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2.76.0 • Public • Published

aws-cloudfront-apigateway-lambda module

Stability: Stable

Reference Documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/solutions/latest/constructs/
Language Package
Python Logo Python aws_solutions_constructs.aws_cloudfront_apigateway_lambda
Typescript Logo Typescript @aws-solutions-constructs/aws-cloudfront-apigateway-lambda
Java Logo Java software.amazon.awsconstructs.services.cloudfrontapigatewaylambda


This AWS Solutions Construct implements an AWS CloudFront fronting an Amazon API Gateway Lambda backed REST API.

Here is a minimal deployable pattern definition:


import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { Stack, StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { CloudFrontToApiGatewayToLambda } from '@aws-solutions-constructs/aws-cloudfront-apigateway-lambda';
import * as lambda from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda';

new CloudFrontToApiGatewayToLambda(this, 'test-cloudfront-apigateway-lambda', {
  lambdaFunctionProps: {
    code: lambda.Code.fromAsset(`lambda`),
    runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_20_X,
    handler: 'index.handler'
  apiGatewayProps: {
    defaultMethodOptions: {
      authorizationType: api.AuthorizationType.NONE


from aws_solutions_constructs.aws_cloudfront_apigateway_lambda import CloudFrontToApiGatewayToLambda
from aws_cdk import (
  aws_lambda as _lambda,
  aws_apigateway as apigw,
from constructs import Construct

            self, 'CloudFrontApiGatewayToLambda',
            # NOTE - we use RestApiProps here because the actual type, LambdaRestApiProps requires
            # the handler function which does not yet exist. As RestApiProps is a subset of of LambdaRestApiProps
            # (although does not *extend* that interface) this works fine when the props object reaches the 
            # underlying TypeScript code that implements Constructs


import software.constructs.Construct;

import software.amazon.awscdk.Stack;
import software.amazon.awscdk.StackProps;
import software.amazon.awscdk.services.lambda.*;
import software.amazon.awscdk.services.lambda.Runtime;
import software.amazon.awsconstructs.services.cloudfrontapigatewaylambda.*;
import software.amazon.awsconstructs.services.cloudfrontapigatewaylambda.CloudFrontToApiGatewayToLambdaProps;

new CloudFrontToApiGatewayToLambda(this, "ApiGatewayToLambdaPattern", new CloudFrontToApiGatewayToLambdaProps.Builder()
        .lambdaFunctionProps(new FunctionProps.Builder()
                .runtime(Runtime.NODEJS_20_X) // execution environment
                .code(Code.fromAsset("lambda")) // code loaded from the `lambda` directory (under root, next to `src`)
                .handler("hello.handler") // file is `hello`, function is `handler`
        // NOTE - we use RestApiProps here because the actual type, LambdaRestApiProps requires
        // the handler function which does not yet exist. As RestApiProps is a subset of of LambdaRestApiProps
        // (although does not *extend* that interface) this works fine when the props object reaches the 
        // underlying TypeScript code that implements Constructs
        .apiGatewayProps(new RestApiProps.Builder()
                .defaultMethodOptions(new MethodOptions.Builder()

Pattern Construct Props

Name Type Description
existingLambdaObj? lambda.Function Existing instance of Lambda Function object, providing both this and lambdaFunctionProps will cause an error.
lambdaFunctionProps? lambda.FunctionProps Optional user provided props to override the default props for the Lambda function.
apiGatewayProps? api.LambdaRestApiProps User provided props to override the default props for the API Gateway. As of release 2.48.0, clients must include this property with defaultMethodOptions: { authorizationType: string } specified. See Issue1043 in the github repo https://github.com/awslabs/aws-solutions-constructs/issues/1043
cloudFrontDistributionProps? cloudfront.DistributionProps Optional user provided props to override the default props for CloudFront Distribution
insertHttpSecurityHeaders? boolean Optional user provided props to turn on/off the automatic injection of best practice HTTP security headers in all responses from CloudFront
responseHeadersPolicyProps? cloudfront.ResponseHeadersPolicyProps Optional user provided configuration that cloudfront applies to all http responses.
logGroupProps? logs.LogGroupProps Optional user provided props to override the default props for for the CloudWatchLogs LogGroup.
cloudFrontLoggingBucketProps? s3.BucketProps Optional user provided props to override the default props for the CloudFront Logging Bucket.

Pattern Properties

Name Type Description
cloudFrontWebDistribution cloudfront.Distribution Returns an instance of cloudfront.Distribution created by the construct
cloudFrontFunction? cloudfront.Function Returns an instance of the Cloudfront function created by the pattern.
cloudFrontLoggingBucket s3.Bucket Returns an instance of the logging bucket for CloudFront Distribution.
apiGateway api.RestApi Returns an instance of the API Gateway REST API created by the pattern.
apiGatewayCloudWatchRole? iam.Role Returns an instance of the iam.Role created by the construct for API Gateway for CloudWatch access.
apiGatewayLogGroup logs.LogGroup Returns an instance of the LogGroup created by the construct for API Gateway access logging to CloudWatch.
lambdaFunction lambda.Function Returns an instance of the Lambda function created by the pattern.

Default settings

Out of the box implementation of the Construct without any override will set the following defaults:

Amazon CloudFront

  • Configure Access logging for CloudFront Distribution
  • Enable automatic injection of best practice HTTP security headers in all responses from CloudFront Distribution

Amazon API Gateway

  • Deploy a regional API endpoint
  • Enable CloudWatch logging for API Gateway
  • Configure least privilege access IAM role for API Gateway
  • Set the default authorizationType for all API methods to NONE
  • Enable X-Ray Tracing

AWS Lambda Function

  • Configure limited privilege access IAM role for Lambda function
  • Enable reusing connections with Keep-Alive for NodeJs Lambda function
  • Enable X-Ray Tracing
  • Set Environment Variables
    • AWS_NODEJS_CONNECTION_REUSE_ENABLED (for Node 10.x and higher functions)


Architecture Diagram

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