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0.0.115 • Public • Published

OpenTelemetry mongodb Instrumentation for Node.js

Gitter chat dependencies devDependencies Apache License

This is a fork of the plugin, to add features required by aspecto until they are merged into the main repo and published.

This module provides automatic instrumentation for mongodb.

For automatic instrumentation see the @opentelemetry/node package.


npm install --save @opentelemetry/plugin-mongodb

Supported Versions

  • '>=2.0.0 <4


OpenTelemetry Mongodb Instrumentation allows the user to automatically collect trace data and export them to their backend of choice, to give observability to distributed systems.

To load a specific plugin (mongodb in this case), specify it in the Node Tracer's configuration.

const { NodeTracerProvider } = require('@opentelemetry/node');

const provider = new NodeTracerProvider({
  plugins: {
    mongodb: {
      enabled: true,
      // You may use a package name or absolute path to the file.
      path: '@opentelemetry/plugin-mongodb',

To load all of the supported plugins, use below approach. Each plugin is only loaded when the module that it patches is loaded; in other words, there is no computational overhead for listing plugins for unused modules.

const { NodeTracerProvider } = require('@opentelemetry/node');

const provider = new NodeTracerProvider();

See examples/mongodb for a short example.

Mongo Plugin Options

Mongodb plugin has few options available to choose from. You can set the following:

Options Type Description
enhancedDatabaseReporting string If true, additional information about query parameters and results will be attached (as attributes) to spans representing database operations
aggregateCursorOperations boolean Set to true if you want to aggregare spans generated by cursor opetarions within one session

Useful links


Apache 2.0 - See LICENSE for more information.

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npm i @aspecto/plugin-mongodb

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  • habmic
  • amir.aspecto
  • aspecto-release-bot
  • andriy-aspecto
  • yanivd