mock redux store for reactive magic
- Selectors are not inspectable (i mean reducers results may inspect in devtools). (It is the common reason for me)
- Selectors execute at render - error in selector will break render (computed properties must separeted from view)
- Separation of model - to reducers and selectors
- Selectors must know about all parents - path to the root. It hard for modular architecture
- Difficult static type inference
- Selectors - is manual API to state. It must be manualy memorized - and you always need to think when you need it or not (it one of the reasons of performance problems)
- classic API reducer is had much boilerplate and [static] type description boilerplate
- A part of problems solves by various fabric functions, but without standardization it is harmful
- Reducers may depend on other reducers
- Each reducer must know and react only to depended actions
- No glitches
- No breaking changes (at all)
- Try to no increase bundle size (with tree-shaking)
Also see tests
- time travel
- friendly DX for work with collections