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1.1.0 • Public • Published

Azure Azure Digital Twins Core client library for JavaScript

This package contains an isomorphic SDK for Azure Digital Twins API to provide access to the Azure Digital Twins service for managing twins, models, relationships, etc.

Getting started

Currently supported environments

See our support policy for more details.


Install the @azure/digital-twins-core package

Install the Digital Twins Core client library for JavaScript with npm:

npm install @azure/digital-twins-core

Browser support

JavaScript Bundle

To use this client library in the browser, first you need to use a bundler. For details on how to do this, please refer to our bundling documentation.


Azure Digital Twins doesn't currently support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). As a result, this library cannot be used to make direct calls to the template service from a browser. Please refer to this document for guidance.

Key concepts

Azure Digital Twins

Azure Digital Twins is an Azure IoT service that creates comprehensive models of the physical environment. It can create spatial intelligence graphs to model the relationships and interactions between people, spaces, and devices. You can learn more about Azure Digital Twins by visiting Azure Digital Twins Documentation.


DigitalTwinsClient is the client object that users of this library use to manage their Azure Digital Twins instance.


Create the DigitalTwinsClient

To create a new DigitalTwinsClient, you need the endpoint to an Azure Digital Twins instance and credentials. Here, we use DefaultAzureCredential for credentials from the package @azure/identity. It supports different authentication mechanisms and determines the appropriate credential type based of the environment it is executing in. See the readme for @azure/identity for more information on the different authentication options you can use.

const { DefaultAzureCredential } = require("@azure/identity");
const { DigitalTwinsClient } = require("@azure/digital-twins-core");

const url = "<URL to Azure Digital Twins instance>";
const credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
const serviceClient = new DigitalTwinsClient(url, credential);

Create, list, get, decommission, and delete models

Create models

In order to create models, we pass in a list of models to createModels. Here, we only create one model.

const myComponent = {
  "@id": "dtmi:my_component;1",
  "@type": "Interface",
  "@context": "dtmi:dtdl:context;2",
  displayName: "Component1",
  contents: [
      "@type": "Property",
      name: "ComponentProp1",
      schema: "string"

const models = await serviceClient.createModels([myComponent]);

List models

We use listModels to list all the models.

const models = await serviceClient.listModels();
for await (const model of models) {
  console.log(`Model ID: ${model.id}`);

Get model

We can get a specific model using getModel with the model ID.

const model = await serviceClient.getModel("<model ID>");

Decommission model

We can decommission a model using decomissionModel with the model ID.

await serviceClient.decomissionModel("<model ID>");

Delete model

We can delete a model using deleteModel with the model ID.

await serviceClient.deleteModel("<model ID>");

Create, get, query, and delete digital twins

Create digital twin

To create a twin, you will need to provide an ID for the digital twin and a JSON string containing the digital twin object.

const digitalTwinId = "myTwin";
const newTwin = "<JSON containing the digitalTwin object>";
const createdTwin = await serviceClient.upsertDigitalTwin(digitalTwinId, newTwin);

Get digital twin

We can get a digital twin using getDigitalTwin with the digital twin ID.

const digitalTwinId = "myTwin";
const twin = await serviceClient.getDigitalTwin(digitalTwinId);
console.log(`DigitalTwin's etag: ${twin.eTag}`);
console.log(`DigitalTwin: ${twin.body}`);

Query digital twins

Query the Azure Digital Twins instance for digital twins using the Azure Digital Twins query language. Here's an example of how to query for digital twins and how to iterate over the results.

const query = "SELECT * FROM digitaltwins";
const queryResult = serviceClient.queryTwins(query);
for await (const item of queryResult) {
  console.log(`DigitalTwin: ${item}`);

Delete digital twin

We can delete a digital twin using deleteDigitalTwin with the digital twin ID.

const digitalTwinId = "myTwin";
await serviceClient.deleteDigitalTwin(digitalTwinId);

Get and update digital twin components

Get digital twin component

We can get a digital twin component using getComponent with the digital twin ID and the path of the component.

const digitalTwinId = "myTwin";
const componentPath = "Component1";
const component = await serviceClient.getComponent(digitalTwinId, componentPath);
console.log(`Component: ${component}`);

Update digital twin component

To update a digital twin component (i.e., replace, remove, or add a component property or sub-property within a digital twin), you need to provide a digital twin ID, component path, and a list of patch objects with the properties op and path. The value of op is "replace", "remove", or "add", and the value of path is the path to the digital twin component being updated. For "replace" and "add" operations, the value property should be included with your desired value of the component property.

const digitalTwinId = "myTwin";
const componentPath = "Component1";
const patch = {
  op: "replace",
  path: "/ComponentProp1",
  value: "value2"
const updateComponentResponse = await serviceClient.updateComponent(digitalTwinId, componentPath, [

Create and list digital twin relationships

Create digital twin relationships

upsertRelationship creates a relationship on a digital twin provided with ID of a digital twin, name of relationship (in this case, "has"), ID of an relationship (in this case "BuildingHasFloor") and the object representing the relationship to be created. The object must contain property with key "$targetId" to specify the target of the relationship.

const relationship = {
  $relationshipId: "BuildingHasFloor",
  $sourceId: "BuildingTwin",
  $relationshipName: "has",
  $targetId: "FloorTwin",
  isAccessRestricted: false

await serviceClient.upsertRelationship(

List digital twin relationships

For a digital twin, listRelationships and listIncomingRelationships list all the relationships and all incoming relationships, respectively.

const digitalTwinId = "myTwin";
const relationships = serviceClient.listRelationships(digitalTwinId);
for await (const relationship of relationships) {
  console.log(`Relationship: ${relationship}`);
const digitalTwinId = "myTwin";
const incomingRelationships = serviceClient.listIncomingRelationships(digitalTwinId);
for await (const incomingRelationship of incomingRelationships) {
  console.log(`Relationship: ${incomingRelationship}`);

Create, get, list, and delete event routes

Create event route

To create an event route, provide an ID of an event route (in this case, "myEventRouteId") and event route data containing the endpoint and optional filter like the example shown below. For more information on filtering events, see this documentation.

const eventHubEndpointName = "myEventHubEndpointName";
const eventRouteId = "myEventRouteId";
const eventFilter =
  "$eventType = 'DigitalTwinTelemetryMessages' or $eventType = 'DigitalTwinLifecycleNotification'";
await serviceClient.upsertEventRoute(eventRouteId, eventHubEndpointName, eventFilter);

Get event route

We can get an event route using getEventRoute with the event route ID.

const eventRouteId = "myEventRouteId";
const eventRoute = serviceClient.getEventRoute(eventRouteId);
console.log(`EventRoute: ${eventRoute}`);

List event routes

We can list event routes using listEventRoutes.

const eventRoutes = serviceClient.listEventRoutes();
for await (const eventRoute of eventRoutes) {
  console.log(`EventRoute: ${eventRoute}`);

Delete event route

We can delete an event route using deleteEventRoute with the event route ID.

const eventRouteId = "myEventRouteId";
await serviceClient.deleteEventRoute(eventRouteId);

Publish telemetry messages for a digital twin

To publish a telemetry message for a digital twin, you need to provide the digital twin ID, the payload, and a unique ID for the message.

const digitalTwinId = "<digital twin ID>";
const telemetryPayload = '{"Telemetry1": 5}';
const response = await serviceClient.publishTelemetry(
  "<unique message ID>"

You can also publish a telemetry message for a specific component in a digital twin. In addition to the digital twin ID, payload, and unique message ID, you need to specify the target component path.

const digitalTwinId = "<digital twin ID>";
const componentPath = "<component path>";
const telemetryPayload = '{"Telemetry1": 5}';
const response = await serviceClient.publishComponentTelemetry(
  "<unique message ID>"

Additional Examples

Additional examples can be found in the samples directory.



Enabling logging may help uncover useful information about failures. In order to see a log of HTTP requests and responses, set the AZURE_LOG_LEVEL environment variable to info. Alternatively, logging can be enabled at runtime by calling setLogLevel in the @azure/logger:

const { setlogLevel } = require("@azure/logger");


For more detailed instructions on how to enable logs, you can look at the @azure/logger package docs.

Next steps

  • Take a look at the samples directory for detailed examples that demonstrate how to use the client libraries.
  • Explore the Azure Digital Twins documentation


If you'd like to contribute to this library, please read the contributing guide to learn more about how to build and test the code.

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