Logger using Pino, use with lambdas
import { log, sniff, logFatalAndReturn } from '@bizcuit/logger';
// Logger basic useage
log.trace({ logData }, 'Logging some important string we need'); // Level 10
log.debug({ logData }, 'Logging some important string we need'); // Level 20
log.info({ logData }, 'Logging some important string we need'); // Level 30
log.warn({ logData }, 'Logging some important string we need'); // Level 40
// Error should always take as first argument an Error object
// (or a custom Error message which inherits from Error)
log.error(new Error('My err message'), 'Extra message if desired') // Level 50
// OR
(new Promise((res, rej) => rej(new Error('My err'))))
.catch(err => log.error(err, 'Extra message if desired')); // Level 50
log.fatal({ logData }, 'Logging some important string we need'); // Level 60
* @note
* The format of this message in a `log.event` call is **EXCEPTIONALLY** important
* It is the message that is entered here that will be what other parts of the system
* will filter on to receive the event generated by this lambda.
* If it's not in this format it will simply be discarded
* Similarly the event **must** be called `event` and wrapped in an object, else discarded
log.event({ event }, 'SERVICE|FUNCTION');
// Sniffing out data from inside promise chains
const spicyDataPromise = new Promise.resolve({ spicyData: '🌶' });
spicyDataPromise.then(sniff('debug', 'Logging the contents of SpicyDataPromise', 'spicyData'))
// LogFatalAndReturn
const { SHOULD_NOT_BE_UNDEFINED } = process.env;
if (isUndefined(SHOULD_NOT_BE_UNDEFINED)) logFatalAndReturn('A required env var was not present');