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1.0.9 • Public • Published


A really configurable implementation of googles MLKit Vision barcode scanning API for Android/IOS for capacitor.

This is a capacitor port of bi-so-gmbh / cordova-plugin-mlkit-barcode-scanner

Supported Versions


A version of 1.15.0 or higher is needed. This is because that is the oldest version I can build the app on an emulator to test if the build runs through.


npm install https://github.com/bi-so-gmbh/capacitor-plugin-mlkit-barcode-scanner.git
npx cap sync



On IOS the camera permission needs to be added to the Info.plist of the project using the plugin.

<string>Scan Barcodes</string>


On Android the permission has to be added in the AndroidManifest.xml of the project using the plugin.

<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" android:required="false"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>

Barcode Support

1d formats Android iOS
Code 39
Code 93
Code 128
RSS Expanded
2d formats Android iOS
Data Matrix
QR Code

MLKit does not detect the following barcodes:

  • 1D Barcodes with only one character
  • Barcodes in ITF format with fewer than six characters
  • Barcodes encoded with FNC2, FNC3 or FNC4
  • QR codes generated in the ECI mode

Plugin Options

The default options are shown below. All values are optional.

Note that the detectorSize value must be between 0 and 1, because it determines how many percent of the screen should be covered by the detector. If the value is greater than 1 the detector will not be visible on the screen.

const defaultOptions = {
  barcodeFormats: {
    Code128: true,
    Code39: true,
    Code93: true,
    CodaBar: true,
    DataMatrix: true,
    EAN13: true,
    EAN8: true,
    ITF: true,
    QRCode: true,
    UPCA: true,
    UPCE: true,
    PDF417: true,
    Aztec: true,
  beepOnSuccess: false,
  vibrateOnSuccess: false,
  detectorSize: 0.6,
  detectorAspectRatio: "1:1",
  drawFocusRect: true,
  focusRectColor: "#FFFFFF",
  focusRectBorderRadius: 100,
  focusRectBorderThickness: 5,
  drawFocusLine: false,
  focusLineColor: "#ff2d37",
  focusLineThickness: 2,
  drawFocusBackground: false,
  focusBackgroundColor: "#66FFFFFF",
  stableThreshold: 5,
  debugOverlay: false,
  ignoreRotatedBarcodes: false

Barcode Detection

All barcodes that are on the image are detected by MLKit. Once the barcodes detected haven't changed for a configurable amount of images (stableThreshold) they enter a secondary logic that checks if the barcodes found are in the scan area. Barcodes are considered inside if the center line of the barcode fits into the scan area completely. If the option ignoreRotatedBarcodes is set to true then barcodes additionally have to have a center line that matches the device rotation. This is done to be able to sort out barcodes rotated by 90 degree.



scan(settings: ISettings) => Promise<IResult>

Opens a camera preview for barcode scanning and automatically detects barcodes in the scan area. In case of unsuccessful scan the reason is thrown as an error.

Possible errors:

Param Type Description
settings ISettings settings to be used for the scan

Returns: Promise<IResult>



The result of the plugin is an object with a list of detected barcodes, sorted by distanceToCenter with the lowest value being first. DistanceToCenter is calculated by how far away the center of the barcode is from the center of the scan area.

Prop Type
barcodes [{ value: string; format: string; type: string; distanceToCenter: number; }]


All settings that can be passed to the plugin. The detectorSize value must be between 0 and 1, because it determines how many percent of the screen should be covered by the detector. If the value is greater than 1 the detector will not be visible on the screen.

Prop Type
barcodeFormats IBarcodeFormats
beepOnSuccess boolean
vibrateOnSuccess boolean
detectorSize number
detectorAspectRatio string
drawFocusRect boolean
focusRectColor string
focusRectBorderRadius number
focusRectBorderThickness number
drawFocusLine boolean
focusLineColor string
focusLineThickness number
drawFocusBackground boolean
focusBackgroundColor string
stableThreshold number
debugOverlay boolean


Options to make it possible to narrow down the barcode types scanned.

Prop Type
Aztec boolean
CodaBar boolean
Code39 boolean
Code93 boolean
Code128 boolean
DataMatrix boolean
EAN8 boolean
EAN13 boolean
ITF boolean
PDF417 boolean
QRCode boolean
UPCA boolean
UPCE boolean

Known Issues

Sometimes the orientation of the barcode is detected wrongly

This is an issue with the fact that MLKit doesn't actually expose the barcode orientation, so any orientation that is used by this plugin basically just checks for the longest side of the barcode bounds. With square barcodes this causes some display issues in the debug overlay, and detection issues with ignoreRotatedBarcodes set to true. If you expect square barcodes (or qr codes) don't use that setting.

Barcodes are only read partially

Another MLKit "feature". Happens especially often on ITF barcodes because the barcode checksum check isn't implemented in MLKit. Should be somewhat mitigated by the detection using the center line of the barcode, but sometimes only parts of the barcode will be read anyway. Only way to deal with it is to play around with stableThreshold until you have enough time to get the whole barcode in the scan area.

Barcode detection doesn't detect all barcodes

More MLKit issues. When having multiple barcodes on screen, not all of them are detected all the time. If you are wondering why some barcodes are missing, activate debugOverlay and you will see which barcodes MLKIt found.

[Android] Torch Button is behind the drawn background

On android, I use a SurfaceView to draw the overlay, including the full background, on. The only way to get this to be transparent so the camera can be seen behind it is to use setZOrderOnTop(true) on it, which makes it impossible for the button to be shown over it. This becomes a problem when a (nearly) opaque background is selected because then the button can't be seen anymore. NOTE: The button still works, it is just rendered behind the background.



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npm i @biso_gmbh/capacitor-plugin-ml-kit-barcode-scanner

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  • nseibel
  • biso_pklein