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0.6.5 • Public • Published

Astro UXDS Mock Data

Generate "contacts", "alerts" and "mnemonics" data for testing Astro Web Components and building demo applications.


npm install @astrouxds/mock-data

Getting Started

The example below creates a state object with the generated contacts and maps the alerts and mnemonics connected to those contacts on their respective properties.

import { generateContacts } from '@astrouxds/mock-data';

const contacts = generateContacts();

const state = {
  alerts: contacts.flatMap(({ alerts }) => alerts),
  mnemonics: contacts.flatMap(({ mnemonics }) => mnemonics),



Contacts include alerts with a "contact ref" on the alert based on where in the array (the index) a contact is. Meaning not all contacts will have alerts, only a percentage of them will.

All contacts will have mnemonics as an array property on the contact object.

import { generateContacts } from '@astrouxds/mock-data';
const contacts = generateContacts(); // returns 100 contacts by default
const contacts = generateContacts(300); // returns 300 contacts
// returns 200 contacts with options provided below
const contacts = generateContacts(200, {
  alertsPercentage: 5, // percentage of the 200 contacts to have an alert @default 10%
  secondAlertPercentage: 3, // percentage of the 200 contacts to have 2 alerts @default 2%
  daysRange: 2, // range of the start and end timestamps @default 1 day
  dateRef: '3/17/2008', // date reference for timestamps @default now


If you just want alerts without any contact ref you can generate just an array of alerts.

import { generateAlerts } from '@astrouxds/mock-data';
const alerts = generateAlerts(5); // returns 5 alerts


If you just want mnemonics without any contact ref you can generate just an array of alerts.

import { generateMnemonics } from '@astrouxds/mock-data';
const mnemonics = generateMnemonics(5); // returns 5 mnemonics

Contacts Subscriber

Publishes 100 contacts and generates a new contact every 5 seconds up to 200 contacts by default.

import { onContactsChange } from '@astrouxds/mock-data';
const unsubscribe = onContactsChange((contacts) => {

With options as second argument

const unsubscribe = onContactsChange(
  (contacts) => console.log(contacts),
  { limit: 50 }, // options with a limit of 50

Use the unsubscribe function returned from onContactsChange to unsubscribe

setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000 * 60 * 5); // unsubscribe after 5 mins

Contacts Subscriber Example With React

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { onContactsChange, Contact } from '@astrouxds/mock-data';

const App = () => {
  const [contacts, setContacts] = useState<Contact[]>([]);

  useEffect(() => {
    const unsubscribe = onContactsChange((contacts) => {

    return () => {
  }, []);

  return (
      {contacts.map(({ id, equipment }) => (
        <li key={id}>{equipment}</li>

export default App;

Contacts Service

Class based store for instaciating then subscribing to an auto-generate contacts state

import { ContactsService } from '@astrouxds/mock-data';

// with manually set options
const contactsService = new ContactsService({
  initial: 10,
  interval: 2,
  limit: 20,

let contacts: Contact[] = [];
const unsubscribe = contactsService.subscribe((data) => {
  contacts = data;

Use the unsubscribe function returned from contactsService.subscribe to unsubscribe

setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000 * 60 * 5); // unsubscribe after 5 mins




Returns an array of contacts.


Name Type Default Description
length number 100 The total number of contacts to generate.
options {...} {} If no options are set, the defaults are used as described below.
options.alertsPercentage AlertsPercentage 10 The percentage of contacts which should have an alert connected to them.
options.secondAlertPercentage AlertsPercentage 2 The percentage of contacts which should have two alerts connected to them.
options.daysRange number 1 The range in days for the span between the start and end timestamps.
options.dateRef string | number | Date now The date to reference when generating the contacts.


Returns a single contact.


Name Type Default Description
index number required The index is used to determine if an alert(s) is connected the contact.
options {...} {} The same options from generateContacts


Returns an array of alerts.


Name Type Default Description
length number 40 The total number of alerts to generate.
options {...} {} If no options are set, the defaults are used as described below.
options.contactRefId string '' A contact reference id. Will be an empty string if not provided.
options.equipment string undefined An equipment config string. Will be generated if not provided.
options.createdRef string | number | Date undefined The date to reference when generating the alerts. If provided, this will override any start and end options set.
options.start string | number | Date undefined The starting timestamp for the alert timestamp boundry.
options.end string | number | Date undefined The ending timestamp for the alert timestamp boundry.


Returns a single alert.


Name Type Default Description
options {...} {} The same options from generateAlerts


Returns an array of menmonics.


Name Type Default Description
length number 9 The total number of alerts to generate.
options {...} {} If no options are set, the defaults are used as described below.
options.contactRefId string '' A contact reference id. Will be an empty string if not provided.
options.thresholdMin number 0 The minimum threshold for the mnemonic value.
options.thresholdMax number 110 The maximum threshold for the mnemonic value.
options.deviation number 20 The amount the mnemonic value is allow to exceed the threshold maximum or subceed the threshold minimum.
options.precision number 0.1 The number of decimal places the mnemonic value will include.


Returns a single mnemonic.


Name Type Default Description
options {...} {} The same options from generateMnemonics


Publishes 100 contacts and generates a new contact every 5 seconds up to 200 contacts by default.

Returns an unsubscribe function.


Name Type Default Description
callback (contacts: Contact[]) => void required A callback function which receives the latest contacts array.
options OnContactChangeOptions {} If no options are set, the defaults are used as described below.
options.alertsPercentage AlertsPercentage 10 The percentage of contacts which should have an alert connected to them.
options.secondAlertPercentage AlertsPercentage 2 The percentage of contacts which should have two alerts connected to them.
options.daysRange number 1 The range in days for the span between the start and end timestamps.
options.dateRef string | number | Date now The date to reference when generating the contacts.
options.initial number 100 The initial number of contacts generated on subscribe.
options.interval number 5 The interval in seconds which new contacts are generated and published.
options.limit number 200 The limit of new contacts to generate and publish.


Generates initial contacts, publishes a new contact every x amount of seconds, and has methods to add, update, and delete a contact.

Returns an instance a ContactsService.

Name Type Default Description
options ContactsServiceOptions {} If no options are set, the defaults are used as described below.
options.alertsPercentage AlertsPercentage 10 The percentage of contacts which should have an alert connected to them.
options.secondAlertPercentage AlertsPercentage 2 The percentage of contacts which should have two alerts connected to them.
options.daysRange number 1 The range in days for the span between the start and end timestamps.
options.dateRef string | number | Date now The date to reference when generating the contacts.
options.initial number 100 The initial number of contacts generated on subscribe.
options.interval number 5 The interval in seconds which new contacts are generated and published.
options.limit number 200 The limit of new contacts to generate and publish.



Subscribes to received published contacts.

Returns a function to unsubscribe.

Name Type Default Description
callback (contacts: Contact[]) => void required A callback function which receives the latest contacts array.


Adds a newly generated contact.

Returns the added contact.

Name Type Default Description


Updates the specified contact.

Returns a success message.

Name Type Default Description
id uuid required The id of the contact to modify.
params UpdateContactParams {} An optional params object.
params.ground ContactGround undefined Optional property to modify.
params.satellite string undefined Optional property to modify.
params.equipment string undefined Optional property to modify.
params.state ContactState undefined Optional property to modify.
params.step ContactStep undefined Optional property to modify.
params.detail string undefined Optional property to modify.
params.beginTimestamp number undefined Optional property to modify.
params.endTimestamp number undefined Optional property to modify.
params.resolution ContactResolution undefined Optional property to modify.
params.resolutionStatus ContactResolutionStatus undefined Optional property to modify.


Deletes the specified contact.

Returns a success message.

Name Type Default Description
id uuid required The id of the contact to delete.



Type Description
AlertCategory 'software' | 'spacecraft' | 'hardware'
AlertsPercentage 0 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 10 | 12 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 34 | 50
ContactGround 'CTS' | 'DGS' | 'GTS' | 'TCS' | 'VTS' | 'NHS' | 'TTS' | 'HTS'
ContactState 'executing' | 'failed' | 'ready' | 'updating'
ContactStep 'AOS' | 'Command' | 'Configure Operation' | 'Critical Health' | 'DCC' | 'Downlink' | 'Lock' | 'LOS' | 'SARM'| 'Uplink'
ContactResolution 'complete' | 'failed' | 'pass' | 'prepass' | 'scheduled'
ContactResolutionStatus 'normal' | 'critical' | 'off' | 'standby'
DataType 'contact' | 'alert' | 'mnemonic'
Status 'caution' | 'critical' | 'normal' | 'off' | 'serious' | 'standby'


Property Type Description
id string uuid
type DataType
status Status
name number
ground ContactGround
rev number
satellite string
equipment string
state ContactState
step ContactStep
detail string
beginTimestamp number
endTimestamp number
aos number
los number
latitude number
longitude number
azimuth number
elevation number
resolution ContactResolution
resolutionStatus ContactResolutionStatus
alerts Alert[] An array of alerts.
mnemonics Mnemonic[] An array of mnemonics.


Property Type Description
id string uuid
status Status
category AlertCategory
message string
longMessage string
timestamp number
selected boolean
new boolean
expanded boolean
acknowledged boolean
contactRefId string uuid | ''


Property Type Description
id string uuid
mnemonicId string
status Status
unit string
thresholdMax number
thresholdMin number
currentValue number
subsystem string
childSubsystem string
measurement string
contactRefId string uuid | ''




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