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React Mix Tag Input

A react input component that pairs text with tags, supports multiline entry, and provides customizable tag rendering.

mix tag input example


npm install @arif-un/react-mix-tag-input
import  MixTagInput  from  "mix-tag-input";

const  [value, setValue]  =  useState<MixInputValues>([
  [ "Text ",  {type:  "tag", attrs:  {id:  "1", label:  "Tag"}} ]

<MixTagInput  value={value}  onChange={handleChange}  />


<MixTagInput />

Prop Description Default Type
ref React forwardRef with options of component MixInputRef
value Values of Mix Input [] MixInputValues
onChange Function to handle the change event (value: MixInputValues) => void
disabled Boolean value to set the input as disabled false Boolean
placeholder Placeholder text string
immediatelyRender Boolean value to render the component immediately on mount. Useful for server side rendering false Boolean
tagClassName Class name for tags mi-tag string
editorOptions Options for the editor {} Editor
tagAttrs Allowed attributes for tags, that returns with tag value on change and also render as data-* attribute { [key: string]: string }
tagView Custom tag view component React.FC<TagViewProps>

MixInputRef: React.forwardRef

import { type MixInputRef } from '@arif-un/react-mix-tag-input';

const ref = useRef<MixInputRef>(null);

// ...
ref.current?.insertContent({ type: 'tag', attrs: { id: '1', label: 'Tag' } });
// ...

return <MixTagInput ref={ref} />;
Prop Description Type
insertContent Function to insert content in the editor current caret position, accepts Tag or Text alone or in array (content: Tag | string | (Tag | string)[]) => void
element Returns the editor element HTMLDivElement
editor Returns the editor instance Editor

MixInputValues: (string | Tag)[][]

const text =  'Any text string'

const tag:  Tag  =  {
 type:  'tag',
 attrs:  {
   id:  '1',
   label:  'Tag',
   className:  'tag-class',
   style:  {color:  'cyan'}
   [key:  string]:  string  // key and default value need to specify in 'tagAttrs' prop

const firstLineValues:  MixInputValues  =  [[ text, tag ]]

return  <MixTagInput  value={firstLineValues}  />;


Prop Description Type
type Type of the tag 'tag'
attrs Attributes of the tag object
attrs.id Unique identifier of the tag string
attrs.label Label of the tag string
attrs.className Class name of the tag string
attrs.style Style of the tag React.CSSProperties
attrs.[key: string] Any other attribute. Key and default value need to specify in tagAttrs prop in order to get back with tag value on change and also render as data-* attribute string

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npm i @arif-un/react-mix-tag-input

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  • arif-un