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1.0.2 • Public • Published

Pokemon Showdown bot library

npm version Node.js CI License

Simple library to create bots for Pokemon Showdown, coded in typescript, for NodeJS.


In order to install the library to use for your project, run the following command:

npm install --save @asanrom/ps-bot-lib


You can use the library to instantiate Pokemon Showdown bots, controlling their actions and listening for events.

Example code:

import { PokemonShowdownBot } from "@asanrom/ps-bot-lib";

const bot = new PokemonShowdownBot({
    // Configuration
    host: "sim3.psim.us",
    port: 443,
    secure: true,
    serverId: "showdown",

bot.on("error", err => {
    // When an error happens, the bot will emit the 'error' event
    // Make sure to handle it, or otherwise the process will exit

bot.on("connecting", () => {
    console.log("Bot connecting to the server...");

bot.on("connected", () => {
    console.log("Bot connected!");

bot.on("disconnected", () => {
    // If the bot disconnects, it will retry connecting to the server
    // after 10s by default, you can change it in the configuration
    console.log("Bot disconnected!");

bot.on("can-login", () => {
    // Listen for this event to be able to log into an account
    bot.rename("Example account", "eXampl3Pa5w0rd");

bot.on("rename-failure", err => {
    // Could not log in (maybe invalid password?)
    console.log("Could not log in. Error: " + err.message);

bot.on("renamed", nick => {
    // This event indicates you bot successfully logged in
    console.log("Renamed: " + nick);

    // Now you can send commands
    bot.sendToGlobal("/join Example Room");
    bot.pm("Example User", "Hello!");

bot.on("line", (room, line, spl, isInitialMessage) => {
    // This event is emitted when the bot receives a message line form the server
    // room is the room identifier the line was received from, an empty string means is a global message
    // line is the raw line received
    // spl is the line splitted by the | character
    // isInitialMessage is true if the line was received in the room initializing message, meaning it may be an old message
    console.log(`Received message from room: ${room}, line: ${line}`);

bot.on("sent", msg => {
    // This event is emitted when the bot sends a message to the server
    console.log("Sent message: " + msg);



Check the documentation for detailed specifications for configuration, methods and events available.

You can also check the auto generated documentation.


In order to build this library, you need:

  • NodeJS, latest stable version.

Run the following command to install dependencies:

npm install

Run the following command to build the typescript into javascript:

npm run build




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  • asanrom