
0.3.1 • Public • Published


The tool to work with dependencies in BEM.

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Dependencies are defined as JavaScript objects in files with the .deps.js extension and look like this:

/* DEPS entity */
    block: 'block-name',
    elem: 'elem-name',
    mod: 'modName',
    val: 'modValue',
    tech: 'techName',
    shouldDeps: [ /* BEM entity */ ],
    mustDeps: [ /* BEM entity */ ],
    noDeps: [ /* BEM entity */ ]

Read more in the BEM technologies documentation.

Note. If you don't have any BEM projects available to try out the @bem/sdk.decl package, the quickest way to create one is to use bem-express.

Try deps

An example is available in the RunKit editor.


To install the @bem/sdk.deps package, run the following command:

npm install --save @bem/sdk.deps

Quick start

Attention. To use @bem/sdk.deps, you must install Node.js 8.0+.

Use the following steps after installing the package.

To run the @bem/sdk.deps package:

  1. Prepare files with dependencies
  2. Create the project's configuration file.
  3. Load dependencies from file.
  4. Create a BEM graph.

Preparing files with dependencies

To work with dependencies you need to define them in files with the .deps.js extension. If you don't have such files in your project, prepare them.

In this quick start we will create simplified file structure of the bem-express project:

├── .bemrc
├── app.js
├── common.blocks
│   ├── header
│   │   └── header.deps.js
│   ├── page
│   │   └── page.deps.js
└── development.blocks
    └── page
        └── page.deps.js

Define the dependencies in the files with .deps.js extension:


    shouldDeps: [
            mods: { view: ['404'] }


    shouldDeps: ['logo']


    shouldDeps: 'livereload'

Defining the project's configuration file

Create the project's configuration file. In this file you should specify levels with paths to search BEM entities and *.deps.js files inside.

Also you should specify level's sets. Each set is a list of level's layers. By default this tool will load dependencies for the desktop set.


module.exports = {
    root: true,

    levels: [
        { naming: 'legacy', layer: 'common',  path: 'common.blocks' },
        { naming: 'legacy', layer: 'development',  path: 'development.blocks' }
    sets: {
        'desktop': 'common',
        'development': 'common development'

Read more about working with the configurations in the @bem/sdk.config package.

Loading dependencies from file

Create a JavaScript file with any name (for example, app.js) and insert the following:

const deps = require('@bem/sdk.deps');

(async () => {
    const dependencies = await deps.load({});
    dependencies.map(e => console.log(e.vertex.id + ' => ' + e.dependOn.id));
})().catch(e => console.error(e.stack));
// header => logo
// page => page_view
// page => page_view_404
// page => header
// page => body
// page => footer

This code will load the project's dependencies with default settings (for the desktop set) and print it to console in a readable format.

Let's try to search *.deps.js files with dependencies in the common.blocks and development.blocks directories. To do it we will use the development set, which includes both common and development sets. Pass the set's name in the platform field.


const deps = require('@bem/sdk.deps');

(async () => {
    const platform = 'development';
    const dependencies = await deps.load({ platform });
    dependencies.map(e => console.log(e.vertex.id + ' => ' + e.dependOn.id));
})().catch(e => console.error(e.stack));
// header => logo
// page => page_view
// page => page_view_404
// page => header
// page => body
// page => footer
// page => livereload

In this time one more dependency was load (page => livereload).

Creating a BEM graph

When we load dependencies from files we can create a graph from them and get an ordered dependencies list for specified blocks, for example the header block.

To create a graph use the buildGraph() method:


To get an ordered dependencies list for specified blocks use the dependciesOf() method for the created graph.

const graph = deps.buildGraph(dependencies);
console.log(graph.dependenciesOf({ block: 'header'}));

Add this code into your app.js file and run it:

const deps = require('@bem/sdk.deps');

(async () => {
    const platform = 'development';
    const dependencies = await deps.load({ platform });
    dependencies.map(e => console.log(e.vertex.id + ' => ' + e.dependOn.id));

    const graph = deps.buildGraph(dependencies);
    console.log(graph.dependenciesOf({ block: 'header'}));
})().catch(e => console.error(e.stack));
// => [
//     { 'entity': { 'block': 'header'}},
//     { 'entity': { 'block': 'logo'}}
// ]

API reference


Loads data from the deps.js files in the project and returns an array of dependencies.

This method sequentially gathers the deps.js files, then reads them and then parses the data from them.

 * @typedef {Object} DepsLink
 * @property {BemCell} vertex — An entity, that depends on the entity from the `dependOn` field.
 * @property {BemCell} dependOn — An entity from which the `vertex` entity depends on.
 * @property {boolean} [ordered] - `mustDeps` dependency if `true`.
 * @property {string} [path] - Path to deps.js file if exists.

 * @param {Object} config — An object with options to configure.
 * @param {BemConfig} [config.config] — Project's configuration. Read more in the `@bem/sdk.config` package.
 *                                      If not specified the project's configuration
 *                                      file will be used (`.bemrc`, `.bemrc.js` or `.bemrc.json`).
 * @param {Object} [format] — An object which contains functions to create `reader` and `parser`.
 *                            If format not specified the files in `formats/deps.js/` module's directory will be used.
 * @param {Function} format.reader — A function to create reader for the `deps.js` files.
 * @param {Function} format.parser  — A function to create parser for the `deps.js` files.
 * @returns {Promise<Array<DepsLink>>}
load(config, format)

RunKit live example.


Gathering deps.js files in the project. This method uses @bem/sdk.walk and @bem/sdk.config packages to get project's dependencies.

 * @param {Object} opts — An object with options to configure.
 * @param {BemConfig} [opts.config] — Project's configuration.
 *                                    If not specified the project's configuration
 *                                    file will be used (`.bemrc`, `.bemrc.js` or `.bemrc.json`).
 * @param {BemConfig} [opts.platform='desktop'] — The name of the level set to gather `deps.js` files for.
 * @param {Object} [options.defaults={}] — Use this object as fallback for found configs.
 * @returns {Promise<Array<BemFile>>}

RunKit live example.


Creates a generic serial reader for BemFile objects. If reader not specified the formats/deps.js/reader.js file will be used.

This method returns a function that reads and evaluates BemFile objects with data from files.

 * @param {function(f: BemFile): Promise<{file: BemFile, data: *, scope: BemEntityName}>} [reader] — A generic serial reader for `BemFile` objects.
 * @returns {Function}


Creates a parser to read data from BemFile objects returned by the read() function and returns an array of dependencies.

With returned array of dependencies you can create a graph using the buildGraph() function.

 * @typedef {Object} DepsData
 * @property {BemCell} [scope] - BEM cell object to use as a scope.
 * @property {BemEntityName} [entity] - Entity to use if no scope was passed.
 * @property {Array<DepsChunk>} data - Dependencies data.

 * @typedef {(string|Object)} DepsChunk
 * @property {string} [block] — Block name
 * @property {(DepsChunk|Array<DepsChunk>)} [elem] — Element name.
 * @property {string} [mod] — Modifier name.
 * @property {string} [val] — Modifier value.
 * @property {string} [tech] — Technology (for example, 'css').
 * @property {(DepsChunk|Array<DepsChunk>)} [elems] — Syntacic sugar that means `shouldDeps` dependency
 *                                                    from the specified elements.
 * @property {Array|Object} [mods] — Syntacic sugar that means `shouldDeps` dependency from the specified modifiers.
 * @property {(DepsChunk|Array<DepsChunk>)} [mustDeps] — An ordered dependency.
 * @property {(DepsChunk|Array<DepsChunk>)} [shouldDeps] — An unordered dependency.

 * @typedef {Object} DepsLink
 * @property {BemCell} vertex — An entity, that depends on the entity from the `dependOn` field.
 * @property {BemCell} dependOn — An entity from which the `vertex` entity depends on.
 * @property {boolean} [ordered] - `mustDeps` dependency if `true`.
 * @property {string} [path] - Path to deps.js file if exists.

 * @param {function} parser - Parses and evaluates BemFiles.
 * @returns {function(deps: (Array<DepsData>|DepsData)): Array<DepsLink>} }

RunKit live example.


Creates a graph from the dependencies list. Read more about graphs and their methods.

 * @typedef {Object} DepsLink
 * @property {BemCell} vertex — An entity, that depends on the entity from the `dependOn` field.
 * @property {BemCell} dependOn — An entity from which the `vertex` entity depends on.
 * @property {boolean} [ordered] - `mustDeps` dependency if `true`.
 * @property {string} [path] - Path to deps.js file if exists.

 * @param {Array<DepsLink>} deps - List of dependencies.
 * @param {Object} options — An options used to create a graph.
 * @param {Boolean} denaturalized — If `true` the created graph won't be naturalized.
 * @returns {BemGraph} — Graph of dependencies.
buildGraph(deps, options)


© 2019 Yandex. Code released under Mozilla Public License 2.0.

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