This package creates a sample solution documentation structures.
Getting started
To create a new solution documentation project, there are a couple of options:
Standalone doc project
npx projen new --from @aws-gcr-solution-construct/solution-docs
Part of other project
eg: as part of a nx_monorepo project
Step1. Create a nx-monorepo project
npx projen new --from aws-prototyping-sdk nx-monorepo
Step2. Update .projenrc.ts
import { nx_monorepo } from "aws-prototyping-sdk";
import { SolutionDocsProject } from "@aws-gcr-solution-construct/solution-docs";
const project = new nx_monorepo.NxMonorepoProject({
defaultReleaseBranch: "main",
devDeps: ["aws-prototyping-sdk", "@aws-gcr-solution-construct/solution-docs"],
name: "demo-solution",
// deps: [], /* Runtime dependencies of this module. */
// description: undefined, /* The description is just a string that helps people understand the purpose of the package. */
// packageName: undefined, /* The "name" in package.json. */
new SolutionDocsProject({
name: `demo-solution-docs`,
parent: project,
outdir: "docs",
Step3. Running your synthesized Application
To run your synthesized application locally, run npx projen