To start using:
yarn add --dev @axmit/flow-helper
Start using
yarn new FE | BE | MOB
- create empty project
yarn sync FE | BE
- sync config files
yarn mr
- create new MR
yarn figma2style
- get styles/variables from Figma
Figma to Style
First, you should create a .env
file, where you write access token key
Then change <YOUR_TOKEN>
in .env
file to your personal access token key
Token key you can take in this.
You can create a temporary access token by clicking right there on Get personal access token
or read how to make permanent access token.
Run this command:
yarn install
Then, you should run the script and you will need a file key.
The file key can be parsed from any Figma file url: https://www.figma.com/file/${file_key}/${title}
Run command in terminal
yarn figma2style
Wait for the script to finish...
In root directory you can see folder src/app/assets/sass/figma
where are the generated scss
If you work in Figma with a big team, and you have team styles, you can take them.
The teams key can be parsed from any Figma team url: https://www.figma.com/files/team/${teams_key}/${title}
node main.js ${teams_key} teams
If your Figma file has a "node element" with "spacers geometry", you can also add them to generate styles.
node main.js ${file_key} files spacers=${node_id}
The node_id key can be parsed from any Figma team url:
If you want to customize more accurate style generation and not only on Web
but also iOS
and Android
Change the configuration in the file config.json
Read more about all possible settings here in Style Dictionary
yarn -v 1.16.0
node -v 10.16.0