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3.2.10 • Public • Published

@bitdiver/model / Exports



The step is the basic element to create a test. A test normally is an aggregation of several steps.

There are two types of steps

  • single
    This step will be executed once for all the test cases.

  • normal
    In this case there will be instantiate one step object per test case.


When creating a step the following configurations are supported.

  • type
    The type of this step. {normal|single}

  • name
    The name of this step

  • needData
    Normally a step will only be executed if there is a test case which defines data for this step. But some steps do not need any data. For example there is a step which cleans a data base.


This describes the existing properties of a step and what there are used for.

  • logger
    The logger used to log. This logger should be used in the step implementation.

  • stepInstanceId
    A UUID for the instance of the step. This is is used to correlate logs later on.

  • environmentTestcase
    A step could store and retrieve data from this environment. This context lives as long the test case. So a step could pass data to one of the next steps. If this is a singleStep, then this is an array of environments

  • environmentRun
    A context shared between all the test cases.

  • name
    Just the name for this step.

  • testMode
    The idea of the test mode is to test the run of a step without executing it completly. So the suite could be tested. This is important for long running tests

  • status
    The status of this step while execution

  • data
    The test data for this step instance. If this is a single step, then this is an array of data.

Log methods

These methods are for step implementer.

Parameter for all the log messages.

  • message
    The message or object to log.

    A promise when the log was written.

    List of all the log messages

  • logDebug(message)

  • logInfo(options)

  • logWarning(options)

  • logError(options)

  • logFatal(options)

Methods called by the runner

These methods could be implemented by the step implementer. They will be called by the runner while step execution

Each of the methods must return a promise.


This method is called for all the step instances when a new step is entered in the execution.


This method will be called just before the run method is called. This method is called per test case.


The run method is the method which should do the work of the step.


This method will be called just after the run method is finished. It will be called even if the run method has failed. So this method could be used for clean up.


This method will be called when all the step instances of this step are finished.

Execution status

Describes the existing status values used by the step, test case and run.

value = 1
This status is set on each step, test case and run when a new run starts.

value = 2
This status will be set for example if a test will be stopped but the test case is not yet finished and not failed.

value = 3
This status is set if the 'logWarning' method of a step was called.

value = 4
This status will be set if 'logError' method of a step was called or any other error comes up for a test case. This causes the test case to stop. For this test case no further steps will be executed.

value = 5
This status will be set if 'logFatal' method of a step was called or any other fatal error comes up for a test case or run. This causes the complete test to stop. The rest of the run will be aborted.


This is the registry for all the step classes. The registry will be used to create the real steps on runtime from the step definitions before. The runner gets a stepDefinition which should be executed, then looks up a implementation in the stepRegistry object.

So beforehand the steps needs to be registered in the step registry.


registerStep(stepName, step)::

Registers a new step class to the registry.

  • stepName
    A name under which the step class should be registered.

  • step
    The step class.

Example usage

import {SuperStep} from 'myStepProject'

stepRegistry.registerStep({ stepName: 'superStepName', step: SuperStep })


Creates an instance for the class registered under the given name.

  • stepName
    The name under which the step class was registered.

    The instance of the step

Example usage

const mySuperStep = stepRegistry.getStep('superStepName')


The run environment is the context which lives for the whole execution of the run. This context could be used to store configurations or other data which needs to be provided to each test case. This context could be read and written by each step in each test case.

The data is stored in a map.

EnvironmemntRun properties

  id: 'uuid'             
  name: 'suite name'     
  status: STATUS_OK      
  description: 'a desc'  
  startTime: Date.now()  
  this.map = new Map()   
  • The id is a uuid. It will be generated when the environment is created.

  • The name of the suite.

  • The overall status of this run. If one test case has an error the complete run get the status error.

  • Any description for this run.

  • The timestamp the run was started.

  • This map is used to store the context information.


The test case environment is the context which lives for the whole execution of the test case. For each test case an own environment will be created. This context is the right place to transport data from one step to a following step in the test case.

The data is stored in a map.

EnvironmemntRun properties

  id: 'uuid'             
  name: 'suite name'     
  status: STATUS_OK      
  description: 'a desc'  
  running: true          
  this.map = new Map()   
  • The id is a uuid. It will be generated when the environment is created.

  • The name of the suite.

  • The overall status of this run. If one test case has an error the complete run get the status error.

  • Any description for this run.

  • if a test case has failed the running status will be switched to false. So there will be no execution of further steps for this test case.

  • This map is used to store the context information.



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