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0.14.161 • Public • Published


A utility for running a batch work queue on top of Lambda/SQS/SNS


A pretty common problem I have when I do serverless development is that I have some tasks that really should be run asynchronously, so they belong in a queue system. However, there aren't that many of them, and I don't really want to use the complementary resources (like DynamoDB) that would be needed to run 1000 of them simultaneously. I may need to queue up about 400-500 of them, and then let that bleed out over a couple minutes. Also, some of them may need a fair amount of time (over a minute) but others only need a few seconds so if I set the Lambda to have a 5-minute timeout I'd like to process more than one in a call if I can get away with it.

Enter SaltMine. It is a class which allows you to:

  • Define a set of processors that can handle these tasks. They'll get handed an object with arbitrary data and metadata, and must return a Promise. There is no point in returning anything more complicated since nothing is waiting on the return value. Success or not, that is the question.
  • You can use it to enqueue a task for later processing
  • You can tell it to take a queued task (if any) and perform it
  • You can tell it to take a task, perform it, and if there is still enough time remaining, do it again.

That's about it. SaltMine is really meant to be called from API Gateway Lambda's to queue up later tasks, and from a Cron Lambda to occasionally see if there is anything left to be processed. The trick is that it also provides an SNS listening Lambda to autofire whenever a notification comes in that there is work to be done.

Technically you could get away without the SNS handler if you are content to have your batch work only trigger on other events (like CRON), but I haven't really allowed that option in here since I never work that way.


To use it, you first create:

  1. An SNS Topic. You'll need its arn.
  2. An SQS Queue. You'll need its url, and obviously you'll need to set up IAM correctly to read/write it.
  3. A set of functions implementing SaltMineFunction. These will be matched to submitted tasks by the "type" field, which must match the name of the function. Salt Mine Function is defined as async fn(e:SaltMineEntry): Promise

(Note : this used to be a class architecture pre-0.1.0, but I switched to functions with an optional context as a better approach)

Once that is set up, you create a SaltMine instance by passing it the queue url, notification arn, and set of processors (and optionally the SNS and SQS instances). You can then submit new tasks using that object, and also either process tasks directly, or by using the Lambda adapter.

The lambda adapter is meant to be called from within a Lambda handler - you can use its functions to check whether the incoming event is a SNS-SaltMine event, and if so hand it off, otherwise continue to your other logic.

As of Version 0.4.x, SaltMine offers both deferred processing (your event is put into a queue that is, in general, consumed one message at a time) and immediate processing (your event is immediately processed by the same processors that would have processed it deferred). With this approach you get both:

  • Standard asynchronous processing
  • The salt mine advantages of not slamming your downstream resources with unbounded consumption in the cases where you want that
  • Unbounded concurrent lambda when you want that

As of Version 0.6.x, SaltMine offers a local development server to bypass SQS and SNS. If you provide a development config inside your SaltMineConfig instead of a AWS one, all traffic will be routed to a local server, assumed to be running the salt-mine-development-server class.

AWS Resource Creation

SNS Topic

Create an SNS topic. Note its ARN and name. If you want to know any time the queue is being fired you can also add your email to it, but that's unnecessary except when debugging - you can pretty much just leave it alone. This is only here as a Lambda signaling mechanism.

Importantly - the SQS is NOT signed up to the topic. First of all it can't be if you are using FIFO queues (At least as of 04/2018) and second of all because if it were, it would fire multiple requests (1 per incoming message) and we don't want to process the whole queue at once, we want to drain it one request at a time to respect throttling.


Your mileage may vary, but I create mine like this :

  • FIFO Queue (Single run of each task, and tasks execute in the order they are enqueued)
  • Default Visibility Timeout: 5 minutes (If the Lambda fails unexpectedly it can be retried when it shows back up in the message queue)
  • Message Retention Period: 20 minutes (If it hasn't been processed in 20 minutes its likely no longer relevant)
  • Maximum Message Size: 256 KB (Far bigger than your normal SaltMine message)
  • Receive Message Wait Time: 0 seconds (Any task can be picked up immediately)
  • Content based deduplication : On ()


npm install @bitblit/saltmine


Depends heavily on the AWS library, but it is a transient dependency so that it doesn't get bundled when creating a Lambda. Also, depends on my Ratchet library for general utilities.


To run the tests,

yarn test


These are just notes-to-self on how to do this. ALl the logic is actually in my CircleCI script, so the key thing is to know that to do a release you must:

    git commit -m "New stuff"
    git tag -a release-0.0.5 -m "Because I like it a lot"
    git push origin master --tags

Release Notes

  • 0.5.x - Moved to ESLint, upgrade libraries, add some key logging
  • 0.14.x - Moved to ES6 since Lambda supports node 14; added barrel files


Pull requests are welcome, although I'm not sure why you'd be interested!



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  • bitblit