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1.0.3 • Public • Published


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strkit is a utility library that provides a collection of commonly used string functions in JavaScript/TypeScript. Whether you need to validate emails, convert case styles, trim spaces, or manipulate strings in other ways, strkit has got you covered. The goal of this library is to make string handling easier and more efficient across all your projects.


  • String Validation: Functions like isEmail and isURL to validate strings.
  • String Manipulation: Functions for trimming, reversing, truncating, and more.
  • Case Conversion: Convert strings between different case styles.
  • Easy to Use: Just import the required function and get started.


You can install strkit as an NPM package:

npm install @azizbecha/strkit



const { isEmail, truncate } = require("@azizbecha/strkit");

console.log(isEmail("test@example.com")); // true
console.log(truncate("This is a very long string", 10)); // 'This is a...'


import { isEmail, truncate } from "@azizbecha/strkit";

console.log(isEmail("test@example.com")); // true
console.log(truncate("This is a very long string", 10)); // 'This is a...'


Function Description Example Usage Type Signature
capitalize Capitalizes the first letter of a string. capitalize('hello') // 'Hello' (str: string) => string
compareVersion Compares two versions
Returns 0 if equal, 1 if v1 > v2, or -1 if v2 > v1.
compareVersion('1.2.0', '1.3.0') // -1 (v1: string, v2: string) => number
countWordsMatching Counts the words in a string matching a specific pattern. countWordsMatching('hello world', /o/) // 2 (str: string, pattern: RegExp) => number
decodeURL Decodes a URL-encoded string. decodeURL('hello%20world') // 'hello world' (str: string) => string
diffStrings Compares two strings and returns an array of differences. diffStrings('hello world', 'hello there'); // [{ type: 'equal', value: 'hello ' }, { type: 'removed', value: 'world' }, { type: 'added', value: 'there' }] (str1: string, str2: string) => [{type, value}}]
encodeURL Encodes a string into a URL-safe format. encodeURL('hello world') // 'hello%20world' (str: string) => string
endsWith Checks if a string ends with a given suffix. endsWith('hello', 'lo') // true (str: string, suffix: string) => boolean
extractHashtags Extracts all hashtags from a string. extractHashtags('#hello #world') // ['#hello', '#world'] (str: string) => string[]
extractMentions Extracts all mentions (e.g., @username) from a string. extractMentions('@user @test') // ['@user', '@test'] (str: string) => string[]
formatNumber Formats numbers into abbreviated form (e.g., 1.2k). formatNumber(1200) // '1.2k' (num: number, digits?: number) => string
generateId Generates a random alphanumeric ID. generateId() // 'abc123xyz' (length = 15: number) => string
invertCase Inverts the case of each character in a string. invertCase('Hello') // 'hELLO' (str: string) => string
isAnagram Checks if two strings are anagrams. isAnagram('listen', 'silent') // true (str1: string, str2: string) => boolean
isBoolean Checks if a value is a boolean-like (e.g., true, "yes", 1). isBoolean('yes') // true (value: number) => boolean
isBtcAddress Checks if a string is a valid Bitcoin address. isBtcAddress('1A1zP...DivfNa') // true (str: string) => boolean
isCreditCard Checks if a string is a valid credit card number. isCreditCard('4111...1111') // true (str: string) => boolean
isEmail Checks if a string is a valid email address. isEmail('test@example.com') // true (email: string) => boolean
isEmoji Checks if a string contains emojis. isEmoji('😊') // true (str: string) => boolean
isIPv4Address Checks if a string is a valid IPv4 address. isIPv4Address('') // true (str: string) => boolean
isIPv6Address Checks if a string is a valid IPv6 address. isIPv6Address('::1') // true (str: string) => boolean
isJSON Checks if a string is valid JSON. isJSON('{"key": 42}') // true (str: string) => boolean
isJWT Checks if a string is a valid JSON Web Token (JWT). isJWT('eyJhbGci...') // true (str: string) => boolean
isPalindrome Checks if a string is a palindrome. isPalindrome('racecar') // true (str: string) => boolean
isURL Checks if a string is a valid URL. isURL('https://example.com'); // true (str: string) => boolean
maskEmail Masks an email address for privacy by replacing part of the email with asterisks.. maskEmail('test@example.com'); // "t***@example.com" (str: string) => string
readingTime Estimates reading time for a given string. readingTime('Lorem ipsum...') // '1 min' (str: string, wpm = 200: number) => string
removeSpaces Removes all spaces from a string. removeSpaces('hello world') // 'helloworld' (str: string) => string
reverse Reverses the characters in a given string. reverse('hello') // 'olleh' (str: string) => string
startsWith Checks if a string starts with a given prefix. startsWith('hello', 'he') // true (str: string, prefix: string) => boolean
truncate Truncates a string to a specific length, appending ellipses if needed. truncate('hello world', 5) // 'hello...' (str: string, maxLength?: number) => string
truncateMiddle Truncates the middle of a string to fit within a length, adding ellipses. truncateMiddle('abcdef', 4) // 'a...f' (str: string, maxLength: number) => string
toCamelCase Converts a string to camel case. toCamelCase('hello_world') // 'helloWorld' (str: string) => string
toOrdinal Converts a number to its ordinal form. toOrdinal(1) // '1st' (num: number) => string
clamp Clamps a number between a minimum and maximum value. clamp(15, 0, 10); // 10 (value: number, min: number, max: number) => number
clamp Clamps a number between a minimum and maximum value. clamp(15, 0, 10); // 10 (value: number, min: number, max: number) => number
getDistanceBetweenPoints Calculates the distance between two points in a 2D plane. getDistanceBetweenPoints({ lon: 0, lat: 0 }, { lon: 3, lat: 4 }) // 5 ({ lon: number, lat: number }, { lon: number, lat: number }) => number
toDegrees Converts radians to degrees. toDegrees(Math.PI) // 180 (radians: number) => number
toRadians Converts degrees to radians. toRadians(180) // Math.PI (degrees: number) => number
roundTo Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places. roundTo(1.2345, 2) // 1.23 (num: number, decimalPlaces: number) => number
randomBetween Generates a random number between a minimum and maximum value. randomBetween(1, 10) // 7 (min: number, max: number) => number
startsWith Checks if a string starts with a given prefix. startsWith('hello', 'he') // true (str: string, prefix: string) => boolean
endsWith Checks if a string ends with a given suffix. endsWith('hello', 'lo') // true (str: string, suffix: string) => boolean


If you'd like to contribute or modify the library, you can clone the repository and run the following commands to build the project:

1. Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/azizbecha/strkit

2. Install dependencies

npm install

3. Build the project

npm run build


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Feel free to fork the repository, create an issue, or submit a pull request to contribute improvements or new features.


  • Thanks to all contributors who make this library possible!

Aziz Becha.

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