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AJAX Provider Documentation

A class that provides AJAX functionality with event handling capabilities.

Table of Contents


The AJAX Provider is a JavaScript class that provides AJAX functionality with event handling capabilities through EventTarget. It uses the AjaxProviderMixin, a mixin that leverages RxJS to manage AJAX requests efficiently.


To use the AJAX Provider, you need to install it as a package dependency.

npm install @blockquote-web-components/ajax-provider


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Creating an Instance

To use the AJAX Provider, first, create an instance of the AjaxProvider class.

import { AjaxProvider } from '@blockquote-web-components/ajax-provider';

// A basic request configuration looks like this:
const ajaxProvider = new AjaxProvider({
  url: 'https://httpbin.org/get',
  // Default method
  method: 'GET',

  // Default request Headers.
  headers: {
    Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, *\/*; q=0.01',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',

Configuring AJAX Requests

You can configure your AJAX request by setting various options on the ajaxProvider instance. Here are some common configuration options:

const ajaxProvider = new AjaxProvider({
  url: 'https://httpbin.org/get',
  path: method.toLowerCase(),
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'rxjs-custom-header': 'Rxjs',
  body: {
    rxjs: `Hi`,
  includeDownloadProgress: true,
  includeUploadProgress: true,

Sending AJAX Requests

Once you have configured the AJAX request, you can send it using the generateRequest method. This method returns a promise that resolves with the AJAX response or attaching event listeners to handle various stages of the AJAX request.

const ajaxProvider = new AjaxProvider({
  url: 'https://api.github.com/users',
  queryParams: 'per_page=4',

  .then(response => {
    console.log('Response:', response.response);
  .catch(error => {
    console.log('Error:', error.message);

Event Handling

The AJAX Provider allows you to handle events related to HTTP requests. You can listen to events such as:

  • 'presend' --> 'progress' --> 'response' --> 'responseend'
  • 'presend' --> 'error' --> 'errorend'

Here's how to set up event listeners:

const ajaxProvider = new AjaxProvider({
  url: 'https://api.github.com/users',
  queryParams: 'per_page=3',

ajaxProvider.addEventListener('ajaxpresend', ({ detail }) => {
  console.log('Preparing to send request...', detail);

ajaxProvider.addEventListener('ajaxprogress', ({ detail }) => {
  console.log(`Progress: ${detail.loaded} of ${detail.total} bytes`);

ajaxProvider.addEventListener('ajaxresponse', ({ detail }) => {
  const { response } = detail;
  console.log('Received response:', response);

ajaxProvider.addEventListener('ajaxresponseend', ({ detail }) => {
  console.log('End request:', detail);

ajaxProvider.addEventListener('ajaxerror', ({ detail }) => {
  const error = detail;
  console.log('Request error:', error.message);

ajaxProvider.addEventListener('ajaxerrorend', ({ detail }) => {
  console.log('End error:', detail);


API Reference

Requests can be made by passing the relevant config to AjaxProvider.


  • url: The base URL for the AJAX request. (string)
  • body: The request body. (*)
  • async: Whether or not to send the request asynchronously. (boolean)
    • Default value: true
  • method: The HTTP request method (e.g., GET, POST). (string)
    • Default value: GET
  • headers: Custom headers for the request. (Object|undefined)
    • Default value:
      • Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, /; q=0.01'
      • Content-Type: 'application/json'
  • timeout: The request timeout in milliseconds. (number)
    • Default value: 0
  • user: The user for authentication. (string)
  • password: The password for authentication. (string)
  • withCredentials: Indicates whether to include credentials with the request. (boolean)
    • Default value: false
  • xsrfCookieName: The name of the XSRF cookie. (string)
  • xsrfHeaderName: The name of the XSRF header. (string)
  • responseType: The response type (e.g., 'json', 'text'). (string)
    • Default value: json
  • queryParams: The query parameters to include in the request URL. (Object|undefined)
  • includeDownloadProgress: Indicates whether to include download progress in the response. (boolean)
    • Default value: false
  • includeUploadProgress: Indicates whether to include upload progress in the response. (boolean)
    • Default value: false

Configuration AJAX Provider.

  • path: The path to append to the base URL. (string)
  • dispatchEventContext: The context for dispatching events. (AjaxProvider instance)
  • lastResponse: The last AJAX response object. (Object)
  • lastError: The last error object. (Object)
  • customEventPrefix: A custom event prefix for events related to HTTP requests. (string)
    • Default value: ajax
  • avoidBoundary: Set to true to stop delegating the use of boundaries for multipart requests to the browser. (boolean)
    • Only change this to true if you know what you are doing. Default value: false


  • generateRequest(): Generates and sends the AJAX request. This method can be used both with promises and by attaching event listeners to handle various stages of the AJAX request.


class: AjaxProvider

Name Module Package
AjaxProviderMixin /src/AjaxProviderMixin.js
Name Privacy Type Default Description Inherited From
dispatchEventContext Object this The context for dispatching events.
lastResponse Object|undefined undefined The last AJAX response object.
lastError Object|undefined undefined The last error object.
customEventPrefix string 'ajax' A custom event prefix for events related to HTTP requests.
avoidBoundary boolean false Set to `true` to stop delegating the use of boundaries for multipart requests to the browser. Only change this to `true` if you know what you are doing.
url string '' The base URL for the AJAX request. AjaxProviderMixin
path string '' The path to append to the base URL. AjaxProviderMixin
body * undefined The request body. AjaxProviderMixin
async boolean true Whether or not to send the request asynchronously. AjaxProviderMixin
method string 'GET' The HTTP request method (e.g., GET, POST). AjaxProviderMixin
_headers Object { Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*; q=0.01', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } The default headers for the request. AjaxProviderMixin
headers Object|undefined undefined Custom headers for the request. AjaxProviderMixin
timeout number 0 The request timeout in milliseconds. AjaxProviderMixin
user string '' The user for authentication. AjaxProviderMixin
password string '' The password for authentication. AjaxProviderMixin
withCredentials boolean false Indicates whether to include credentials with the request. AjaxProviderMixin
xsrfCookieName string '' The name of the XSRF cookie. AjaxProviderMixin
xsrfHeaderName string '' The name of the XSRF header. AjaxProviderMixin
responseType string '' The response type (e.g., 'json', 'text'). AjaxProviderMixin
queryParams Object|undefined undefined The query parameters to include in the request URL. AjaxProviderMixin
includeDownloadProgress boolean false Indicates whether to include download progress in the response. AjaxProviderMixin
includeUploadProgress boolean false Indicates whether to include upload progress in the response. AjaxProviderMixin
Name Privacy Description Parameters Return Inherited From
_assignAjaxProviderConfig Assigns configuration options to the AjaxProvider instance. config: Object
generateRequest Generates and sends the AJAX request. Promise<any> AjaxProviderMixin
Private API
Name Privacy Description Parameters Return Inherited From
_assignAjaxRxjsConfig private Assigns the configuration settings for the AJAX request. Object AjaxProviderMixin
_joinUrlData private Joins the base URL and path to create the complete request URL. string AjaxProviderMixin
_joinHeaders private Joins the default headers with custom headers. formData Object AjaxProviderMixin
_dispatchEvent private Dispatches a custom event with the specified type and payload. type: string, payload: * AjaxProviderMixin


Kind Name Declaration Module Package
js AjaxProvider AjaxProvider src/AjaxProvider.js

Mixin for providing AJAX functionality using RxJS. This mixin can be used to enhance classes with AJAX capabilities.


mixin: AjaxProviderMixin

Name Module Package
dedupeMixin @open-wc/dedupe-mixin
Name Type Default Description
Name Privacy Type Default Description Inherited From
url string '' The base URL for the AJAX request.
path string '' The path to append to the base URL.
body * undefined The request body.
async boolean true Whether or not to send the request asynchronously.
method string 'GET' The HTTP request method (e.g., GET, POST).
_headers Object { Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*; q=0.01', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } The default headers for the request.
headers Object|undefined undefined Custom headers for the request.
timeout number 0 The request timeout in milliseconds.
user string '' The user for authentication.
password string '' The password for authentication.
withCredentials boolean false Indicates whether to include credentials with the request.
xsrfCookieName string '' The name of the XSRF cookie.
xsrfHeaderName string '' The name of the XSRF header.
responseType string '' The response type (e.g., 'json', 'text').
queryParams Object|undefined undefined The query parameters to include in the request URL.
includeDownloadProgress boolean false Indicates whether to include download progress in the response.
includeUploadProgress boolean false Indicates whether to include upload progress in the response.
Name Privacy Description Parameters Return Inherited From
generateRequest Generates and sends the AJAX request. Promise<any>
Private API
Name Privacy Description Parameters Return Inherited From
_assignAjaxRxjsConfig private Assigns the configuration settings for the AJAX request. Object
_joinUrlData private Joins the base URL and path to create the complete request URL. string
_joinHeaders private Joins the default headers with custom headers. formData Object
_dispatchEvent private Dispatches a custom event with the specified type and payload. type: string, payload: *


Kind Name Declaration Module Package
js AjaxProviderMixin AjaxProviderMixin src/AjaxProviderMixin.js



Kind Name Declaration Module Package
js AjaxProvider AjaxProvider ./AjaxProvider.js
js AjaxProviderMixin AjaxProviderMixin ./AjaxProviderMixin.js



Name Description Type
isStandardBrowserEnv Determines if the code is running in a standard browser environment. This function checks for specific conditions that indicate whether the code is running in a standard browser environment, allowing Axios to work in various environments like web workers, React Native, or NativeScript.
isStandardBrowserWebWorkerEnv Determines if the code is running in a standard browser WebWorker environment. This function checks for specific conditions that indicate whether the code is running in a standard browser WebWorker environment. It takes into account the limitations of the `isStandardBrowserEnv` method when working with WebWorkers.


Name Description Parameters Return
isFormData Determine if a value is a FormData thing: * boolean
assignIfDefined Utility function to assign a property to an object if the value is defined. obj: Object, prop: string, value: *


Kind Name Declaration Module Package
js isStandardBrowserEnv isStandardBrowserEnv src/utils.js
js isStandardBrowserWebWorkerEnv isStandardBrowserWebWorkerEnv src/utils.js
js isFormData isFormData src/utils.js
js assignIfDefined assignIfDefined src/utils.js

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  • oscarmarina