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0.0.3 • Public • Published

Astro Bluesky post loader

This package provides a Bluesky post loader for Astro. It allows you to load and parse Bluesky posts, and use the data in your Astro site.

Currently it provides authorFeedLoader, which loads the posts of a single user. By default it will load all posts, but you can limit the number of posts loaded. It caches the posts between builds, so only new posts will be loaded.


npm install @ascorbic/bluesky-loader


This package requires Astro 4.14.0 or later. You must enable the experimental content layer in Astro unless you are using version 5.0.0-beta or later. You can do this by adding the following to your astro.config.mjs:

export default defineConfig({
  // ...
  experimental: {
    contentLayer: true,

You can then use the feed loader in your content configuration:

// src/content/config.ts
import { defineCollection } from "astro:content";
import { authorFeedLoader } from "@ascorbic/bluesky-loader";

const posts = defineCollection({
  loader: authorFeedLoader({
    identifier: "mk.gg",
  // The loader provides its own type schema, so you don't need to provide one

export const collections = { posts };

You can then use these like any other content collection in Astro:

import { getCollection, type CollectionEntry, render } from "astro:content";
import Layout from "../../layouts/Layout.astro";
const posts = await getCollection("posts");


    posts.map(async (post) => {
      const { Content } = await render(post);
      return (
          <Content />
          <p>{post.data.likeCount} likes</p>


The authorFeedLoader function takes an options object with the following properties:

  • identifier: The identifier of the author whose feed you want to load. This can be the username (such as mk.gg) or the full did
  • limit: The maximum number of posts to load. Defaults to loading all posts.

Rendering posts

The post data property is a PostView object, and is fully typed. To make it easier to display posts, we generate HTML for each entry. The render() function is optional, but creates a component from the post content. This handles links, mentions and tags in the post content. You can access images and other embeds in the data.embed object. If you want access to the rendered HTML, you can use rendered.html field.

However you might want to use the helpers in the @atproto/api package to work with the data. For example, this shows how you can use the embed isView type guards to check the type of an embed:

import { AppBskyEmbedImages, AppBskyEmbedRecordWithMedia } from "@atproto/api";
import { getCollection } from "astro:content";
import Layout from "../../layouts/Layout.astro";
const posts = await getCollection("posts");
    posts.map(async (post) => {
      const { embed } = post.data;
      return (
            ? embed.images.map(
                (image) => image && <img src={image.thumb} alt={image.alt} />
            : undefined}
          {AppBskyEmbedRecordWithMedia.isView(embed) ? (
          ) : undefined}


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