This package contains the Solidity smart contracts to be used by the OSx framework and for plugin development. For audit information, refer to the 'Audits' section in the root level
The contracts
folder includes the following Solidity contracts and libraries:
├── dao
│ └── IDAO.sol
├── permission
│ ├── PermissionLib.sol
│ ├── auth
│ │ ├── DaoAuthorizable.sol
│ │ ├── DaoAuthorizableUpgradeable.sol
│ │ └── auth.sol
│ └── condition
│ ├── IPermissionCondition.sol
│ ├── PermissionCondition.sol
│ └── PermissionConditionUpgradeable.sol
├── plugin
│ ├── IPlugin.sol
│ ├── Plugin.sol
│ ├── PluginCloneable.sol
│ ├── PluginUUPSUpgradeable.sol
│ ├── extensions
│ │ ├── governance
│ │ │ └── Addresslist.sol
│ │ ├── membership
│ │ │ └── IMembership.sol
│ │ └── proposal
│ │ ├── IProposal.sol
│ │ ├── Proposal.sol
│ │ └── ProposalUpgradeable.sol
│ └── setup
│ ├── IPluginSetup.sol
│ ├── PluginSetup.sol
│ └── PluginUpgradeableSetup.sol
└── utils
├── deployment
│ ├── ProxyFactory.sol
│ └── ProxyLib.sol
├── math
│ ├── BitMap.sol
│ ├── Ratio.sol
│ └── UncheckedMath.sol
└── versioning
├── IProtocolVersion.sol
├── ProtocolVersion.sol
└── VersionComparisonLib.sol
For plugin development, find the plugin base classes provided in the plugin
folder and proxy deployment helpers in the utils/deployment
In contracts
, first run
yarn install
First build the contracts with
yarn build
This will also generate the typechain bindings. During development of your smart contracts, changes can result in altered typechain bindings. You can remove the outdated build- and typechain-related files with
yarn clean
which will execute yarn typechain
again. For convenience, use yarn clean && yarn build
To test your contracts, run
yarn test
Lint the Solidity and TypeScript code all together with
yarn lint
or separately with
yarn lint:sol
yarn lint:ts
Generate the code coverage report with
yarn coverage
See the gas usage per test and average gas per method call with
REPORT_GAS=true yarn test
you can permanently enable the gas reporting by putting the REPORT_GAS=true
into the .env