them
     * report can be triggered be either time or size depending on what happens first
     * every schema is reported only once
     * `0` means batching is disabled and reports are sent immidiately
     * @default 10
    batchSize?: number

  interception?: {
     * disables XHR introspection hook which may introduce noise in some situations
     * @default false
    disableXHR?: boolean
     * Optional function that allows to filter what request/response pair is getting analyzed and reported
     * @default (req, req, config) => req.destination === "" && request.url !== config.reporting.endpoint
    filter?: (
      request: Request,
      response: Response,
      config: ResolvedAppearConfig,
    ) => boolean

Framework specific integrations

Not all services are deployed as a node applications. If that applies to you, you can either use one of pre-built integrations, or write your own adapter.

RedwoodJS at vercel

  1. Create a file where you can instantiate Appear, for example: api/src/withAppear.ts
// withAppear.ts
import { createVercelMiddleware } from "@appear.sh/introspector/integrations/redwoodjs"

export const withAppear = createVercelMiddleware({
  // api key you can obtain at https://app.appear.sh/settings
  apiKey: "your-api-key",
  // any identifier of enviroment you prefer, we recommend to at least separate production/staging/development. The more granular the better
  environment: process.env.NODE_ENV,
  // other config as you desire
  // ...
  1. Wrap your Serverless Functions (API Endpoints) in withAppear
// eg. api/src/functions/<function name>/<function name>.ts
import { withAppear } from "src/withAppear"

export const handler = withAppear(async (event, context) => {
  // your code
  1. Once finished, any calls to your APIs should show up in Appear




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  • jakubriedl
  • s1w