A Material Components icon implementation using Web Components
Getting started
When you're ready to use mwc-chips in a project, install it via npm. To run the project in the browser, a module-compatible toolctain is required. We recommend installing the Polymer CLI and using its development server as follows.
Ensure the webcomponents polyfills are included in your HTML page
Install webcomponents polyfills
npm i @webcomponents/webcomponentsjs
Add webcomponents polyfills to your HTML page
<script src="@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-loader.js"></script>
Add mwc-chips to your project:
npm i @authentic/mwc-chips
Import the mwc-chips definition into your HTML page:
<script type="module" src="@authentic/mwc-chips/mwc-chip.js"></script>
Or into your module script:
import { Chip } from "@authentic/mwc-chips/mwc-chip"
Create an instance of mwc-chips in your HTML page, or via any framework that supports rendering Custom Elements:
Install the Polymer CLI:
npm i -g polymer-cli
Run the development server and open a browser pointing to its URL:
polymer serve
mwc-chips is published on npm using JavaScript Modules. This means it can take advantage of the standard native JavaScript module loader available in all current major browsers.
However, since mwc-chips uses npm convention to reference dependencies by name, a light transform to rewrite specifiers to URLs is required to get it to run in the browser. The polymer-cli's development server
polymer serve
automatically handles this transform.Tools like WebPack and Rollup can also be used to serve and/or bundle mwc-chips.
Supported Browsers
The last 2 versions of all modern browsers are supported, including Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox, Edge. In addition, Internet Explorer 11 is also supported.