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1.1.4 • Public • Published

Web Component based Router

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Web component router based on Markup.


  • a router that works for MPA, SPA, and hybrid Apps are rare
  • web standards alone routing is hard to work with
  • it takes time to implement a custom router
  • most routers out there are framework specific
  • routers out there require JavaScript code to be written and a powerful component tag simplifies that
  • available routers dont handle both JavaScript, text, and HTML files loading
  • web components work with everything which makes it a perfect candidate for a router
<!-- index.html -->

    <!-- navigate with ability to update title and pass data via payload attribute -->
    <page-link path="/" title="Welcome" payload='{"heading": "Home content"}'
    <page-link path="/todos" search="tab=one" title="Manage todos"
    <page-link path="/contact" title="Contact">Contact</page-link>

<!-- wrap the content to render based on url pathname -->
<page-route path="/">
        <!-- render page metadata like specified payload, 
            path and search query param values -->
        <page-data key="heading"> Home content </page-data>
    <p>This is home content</p>
    <div class="tabs">
        <div class="tab-header">
            <!-- update search query -->
            <page-link search="tab=one">Tab 1</page-link>
            <page-link search="tab=two">Tab 2</page-link>
        <div class="tab-content">
            <!-- render content base on specific search query values -->
            <page-route-query key="tab" value="one">
                Tab One content
            <page-route-query key="tab" value="two">
                Tab Two content
    <!-- choose to ALWAYS redirect to a default location when no url match -->
    <page-redirect type="always" path="/?tab=one"></page-redirect>

<!-- nest routes to create complex sitemap
    by allowing path to not be matched exactly (default) -->
<page-route path="/todos" exact="false">
    <!-- child routes are aware of their parent routes
        no matter where they are rendered
        and will always extend their parent paths -->
    <page-route src="./pages/todos.js"></page-route>
    <!-- use pathname params to specify variables in the pathname -->
    <page-route path="/:todoId" src="./pages/todo-item.js"></page-route>

<!-- load content from text, HTML, or JavaScript files -->
<page-route path="/contact" src="./pages/contact.js"></page-route>

<page-route path="/404"> 404 - Page not found! </page-route>

<!-- force redirect when pathnames are unknown -->
<page-redirect path="/404" title="404 - Page not found!"></page-redirect>



npm install @beforesemicolon/router

via CDN:

<!-- required WebComponent Markup to be present -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@beforesemicolon/web-component/dist/client.js"></script>

<!-- use the latest version -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@beforesemicolon/router/dist/client.js"></script>

<!-- use a specific version -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@beforesemicolon/router@0.1.0/dist/client.js"></script>

<!-- link you app script after -->
    const { ... } = BFS.ROUTER

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