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AutoViews is a set of utilities and abstractions which provides functionality to automatically build UI on top of JSONSchema.

To build UI automatically AutoViews uses some abstractions:

  • AutoView — React component, which gets JSONSchema, data, optional UISchema as prop and ComponentsRepo as components property in context and renders accordingly
  • ComponentsRepo — class that keeps all components, grouped by data types (string, object and others, even custom data types) and optionally with theirs predicate's, which are boolean returning functions that defines ability of this component to render this JSONSchema node.
  • UISchema — is JSON that describes specific rules to render that specific JSONSchema node:
    • what component and its settings to use,
    • which ComponentsRepo should be chosen to get component,
    • what UIHints to apply

Each component which is depends on state or other variables could decide which UISchema to use for render or return custom render result.

To address specific JSONSchema node UISchema uses JSONPointer as key and ComponentOptions as value to tell which component and it's setting to use, or what UIHints have to be applied.

Autoview Component

AutoView is component that will automatically render data which is validated with given JSONSchema with components registered in ComponentsRepo and pathed through RepositoryProvider.

To choose what specific component to be used and what UIHints have to be considered AutoView uses UISchema object and utilities.


ComponentsRepo is class which accepts string name and optional getType function as constructor parameter.

ComponentsRepo instance should be provided to the AutoView context.

import {
} from '@autoviews/core';

<RepositoryProvider components={repoInstance}>
  <AutoView {...props} />

Using getType

getType allows you to define how to calculate data type for the JSONSchema nodes. Return value is string. This string used to register component records.

By default it is type field. However you might find it useful for enum, because in JSONSchema enum type is string. This example resolves this problem:

const repo = new ComponentsRepo('myRepo', node =>
  'enum' in node ? 'enum' : node.type
repo.register('enum', {name: 'select', component: SelectComponent});

However, as mentioned, you can return any string value. For example, if your JSONSchema has own type system, you can return somethings like

const repo = new ComponentsRepo('myRepo', node => node.myCustomType);
repo.register('user', {name: 'user-card', component: UserCardComponent});


Once you did instance, you can assign component records to data types

const repo = new ComponentsRepo('editComponents');
repo.register('number', {name: 'number-input', component: NumberInput});

Note: it is not possible to register() component record with existing name value, .register() will throw an error in this case.


You can have as many component records assigned to certain data type as you want.

If you need more then one, you may want to add predicate function during registering:

const hasMinMax = node =>
  node.hasOwnProperty('minimum') && node.hasOwnProperty('maximum');
repo.register('number', {
  name: 'slider',
  component: Slider,
  predicate: hasMinMax

repo.getMatched({type: 'number', minimum: 0, maximum: 10});

Will return array of available component records in registration order

  {name: 'number-input', component: NumberInput},
  {name: 'slider', predicate: hasMinMax, component: SliderInput}

By default AutoView will pick last component record in getMatched array, unless there is other component specified in UISchema.


It is possible to clone repository with all records with clone method.

const edit = new ComponentsRepo('edit');
repo.register('number', {name: 'number-input', component: NumberInput});

const form = edit.clone('form');
repo.register('object', {name: 'myForm', component: Form});

clone also allows to override getType

const edit = new ComponentsRepo('edit', node => node.type);
const form = edit.clone('form', node => node.customTypeField);


You can wrap all or some components into the wrappers

const edit = new ComponentsRepo('edit');

repo.register('number', {name: 'number-input', component: NumberInput});
repo.register('string', {name: 'text-input', component: TextInput});

repo.addWrapper((item, props) => (
  <div data-automation-id={`${props.pointer}#TEST`}>

example above will wrap all components in repository, however it is possible to specify which components you want to wrap with include and exclude rules.

Both include and exclude are optional arrays of components names, used in register function.

This will wrap only number-input component.

  (item, props) => (
    <div data-automation-id={`${props.pointer}#TEST`}>
    include: ['number-input']

This will wrap all components except number-input

  (item, props) => (
    <div data-automation-id={`${props.pointer}#TEST`}>
    exclude: ['number-input']


You can remove previously registered component record by calling .remove(componentName)

repo.register('string', {name: 'string-component', component: SomeComponent});


You can replace component record with another one:

repo.register('number', {
  name: 'number-input',
  component: OldComponent

repo.replace('MyNumberComponent', oldRecord => ({
  name: 'new-number-input',
  component: NewComponent

Yes, you're right, name could be changed as well. Basically that means that the new component record will have same index (order) as old one.


You can replace many existing component records with another one. It might be useful if you want to replace original components with higher order component.

Same as addWrapper this method allows you to define include and exclude options.

Both include and exclude are optional arrays of components names, used in register function.

  record => {
    const OriginalComponent = record.component;
    return {
      component: props => <OriginalComponent {...doSomethingWithProps(props)} />
    include: ['number-input', 'text-input']


Components in ComponentsRepo may have AutoViewProps props interface which has optional onChange?: AutoEventHandler and onClick?: AutoEventHandler.

AutoEventHandler is object with next type:

type AutoEventHandler = (
  e: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLElement>,
  autoEvent: AutoEvent
) => void;

where AutoEvent is something very special:

interface AutoEvent {
  schemaPointer: string;
  pointer: string;
  patch?: Operation[];

This events may have JSONPatch operations on given data, which should be handled by application that uses AutoView.

This library provides handy event handlers creators for each JSONPatch operation.


UISchema is an object that contains information about how to render JSONSchema.

There is a corresponding type UISchema. Here we create a new UISchema and assign our editComponents repository to the UISchema.

Example is valid for geo schema

repo.register('string', {name: 'input', component: TextInput}
repo.register('string', {name: 'coordinateInput', component: CoordinateInput}

const uiSchema = createUISchema({
    editComponents: { // key is repository `name`.
        '/properties/longitude', {name: 'coordinateInput'},
        '/properties/latitude', {name: 'coordinateInput'},
// ...
<RepositoryProvider components={repo}>

So with the appropriate JSONSchema and data properties the AutoView component will render assigned components from the UIHints at the given JSONPointer's


Component may take some options. When choosing specific component to render certain data type in UISchema you may also set it's options.

const overrides = createUISchema({
  viewComponents: {
    '': {name: 'uppercasable', options: {uppercase: true}}

const {select} = clientRenderer.render(
  <RepositoryProvider components={repo}>

In this case component that is registered in viewComponents components repository by string type with name uppercasable should get options and accordingly to value of option name uppercase make data: string = 'foo' prop — uppercased in render result.


UISchema contains not only rules for one or multiple ComponentsRepo but also keeps list of UIHints which are specific rules for data type. Thus, components which are implementing certain type of data may consider that UIHints.

Same as for ComponentsRepo overrides, UIHints uses JSONPointers.

At the following example we have special UIHints for root JSONSchema which says what order should it have.

Each component that assigned to type object in repo may consider order and hidden hint and render result accordingly. This repo contains AutoFields component which take into consideration order and hidden and will consider other object related UIHints.

const schema: CoreSchemaMetaSchema = {
    type: 'object',
    properties: {
        first: {type: 'string'},
        second: {type: 'string'},
        third: {type: 'string'},
        fourth: {type: 'string'},
        fifth: {type: 'string'},
        sixth: {type: 'string'}

const ObjectFields = props => (
        <AutoFields {...props} />
const repo = new ComponentsRepo('editComponents');
repo.register('string', {name: 'input', component: TextInput}
repo.register('object', {name: 'fields', component: ObjectFields}

const uiSchema = createUISchema({}, {
    '': {
        order: ['second', 'third', 'first'],
        hidden: ['fourth', 'sixth']

// ...
<RepositoryProvider components={repo}>
            first: '',
            second: '',
            third: '',
            fourth: '',
            fifth: '',
            sixth: ''

So this example will render data fields with input in order which is defined in UIHints.

Manipulating UISchema values

There are functions to change UISchema type values in an immutable way:

Adding/changing UIHints:

const emptyUISchema = createUISchema();
const uiSchemaWithHints = setUIHints(
  {order: ['second', 'third', 'first']},

Retrieving UIHints:

const hints = getUIHints('/path/in/data', uiSchemaWithHints);

Removing UIHints:

const uiSchemaWithoutHints = unsetUIHints('/path/in/data', uiSchemaWithHints);

Adding/changing component options:

const emptyUISchema = createUISchema();
const uiSchemaWithComponent = setComponent(
  {name: 'uppercasable', options: {uppercase: true}},

Retrieving component options;

const componentOptions = getComponent(

Removing component:

const uiSchemaWithoutComponent = unsetComponent(




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  • denysdovhan