TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

6.1.7 • Public • Published

Blueprint is a React UI toolkit for the web.

This package contains the ESLint plugin for Blueprint. It provides custom rules which are useful when developing against Blueprint libraries.

Key features:


yarn add --dev @blueprintjs/eslint-plugin


Add the "@blueprintjs" plugin to your ESLint config:

    "plugins": ["@blueprintjs"]

Configure all built-in rules

To enable all rules provided by the plugin the Blueprint-specific rules, extend the plugin:@blueprintjs/recommended configuration:

    "extends": ["plugin:@blueprintjs/recommended"]

Configure specific rules

Alternatively, you may enable specific rules provided the plugin:

    "rules": {
        "@blueprintjs/no-deprecated-components": "error"



Enforce usage of class names exported as public API via the Classes object instead of string literals like "bp5-dark".

Each @blueprintjs package exports a Classes object which contains constants for every CSS class defined by the package.

Rationale: This is useful to avoid typos in styling or creating Blueprint components, and also helps future-proof your code for major version bumps of Blueprint where the class namespace (e.g. bp5-) changes.

    "rules": {
        "@blueprintjs/classes-constants": "error"

Has auto-fixer: ✅

- const element = <div className="pt-navbar" />;
+ const element = <div className={Classes.NAVBAR} />;


Enforce usage of Blueprint components over regular HTML JSX tags:

  • h1-6 -> H1-6
  • code -> Code
  • pre -> Pre
  • blockquote -> Blockquote
  • table -> HTMLTable

Rationale: This is uesful to ensure consistent styling of common typographic elements and other basic markup.

Has auto-fixer: ✅

    "rules": {
        "@blueprintjs/html-components": ["error"]


⚠️ DEPRECATED: this rule is no longer recommended. Icons modularity / tree shaking is a first-class feature of Blueprint v5.x.

Enforce usage of JSX Icon components instead of IconName string literals (or vice-versa) in icon JSX props. Note that this rule only supports hardcoded values in the icon prop; it does not handle expressions or conditionals.

A fixer is available for this rule that will convert between string literals and named Icon components. Note that the implementation is naive and may require intervention, such as to import a component or fix an invalid name.

Named icon components (Tick, Graph, etc) can be imported from the @blueprintjs/icons package.

This rule is disabled in the blueprint-rules config as it is most useful to ensure that the @blueprintjs/icons package can be tree-shaken (an opt-in process which requires using components and never IconName literals).

  "rules": {
    // default uses "component"
    // expanded syntax
    "@blueprintjs/icon-components": ["error", "component" | "literal"] // choose one


-<Button icon="tick" />
+<Button icon={<TickIcon />} />


-<Button icon={<GraphIcon />} />
+<Button icon="graph" />


Ban usage of deprecated components in the current major version of all Blueprint packages, including:

  • Breadcrumbs2
  • ColumnHeaderCell2
  • ContextMenu2
  • DateInput
  • DateInput2
  • DatePicker
  • DateRangeInput
  • DateRangeInput2
  • DateRangePicker
  • JSONFormat2
  • MenuItem2
  • MultiSelect2
  • Popover2
  • ResizeSensor2
  • RowHeaderCell2
  • Select2
  • Suggest2
  • Tooltip2
  • TruncatedFormat2

Rationale: There are two reasons why a particular component may be deprecated:

  1. Many Blueprint components have next-generation variants as a part of their natural API evolution. Blueprint consumers are recommended to migrate from the deprecated "V1" components to their newer V2 counterparts in order to future-proof their code for the next major version of Blueprint, where the V2 components will become the only available API and the "V1" variants will be removed. Flagging usage of deprecated APIs can be done with other ESLint rules like deprecation/deprecation, but that rule is often too broad to enable as an "error" globally across a large code base. @blueprintjs/no-deprecated-components provides a simpler, more scoped rule which only flags usage of deprecated Blueprint components in JSX syntax. The idea here is that you can enable this rule as an "error" in ESLint to prevent any backwards progress in your Blueprint migration as you migrate to newer APIs in preparation for the next major version.

  2. When a next-generation component API (designated as "V2" or "V3") is "promoted" to the standard "V1" API in a major version of Blueprint, we keep around aliases for the "V2" names which referred to that same API in the previous major version. These names are immediately marked as /** @deprecated */ and you are encouraged to migrate to their corresponding "V1" symbols after a major upgrade. For example, { Popover2 } from "@blueprintjs/popover2" is the recommended popover API in Blueprint v4.x, but it is deprecated in Blueprint v5.x. If you continue to use Popover2 in v5.x, you will get a lint error suggesting a rename migration to { Popover } from "@blueprintjs/core". Since these symbols are aliases for each other in v5.x, there should be no runtime impact from this kind of migration.


Similar to @blueprintjs/no-deprecated-components, but only flags usage of deprecated components from the @blueprintjs/core package instead of all @blueprintjs/ packages.

Rationale: In migrations of large code bases, it may be useful to apply more granular rule configuration of "no-deprecated-components" to make incremental progress towards the newer APIs. This allows you, for example, to flag deprecated @blueprintjs/core component usage as errors while allowing deprecated components from other packages to pass as lint warnings.


Similar to @blueprintjs/no-deprecated-components, but only flags usage of deprecated components from the @blueprintjs/datetime package instead of all @blueprintjs/ packages.

Rationale: In migrations of large code bases, it may be useful to apply more granular rule configuration of "no-deprecated-components" to make incremental progress towards the newer APIs. This allows you, for example, to flag deprecated @blueprintjs/datetime component usage as errors while allowing deprecated components from other packages to pass as lint warnings.


Similar to @blueprintjs/no-deprecated-components, but only flags usage of deprecated components from the @blueprintjs/datetime2 package instead of all @blueprintjs/ packages.

Rationale: In migrations of large code bases, it may be useful to apply more granular rule configuration of "no-deprecated-components" to make incremental progress towards the newer APIs. This allows you, for example, to flag deprecated @blueprintjs/datetime2 component usage as errors while allowing deprecated components from other packages to pass as lint warnings.


Similar to @blueprintjs/no-deprecated-components, but only flags usage of deprecated components from the @blueprintjs/popover2 package instead of all @blueprintjs/ packages.

Rationale: In migrations of large code bases, it may be useful to apply more granular rule configuration of "no-deprecated-components" to make incremental progress towards the newer APIs. This allows you, for example, to flag deprecated @blueprintjs/popover2 component usage as errors while allowing deprecated components from other packages to pass as lint warnings.


Similar to @blueprintjs/no-deprecated-components, but only flags usage of deprecated components from the @blueprintjs/select package instead of all @blueprintjs/ packages.

Rationale: In migrations of large code bases, it may be useful to apply more granular rule configuration of "no-deprecated-components" to make incremental progress towards the newer APIs. This allows you, for example, to flag deprecated @blueprintjs/select component usage as errors while allowing deprecated components from other packages to pass as lint warnings.


Similar to @blueprintjs/no-deprecated-components, but only flags usage of deprecated components from the @blueprintjs/table package instead of all @blueprintjs/ packages.

Rationale: In migrations of large code bases, it may be useful to apply more granular rule configuration of "no-deprecated-components" to make incremental progress towards the newer APIs. This allows you, for example, to flag deprecated @blueprintjs/table component usage as errors while allowing deprecated components from other packages to pass as lint warnings.


Ban usage of deprecated types & interfaces. In most cases, these symbols are deprecated as a result of our new TypeScript interface naming convention where we've dropped the "I" prefix from interface names. For example, IProps is now Props.


Rationale: Ensure forwards-comaptibility with the next major version of Blueprint and use the auto-fixer as a codemod.




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  • blueprintjs