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The lightweight React component for @antv/g2 5.0, which is based on the Spec API.


$ npm install @berryv/g2-react
import React from "react";
import { Chart } from "@berryv/g2-react";

export function Demo() {
  return (
        type: "interval",
        width: 640,
        height: 480,
        data: [
          { genre: "Sports", sold: 275 },
          { genre: "Strategy", sold: 115 },
          { genre: "Action", sold: 120 },
          { genre: "Shooter", sold: 350 },
          { genre: "Other", sold: 150 },
        encode: { x: "genre", y: "sold" },

API Reference

Property Description Type Default
options the options for the visualization, say chart.options(options) G2options | null -
renderer the renderer of @antv/g canvas ChartOptions -
style the style of the container CSSProperties -
onInit the callback called after the chart instantiating Function -
ref the ref for the chart instance ChartRef -


Creating Chart

For more examples for props.options, see each G2 example and click the "Spec Tab".

import React from "react";
import { Chart } from "@berryv/g2-react";
import { Renderer } from "@antv/g-svg";

export function Demo() {
  const renderer = useMemo(() => new Renderer(), []);
  return (
      // Set renderer to SVG, optional.
        type: "interval",
        autoFit: true, // Fit the container.
        data: [
          { genre: "Sports", sold: 275 },
          { genre: "Strategy", sold: 115 },
          { genre: "Action", sold: 120 },
          { genre: "Shooter", sold: 350 },
          { genre: "Other", sold: 150 },
        encode: { x: "genre", y: "sold" },

Updating Data

Using useMemo to define a computed options with data as a decency, this allows rerendering chart after the data updating.

import React, { useState, useMemo } from "react";
import { Chart } from "@berryv/g2-react";

export function Demo() {
  const [data, setData] = useState(null);

  // The options will update after data updating.
  const options = useMemo(
    () => ({
      type: "interval",
      encode: { x: "genre", y: "sold" },

  useEffect(() => {
    // Mock the fetch delay.
    setTimeout(() => {
      // Update the data.
        { genre: "Sports", sold: 275 },
        { genre: "Strategy", sold: 115 },
        { genre: "Action", sold: 120 },
        { genre: "Shooter", sold: 350 },
        { genre: "Other", sold: 150 },
    }, 1000);

  return <>{data === null ? <p>Loading...</p> : <Chart options={options} />}</>;

Handling Events

<Chart/> exposes the ref for the G2 chart instance, which can be used to handle events or get some instances, such as scale, coordinate, etc,.

import React, { useRef, useEffect } from "react";
import { ChartEvent } from "@antv/g2";
import { Chart } from "@berryv/g2-react";

export function Demo() {
  const chartRef = useRef();

  function onInit() {
    const chart = chartRef.current;

    // Listen input events.
    chart.on("plot:mouseover", () => {});

    // Listen lifecycle events.
    chart.on(ChartEvent.AFTER_RENDER, () => {
      // Emit to init the state of highlight interaction.
      chart.emit("element:highlight", {
        data: {
          data: { genre: "Sports" },

  return <Chart ref={chartRef} onInit={onInit} />;

Customizing Component

With the register API of G2, you can customize visual component and using it in options, such as customizing a triangle shape for bar chart:

import React, { useRef, useEffect } from "react";
import { register } from "@antv/g2";

// Register a triangle shape for interval globally.
register("shape.interval.triangle", (style, context) => {
  const { document } = context;
  return (P, value, defaults) => {
    const { color: defaultColor } = defaults;
    const [p0, p1, p2, p3] = P;
    const pm = [(p0[0] + p1[0]) / 2, p0[1]];
    const { color = defaultColor } = value;
    const group = document.createElement("g");
    const polygon = document.createElement("polygon", {
      style: {
        fill: color,
        points: [pm, p2, p3],
    return group;

export function Demo() {
  return (
        type: "interval",
        data: [
          { genre: "Sports", sold: 275 },
          { genre: "Strategy", sold: 115 },
          { genre: "Action", sold: 120 },
          { genre: "Shooter", sold: 350 },
          { genre: "Other", sold: 150 },
        encode: {
          x: "genre",
          y: "sold",
          shape: "triangle", // Use the custom shape.

Styling Container

Define the css styles of the container:

import React from "react";
import { Chart } from "@berryv/g2-react";

export function Demo() {
  // ...
  return (
      options={{ autoFit: true }}
        width: 800,
        height: 600,
        background: "#eee",
        padding: "1em",
        borderRadius: "0.5em",




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