Claim TypeScript
An implementation of the Claim module written in TypeScript.
Table of Contents
This library is published on GitHub's and npmjs's npm registry.
Npmjs Registry
npm install @blobaa/claim-ts
See npmjs package.
Github Registry
For using GitHub's registry, create a .npmrc file in the same directory as your package.json and add the following line
This tells npm to use the GitHub registry for @blobaa scoped packages. More information about multiple registry usage can be found in this medium post.
You can now install the package via
npm install @blobaa/claim-ts
See GitHub package.
CAUTION: You need to authenticate yourself to use the GitHub registry, even if it's a public available package.
You need to have Node.js installed.
To initialize the project just clone this repository and run
npm install
For linting run
npm run lint
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npm run fix-lint
For unit testing run the following associated commands
npm run test-browser
npm run test-node
npm test
This library implements the Claim module and must therefore be used in conjunction with the Attestation Protocol implementation to enable verifiable claim based authentication.
The library contains the following module:
The Claim module provides APIs for claim data preparation, claim creation and claim verification:
- prepareUserData: (params: PrepareUserDataParams) => UserData[]
- setUserData: (params: SetUserDataParams) => void
- createHashes: () => Hashes
- createClaim: (params: CreateClaimParams) => ClaimObject
- verifyClaim: (params: VerifyClaimParams) => boolean
The prepareUserData function extends an unprepared user data object with a unique alphanumeric nonce.
The setUserData function consumes an array of prepared user data objects and stores it internally.
The createHashes function returns an object that contains the root hash and the leaf hashes of the user data object.
The createClaim function creates a claim object based on preselected user data.
The verifyClaim function verifies a claim object.
The following example shows sample code for the three Claim workflows (registering, creating, and verifying a verifiable claim). It uses, as described above, the Attestation Protocol implementation, additionally to this Claim library.
It shows a fictive scenario of a registration office where the user Oliver receives and uses the verifiable claim that represents a subset of his id card information.
Claim Registration
import { claim, SetUserDataParams, PrepareUserDataParams } from "@blobaa/claim-ts";
import { attestation, CreateLeafAttestationParams } from "@blobaa/attestation-protocol-ts";
/* unprepared claim user data */
const data = [
{ name: "address:city", value: "Cologne" },
{ name: "address:country", value: "Germany" },
{ name: "address:number", value: "3" },
{ name: "address:street", value: "Kölner Weg" },
{ name: "address:zip", value: "11221" },
{ name: "person:firstName", value: "Oliver" },
{ name: "person:surName", value: "Schmidt" },
{ name: "person:birthDay", value: "11.11.2000" }
const claimRegistrationExample = async (): Promise<void> => {
* Step 1: Add a nonce to each user data object
* (optional. Can be omitted if the user data are already in prepared form)
const params1: PrepareUserDataParams = {
unpreparedUserData: data
const userData = claim.prepareUserData(params1);
/* the user data are now extended with unique 64 character long alphanumeric nonces */
console.log("prepared user data:\n", userData, "\n");
* Step 2: Get the root hash
const params2: SetUserDataParams = {
claim.setUserData(params2); // stores the user data array internally
const claimHashes = claim.createHashes();
/* the root hash is now accessible via the rootHash key */
console.log("root hash:", claimHashes.rootHash, "\n");
* Step 3: Attach the root hash as attestation payload
const rootHash = {
rootHash: claimHashes.rootHash
const params3: CreateLeafAttestationParams = {
leafAccount: "ARDOR-5HVX-MN8D-QNBH-4F6FE", // account to be attested (Oliver`s account)
attestationContext: "claimAuthentication",
payload: JSON.stringify(rootHash), // the root hash
passphrase: "<some passphrase>", // passphrase of attestor account
myAttestorAccount: "ARDOR-47NS-P7AU-HZNN-84PW6" // [optional] account name of attestor accounts attestor.
// Required if attestor account is an intermediate entity
try {
/* create and emit request */
const response = await attestation.createLeafAttestation("", params3);
/* the claim is now registered with the specified user data array to the attested account (Oliver`s account) */
console.log("transaction id:", response.transactionId);
* Step 4: Forward the prepared user data array to the attested account holder (to Oliver in this case)
* <your code>
} catch (e) { /* error handling (see attestation-protocol-ts readme) */ }
Verifiable Claim Creation
import { claim, CreateClaimParams, SetUserDataParams } from "@blobaa/claim-ts";
import { data, SignDataParams } from "@blobaa/attestation-protocol-ts";
/* the prepared claim user data forwarded at the claim registration process (see Claim Registration) */
const userData = [
{ name: "address:city", value: "Cologne", nonce: "fNQKzWwac2OTPKLOsdF98bMq4xcLTozIZIOk9EF0vzL2xlIBB6EgUw7vztkB5oJ6" },
{ name: "address:country", value: "Germany", nonce: "IHCiJeCNitRqikxSxWUj3s0mOr8du3PCnkqaH7ooRkImZk7mKYKJc1xpzgx3Utc1" },
{ name: "address:number", value: "3", nonce: "dIMctTViKw4j1VjFnD9DYOky2CBxDlIcfOVpVqHxbthMXeyXyTnuJMO8J7rBQhir" },
{ name: "address:street", value: "Kölner Weg", nonce: "JlAIZKGGm9cBVd2ZZlO7eOnkVGROvV1B6gJCkEtjPGj2CLqcsfc9KJgbuobrCT0k" },
{ name: "address:zip", value: "11221", nonce: "Ztqy9Eep6sw6ZMWRU9AoucyFa3B46vJ0PswIOBStsAtaJEMeFbdGkPlqMXBgM09T" },
{ name: "person:firstName", value: "Oliver", nonce: "Lz6yDcwEXgSWHsUt8YK1QCKBgb2eptTDif3xOks6KQx9BvKrZhXPqGqdrlIrZAGL" },
{ name: "person:surName", value: "Schmidt", nonce: "1lRu8pwklj33nTsFo0tRYLb3fQ732zR12eiZz2xFy4WiiavBzqrChRQIw1Mu2qbB" },
{ name: "person:birthDay", value: "11.11.2000", nonce: "1UB3TUC1yyeFnSkxJVhiqQBEzmeWt4lOQNUQ5kg0VIFbxYQPBgBgbE46ovvagtba" }
const verifiableClaimCreationExample = (): void => {
* Step 1: Select the user data to claim
const params1: CreateClaimParams = {
userDataNames: [
* Step 2: Create the claim
const params2: SetUserDataParams = {
userData: userData
const claimObject = claim.createClaim(params1);
/* the claim object bundles the selected user data along with claim verification information */
console.log("claim object:\n", claimObject, "\n\n");
* Step 3: Sign the claim
const params3: SignDataParams = {
attestationContext: "claimAuthentication",
attestationPath: [ // trust chain up to the root account
payload: JSON.stringify(claimObject), // stringified claim object
passphrase: "chicken clerk liquid evil turtle duty like jeans beauty hundred swim sample" // passphrase of claim creator account (Oliver`s account)
const signedClaim = data.signData(params3, true);
/* the signed claim object is now ready to be shared and verified */
console.log("signed claim object:\n", signedClaim);
Claim Verification
import { claim, VerifyClaimParams, ClaimObject } from "@blobaa/claim-ts";
import { data, VerifySignedDataParams, SignedDataCheckParams, EntityCheckParams, Error, ErrorCode, SignedData } from "@blobaa/attestation-protocol-ts";
/* the signed claim created at the claim creation process (see Verifiable Claim Creation) */
const signedClaim: SignedData = {
attestationContext: "claimAuthentication",
attestationPath: [ "ARDOR-3ZKF-US3F-KGL7-GUEZE", "ARDOR-47NS-P7AU-HZNN-84PW6" ],
creatorAccount: "ARDOR-5HVX-MN8D-QNBH-4F6FE",
payload: "{\"userData\":[{\"name\":\"address:country\",\"value\":\"Germany\",\"nonce\":\"IHCiJeCNitRqikxSxWUj3s0mOr8du3PCnkqaH7ooRkImZk7mKYKJc1xpzgx3Utc1\"},{\"name\":\"person:birthDay\",\"value\":\"11.11.2000\",\"nonce\":\"1UB3TUC1yyeFnSkxJVhiqQBEzmeWt4lOQNUQ5kg0VIFbxYQPBgBgbE46ovvagtba\"}],\"hashes\":{\"leafHashes\":[\"739e1eec28e2c8c551e730a9480f63a7b93bb9aa48bd54463fbf44aa2e54ce8d\",\"5837ac6ce233f9a3d75bd8e41d3febe5ec59f9590f665b625c9cc0a408711361\",\"1be4b90fa974e78300d0c6d36eb3cfb7ceadcd38790fd60938ef210deb732dd6\",\"33a0ad65e9d7183128aa1b24be9d7fc5f774fa940345844d5f6f3a3d54214b7e\",\"3e4b13d21def5c17f8896ae2903b90c9e3df0c33e784629d889da0e276488c78\",\"e9be2351d0969531cae85b6d697fc561fc3701014543b4e0412c75976aaba857\"],\"rootHash\":\"077e142468b011a454b62991a54e17b4b2408bcc5a73f7de87f188335280b17b\"}}",
signature: "4f31stdpt2hm70iu8oer1tsq4lekck2rmt565f3eult4ocob3a2juomqs5s2ah0439t762igiof08rcr84rumr6lkf8vt9cfhuqutimf840gl1memb6mndh70i3gg4eacqcl13nvcb8206urs8evh03cm6nj02m2"
const claimVerificationExample = async (): Promise<void> => {
* Step 1: Create a claim check callback
let rootHash = "";
let claimCreator = "";
const claimCheckCallback = (params1: SignedDataCheckParams): boolean => {
let claimObject: ClaimObject
/* parse the claim object */
try {
claimObject = JSON.parse(params1.signedData.payload);
} catch (e) {
return false;
/* get user data */
console.log("claim user data:\n", claimObject.userData, "\n");
/* get the claim signature time */
console.log("claim signature time:", new Date(params1.signatureTime), "\n\n");
/* verify the claim */
const params2: VerifyClaimParams = {
const isClaimValid = claim.verifyClaim(params2);
/* store information for claim entity checks */
claimCreator = params1.signedData.creatorAccount;
rootHash = claimObject.hashes.rootHash;
return isClaimValid; // verification process stops in case of an invalid claim
* Step 2: Create a claim entity check callback
let isRootHashAttested = false;
const claimEntityCheckCallback = (entity: EntityCheckParams): boolean => {
/* show trust chain entities */
console.log("account: ", entity.account);
console.log("payload: ", entity.payload);
console.log("entity : ", entity.entityType, "\n");
/* check if the root hash is attached to the claim creator account */
if (!isRootHashAttested) {
let parsedRootHash: string;
try {
parsedRootHash = JSON.parse(entity.payload).rootHash;
} catch (e) {
return false;
if (claimCreator === entity.account && rootHash === parsedRootHash) {
isRootHashAttested = true;
return isRootHashAttested; // verification process stops in case of an unattested root hash
* Step 3: Request claim verification
const params: VerifySignedDataParams = {
trustedRootAccount: "ARDOR-47NS-P7AU-HZNN-84PW6", // the trust chain`s root account
signedData: signedClaim,
signedDataCheckCallback: claimCheckCallback,
entityCheckCallback: claimEntityCheckCallback
try {
/* create and emit request */
const response = await data.verifySignedData("", params, true);
/* Congratulation!!!, you have successfully finished the verification process. The claim is valid and attested */
console.log("\n", "claim is ok :)");
console.log("verification information:\n", response);
} catch (e) {
/* if your program reaches these lines, an error occurred and the verification finished without success. */
const error = e as Error;
switch (error.code) {
console.log("\n", "claim is invalid :(");
console.log("\n", "claim creator account is not attested or root hashes mismatch :(");
Module Instantiation
The claim module is pre instantiated and importable via the lower case module name. If you need the class definition, import it via the upper case name. For example:
import { claim, Claim, PrepareUserDataParams} from '@blobaa/claim-ts'
const params: PrepareUserDataParams = {
userData: [
{ name: 'data1', value: '42'},
{ name: 'data2', value: '42'}
/* use the default instance */
const userData = claim.prepareUserData(params);
/* use your own instance */
const myClaim = new Claim();
const userData2 = myClaim.prepareUserData(params);
claim-ts source code ("The Software") is licensed under both GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 or later and a proprietary license that can be arranged with me. In practical sense, this means:
- If you are developing Open Source Software (OSS) based on claim-ts, chances are you will be able to use claim-ts freely under AGPL. Please double check here for OSS license compatibility with AGPL.
- Alternatively, if you are unable to release your application as Open Source Software, you may arrange alternative licensing with me. Just send your inquiry to to discuss this option.
Enjoy :)