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2.2.0 • Public • Published

Tech Insights Backend

The backend plugin for Tech Insights.

It provides the API for the frontend tech insights, scorecards and fact visualization functionality, as well as a framework to run fact retrievers and store fact values in to a data store.

Looking for the old backend installation docs? Visit here.


Install the package

# From your Backstage root directory
yarn --cwd packages/backend add @backstage-community/plugin-tech-insights-backend

Add the plugin to your backend

// Add the following to `packages/backend/src/index.ts`

Built-in Defaults

Included FactRetrievers

FactRetrievers are only registered if configured in the app-config.yaml. Meaning that while you have the tech insights backend installed, you will not have any fact retrievers present in your application.

There are three built-in FactRetrievers that come with Tech Insights:

  • entityMetadataFactRetriever: Generates facts which indicate the completeness of entity metadata
  • entityOwnershipFactRetriever: Generates facts which indicate the quality of data in the spec.owner field
  • techdocsFactRetriever: Generates facts related to the completeness of techdocs configuration for entities

Registering the built-in FactRetrievers

The following example registers the built-in fact retrievers to run every 6 hours, while retaining the latest two weeks of fact data.

      # How often the fact retriever should run
      cadence: '*/15 * * * *'
      # How long to keep the fact data
      lifecycle: { timeToLive: { weeks: 2 } }
      cadence: '*/15 * * * *'
      lifecycle: { timeToLive: { weeks: 2 } }
      cadence: '*/15 * * * *'
      lifecycle: { timeToLive: { weeks: 2 } }

The optional lifecycle configuration value limits the lifetime of fact data. The value can be either maxItems or TTL (time to live). Valid options are either a number for maxItems or a Luxon duration-like object for TTL.

# Lifecycle configuration examples
lifecycle: { timeToLive: { weeks: 2 } }

# Deletes all but 7 latest facts for each id/entity pair
lifecycle: { maxItems: 7 };

# Deletes all facts older than 2 weeks (TTL)
lifecycle: { timeToLive: 1209600000 } # Luxon duration like object
lifecycle: { timeToLive: { weeks: 2 } }; # Human readable value

Running fact retrievers in a multi-instance installation

The Tech Insights plugin utilizes SchedulerService to schedule and coordinate task invocation across instances. See the SchedulerService documentation for more information.

Included FactChecker

NOTE: You need a Fact Checker configured to get access to the backend routes that will allow the facts to be checked. If you don't have one configured, you will see 404s and potentially other errors.

There is a default FactChecker implementation provided in the @backstage-community/plugin-tech-insights-backend-module-jsonfc module. This implementation uses json-rules-engine as the underlying functionality to run checks.

You must install the module into your backend system to use the fact checker.

# From your Backstage root directory
yarn --cwd packages/backend add @backstage-community/plugin-tech-insights-backend-module-jsonfc
// Add the following to `packages/backend/src/index.ts`

Then, configure the checks in the app-config.yaml file. The following example configures a check to verify a group has been set as the spec.owner for an entity. The check uses the entityOwnershipFactRetriever fact retriever to get the data.

  factRetrievers: ...
        type: json-rules-engine
        name: Group Owner Check
        description: Verifies that a group has been set as the spec.owner for this entity
          - entityOwnershipFactRetriever
              - fact: hasGroupOwner
                operator: equal
                value: true

Creating custom implementations of FactRetrievers

Creating Fact Retrievers

A Fact Retriever consist of four required and one optional parts:

  1. id - unique identifier of a fact retriever
  2. version: A semver string indicating the current version of the schema and the handler
  3. schema - A versioned schema defining the shape of data a fact retriever returns
  4. handler - An asynchronous function handling the logic of retrieving and returning facts for an entity
  5. entityFilter - (Optional) EntityFilter object defining the entity kinds, types and/or names this fact retriever handles

An example implementation of a FactRetriever could for example be as follows:

import { FactRetriever } from '@backstage-community/plugin-tech-insights-node';

export const myFactRetriever: FactRetriever = {
  id: 'documentation-number-factretriever', // unique identifier of the fact retriever
  version: '0.1.1', // SemVer version number of this fact retriever schema. This should be incremented if the implementation changes
  entityFilter: [{ kind: 'component' }], // EntityFilter to be used in the future (creating checks, graphs etc.) to figure out which entities this fact retrieves data for.
  schema: {
    // Name/identifier of an individual fact that this retriever returns
    examplenumberfact: {
      type: 'integer', // Type of the fact
      description: 'A fact of a number', // Description of the fact
  handler: async ctx => {
    // Handler function that retrieves the fact
    const { discovery, config, logger, auth } = ctx;

    const { token } = await auth.getPluginRequestToken({
      onBehalfOf: await auth.getOwnServiceCredentials(),
      targetPluginId: 'catalog',

    const catalogClient = new CatalogClient({
      discoveryApi: discovery,
    const entities = await catalogClient.getEntities(
        filter: [{ kind: 'component' }],
      { token },
     * snip: Do complex logic to retrieve facts from external system or calculate fact values

    // Respond with an array of entity/fact values
    return entities.items.map(it => {
      return {
        // Entity information that this fact relates to
        entity: {
          namespace: it.metadata.namespace,
          kind: it.kind,
          name: it.metadata.name,

        // All facts that this retriever returns
        facts: {
          examplenumberfact: 2,
        // (optional) timestamp to use as a Luxon DateTime object

Additional FactRetrievers are added to the Tech Insights backend by creating a new backend module and registering the FactRetriever with the techInsightsFactRetrieversExtensionPoint extension point. This, along with other extension points, are available in the @backstage-community/plugin-tech-insights-node library.

import { techInsightsFactRetrieversExtensionPoint } from '@backstage-community/plugin-tech-insights-node';
import { myFactRetriever } from './myFactRetriever';

export const techInsightsModuleMyFactRetriever = createBackendModule({
  pluginId: 'tech-insights',
  moduleId: 'my-fact-retriever',
  register(reg) {
      deps: {
        providers: techInsightsFactRetrieversExtensionPoint,
      async init({ providers }) {

Adding a fact checker

If you want to implement your own FactChecker, for example to be able to handle other than boolean result types, you can do so by implementing FactCheckerFactory and FactChecker interfaces from @backstage-community/plugin-tech-insights-common package.

Modifying check persistence

The default FactChecker implementation comes with an in-memory storage to store checks. You can inject an additional data store by adding an implementation of TechInsightCheckRegistry into the constructor options when creating a JsonRulesEngineFactCheckerFactory. That can be done as follows:

const myTechInsightCheckRegistry: TechInsightCheckRegistry<MyCheckType> = // snip
const myFactCheckerFactory = new JsonRulesEngineFactCheckerFactory({
  checks: [],
  logger: env.logger,
+ checkRegistry: myTechInsightCheckRegistry

Package Sidebar


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