TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.28 • Public • Published


TooltipContentDataAttributes #



data-state: "open" | "closed"

TooltipContentProps #



altBoundary: boolean

Whether to check the alternate elementContext’s boundary. Please see https://floating-ui.com/docs/detectoverflow#altboundary for more information.

Default: false

autoUpdate: boolean | AutoUpdateOptions

Options to activate auto-update listeners



Default: true

boundary: Boundary

Describes the clipping element(s) or area that overflow will be checked relative to. Please see https://floating-ui.com/docs/detectoverflow#boundary for more information.

Default: 'clippingAncestors'

elementContext: ElementContext

The element that will be used to check for overflow. Please see https://floating-ui.com/docs/detectoverflow#elementcontext for more information.

Default: 'floating'

fitViewport: boolean

Whether to constrain the floating element's width and height to not exceed the viewport.

Default: false

flip: boolean | Placement[]

Whether to flip the placement in order to keep it in view when the preferred placement(s) will overflow the clipping boundary. You can also provide an array of placements to try sequentially if the preferred placement does not fit.

Default: true

hide: boolean

Whether to hide the floating element when the reference element or the floating element is fully clipped.

Default: false

hoist: boolean

Whether to use the browser Popover API to place the floating element on top of other page content. When enabled, the floating element won't be clipped by an ancestor. This provides a similar result to React's <Portals> or Vue's <Teleport>.

Default: true

inline: boolean

Whether to improve positioning for inline reference elements that span over multiple lines.

Default: false

offset?: OffsetOptions

The distance between the reference and floating element.

Default: 6

overflowPadding: number

Describes the virtual padding around the boundary to check for overflow. Please see https://floating-ui.com/docs/detectoverflow#padding for more information.

Default: 4

overlap: boolean

Whether the floating element can overlap the reference element to keep it in view.

Default: false

placement: Placement

The initial placement of the floating element

Default: "top"

rootBoundary: RootBoundary

Describes the root boundary that the element will be checked for overflow relative to. Please see https://floating-ui.com/docs/detectoverflow#rootboundary for more information.

Default: 'viewport'

sameHeight: boolean

Whether to constrain the floating element's height so that it matches the reference element.

Default: false

sameWidth: boolean

Whether to constrain the floating element's width so that it matches the reference element.

Default: false

shift: boolean

Whether the floating element should shift to keep it in view.

Default: true

strategy: "fixed" | "absolute"

The strategy to use for positioning

Default: "absolute"

transform: boolean

Whether to use CSS transforms to position the floating element instead of layout (top and left CSS properties). CSS transforms are more performant, but can cause conflicts with transform animations.

Default: false

TooltipRootEvents #



openChange: CustomEvent<boolean>

Fired when the open state changes.

TooltipRootProps #



closeDelay: number

The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip closes.

Default: 300

open: boolean

Whether the popover is open.

Default: false

openDelay: number

The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip opens.

Default: 700




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