
1.0.1 • Public • Published


This package allows for the integration of the Abode Video Heartbeat Analytics system with the Bitmovin Player.


  1. Adobe Experience Cloud account
  2. Bitmovin account
  3. Video Heartbeat library = v2.0.2
  4. AppMeasurement.js from Adobe Experience Cloud
  5. VisitorAPI.js from Adobe Experience Cloud


dist/bitmovin-player-analytics-adobe.js provides information for each video uniquely. To handle this each instance of the Bitmovin player needs to be passed to the analytics function. This function is exposed on the window at window.bitmovin.player.analytics.AdobeAnalytics.


Heartbeat Config

Once initializing a player instance, you need to pass it to the AdobeAnalytics function to register it with your heartbeat account providing a configuration object as the first argument. All fields in the heartbeatConfig are required.

const heartbeatConfig = ({
  trackingServer: "",
  ovp: "",
  playerName: "Test Player",
  channel: "",
  appVersion: "",
  debugLogging: true,
  ssl: false

trackingServer: Defines the server for tracking media heartbeats. This is different from your analytics tracking server.

ovp: Name of the online video platform through which content gets distributed.

playerName: Name of the video player in use. E.g.: "AVPlayer", "HTML5 Player", "My Custom VideoPlayer".

channel: Channel name property

appVersion: Version of the video player app/SDK.

debugLogging: Flag that indicates if you would like debug log output from Heartbeat

ssl: Boolean flag that indicates whether the heartbeat calls should be made over HTTPS.

Data Projection Overrides

The AdobeAnalytics function also takes a Data Projection Object which is comprised of functions that will provide additional data Heartbeat may need. Not all values in this object are required, however if your source has ads or chapters, you will need to implement the functions described under their headers.

Key Signature Required Description
toVideoUID (player:PlayerAPI) => string YES Returns the UID for the Player
toCustomMetadata (player:PlayerAPI) => string YES Returns the custom metadata for the Playback Session
Key Signature Required Description
toAdBreakName (player:PlayerAPI, adBreakEvent:AdBreakEvent) => string YES Returns the name of the current AdBreak
toAdBreakPosition (player:PlayerAPI, adBreakEvent:AdBreakEvent) => number YES Returns the number of the current AdBreak
toAdName (player:PlayerAPI, adEvent:AdEvent) => string YES Returns the Name of the current Ad
toAdId (player:PlayerAPI, adEvent:AdEvent) => string YES Returns the ID for the current Ad
toAdPosition (player:PlayerAPI, adEvent:AdEvent) => number YES Returns the number of the current Ad within current AdBreak
Key Signature Required Description
toChapterName (player:PlayerAPI, chapterEvent:ChapterEvent) => string NO Returns the name of the current Chapter
toChapterPosition (player:PlayerAPI, chapterEvent:ChapterEvent) => number NO Returns the number of the current Chapter
toChapterLength (player:PlayerAPI, chapterEvent:ChapterEvent) => number NO Returns the length of the chapter in seconds
toChapterStartTime (player:PlayerAPI, chapterEvent:ChapterEvent) => number NO Returns the start time in seconds of the current chapter


To register a player to your Heartbeat server and begin tracking, invoke the AdobeAnalytics function found in the player analytics:

const cleanup = window.bitmovin.player.analytics.AdobeAnalytics(
  dataProjectionOverrides = {}

Note, the registration of playback event callbacks with player should be done after registering the player instance to your Heartbeat server. Not doing so may cause errors.


window.bitmovin.player.analytics.AdobeAnalytics returns a teardown method that tells the system that you are done tracking and it should begin garbage collection. When you have finished with a player just invoke the related Teardown to stop tracking


Note it is up to you to call teardown whenever you would destroy the player. Not doing so will cause errors.

Dev Environment Setup


  1. Clone this git repository.
  2. Visit Video Heartbeat Library to download VideoHeartbeatLibrary-js-v2.0.2.zip.
  3. Copy VideoHeartbeat.min.js from the libs directory in the Video Heartbeat Library to your project.
  4. Download AppMeasurement.js and VisitorAPI.js from your Adobe Experience Cloud account and place them in your project.
  5. Edit the current example project to include your heartbeat settings
  6. Install required packages with npm ci.
  7. Build project with npm run build.
  8. Compiled file can be found at public\js\bitmovin-player-adobe-analytics.js.
  9. Include the built file and the 3 Adobe Heartbeat JavaScript files in the body tag of the html file.

Running the project

To run the project during development you can run

npm run start

this will start a webpack-dev-server that will serve the /public folder on localhost:8080/

If you would prefer to just build and serve the project without the live reload you can achive this by running

npm run build

which will compile the Typescript files located in the src/ folder into Javascript files in /public/js folder. you can then start a normal http-server with

npm run server

Generating docs

This project uses TypeDoc to generate docs. After Installation you can create your own copy of the documentation by running

npm run doc

this will generated a doc\ folder in the root directory containing the documentation


This project used Prettier for style consistency. This is built into the commit hook, however it may also be run manually through

npm run format


To help with development, an additional file, adobeStub.ts, is included in this repository. This file can replace the Adobe Heartbeat library (adobePassthrough.ts) in bitmovin-heartbeat.ts. This will allow you to view event calls to Heartbeat without the need of a Adobe Heartbeat Account.

Package Sidebar


npm i @bitmovin/player-integration-adobe



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  • bitadmin