A script loader for reason-react written in rescript-lang.
Using NPM:
npm install --save @bettercart/rescript-react-script-loader
Using Yarn:
yarn add @bettercart/rescript-react-script-loader
Then add @bettercart/rescript-react-script-loader
to bs-dependencies
in your bsconfig.json
"bs-dependencies": ["@bettercart/rescript-react-script-loader"]
Optional Dependencies (Used for callback) -
Using NPM:
npm install --save bs-webapi
Using Yarn:
yarn add bs-webapi
Then add bs-webapi
to bs-dependencies
in your bsconfig.json
"bs-dependencies": ["bs-webapi"]
ReactScript has a simgle export that is a custom react hook useScript
The useScript
hook will return the status of the tag that you can listen for to handle different states in your
rendering, but you can also pass in named callbacks onLoad
and onFailure
open ReactScript
let onLoad = (event: Webapi.Dom.Event.t) => {
Js.log2("Loaded", event)
let onFailure = (event: Webapi.Dom.Event.t) => {
Js.log2("Failed", event)
/* only a single script tag is created per unique url */
let scriptStatus: Script.status = Script.useScript(~src=url, ~onLoad, ~onFailure)
switch scriptStatus {
| Idle => <div> {"Idle"->React.string} </div>
| Loading => <div> {"Loading"->React.string} </div>
| Ready => <div> {"Ready"->React.string} </div>
| Failed => <div> {"Failed"->React.string} </div>
No Callback Props:
let scriptStatus: Script.status = Script.useScript(~src=url, ())