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0.4.0 • Public • Published

Aserto single-page application JavaScript SDK

Loosely modeled after the Auth0 SPA SDK.


Using npm:

npm install @aserto/aserto-spa-js

Using yarn:

yarn add @aserto/aserto-spa-js

Getting Started

Creating the client

Create an AsertoClient instance before rendering or initializing your application. You should only have one instance of the client.

You need a valid access token before you can instantiate the client. For the next few examples, the accessToken variable is assumed to contain a valid access token.

To obtain one via Auth0 (for example), use code like this:

// get a valid access token, e.g. from Auth0 getTokenSilently()
import createAuth0Client from '@auth0/auth0-spa-js';
const auth0 = await createAuth0Cient(
  domain: '<AUTH0_DOMAIN>',
  client_id: '<AUTH0_CLIENT_ID>',
  redirect_uri: '<MY_CALLBACK_URL>'
const accessToken = await auth0.getTokenSilently();

Create an AsertoClient in the following way:

import createAsertoClient from '@aserto/aserto-spa-js';

const aserto = await createAsertoClient({
  accessToken: accessToken,  // valid access token
  serviceUrl: 'https://service-url', // defaults to window.location.origin
  policyRoot: 'policyRoot',        // policy root specified in the policy manifest
  endpoint: '/__displaystatemap'   // access map endpoint, defaults to /__displaystatemap

// or you can just instantiate the client on its own
import { AsertoClient } from '@aserto/aserto-spa-js';

const aserto = new AsertoClient({
  accessToken: accessToken,
  serviceUrl: 'https://service-url', // defaults to window.location.origin
  policyRoot: 'policyRoot',        // policy root specified in the policy manifest
  endpoint: '/__displaystatemap' // access map endpoint, defaults to  /__displaystatemap

// explicitly load 
await aserto.reload();


createAsertoClient(options, body)

Create an AsertoClient with the options provided, and pass the optional body to the reload(body) call that initializes the client.


Retrieves a JavaScript object that holds the display state map


getDisplayState('method', 'path', 'policyRoot')

Retrieves the display state associated with a specific resource.

By convention, the method argument is an HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), and the path argument is in the form /path/to/resource. It may contain a __id component to indicate an parameter - for example, /mycars/__id.

When both method and path are provided, the key into the displayStateMap is constructed as <policyRoot>/<METHOD>/<path>. If the optional policyRoot argument is provided, it overrides the policyRoot argument passed to init().

Finally, if only the method argument is passed in, it is assumed to be a key into the displayStateMap (typically in the form of <policyRoot>/<METHOD>/<path/to/resource>).

The returned map will be in the following format:

  visible: true,
  enabled: false,

Check whether a verb / path combination is visible and enabled:

const method = 'GET';
const path = '/api/path';
const displayState = aserto.getDisplayState(method, path));
const isVisible = displayState.visible;
const isEnabled = displayState.enabled;

Log the display state values for each verb for the path:

const path = '/api/path';
for (const verb of ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']) {
  const resource = aserto.getDisplayState(verb, path));
  for (const value of ['visible', 'enabled']) {
    console.log(`${verb} ${path} ${value} is ${resource[verb][value]}`);

reload(body, headers)

If the body parameter is supplied, it is passed as the body of the POST call to the __displaystatemap API.

If the headers parameter is supplied, these are provided as headers to the POST call to the __displaystatemap API.



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  • gimmyxdd
  • aserto-admin
  • ogazitt
  • gertd