- Documentation
- Storybook
- React Components and base styles
- JS/React Testing suite
- Rollup build system
- Accordion
- Interests
- Checkbox
- CheckboxFormWrapper
- CountryCodeSelect
- CurrencyInputFormatter
- GraphQLMultiSelector
- InterestCatSelector
- InterestItem
- LuxityGraphQLMultiSelector
- LuxityPageReady
- RadioButtons
- RadioButtonsFormWrapper
- ReactSelectWrapper
- StyleSelector
- Tooltip
- CheckBoxButton
- GenderSelector
- GraphQLDropdownSelector
- LuxityGraphQLDropdownSelector
- MaterialSelector
- ModelSelector
- RareStepHeader
- RareStepFooter
- Buttons
- PrimaryButton
- SecondaryButton
- TextButton
- InvertedTextButton
- WrapperButton
- axios - an axios instance getter
- currency - a currency number formatter
- formatErrors - conditions a laravel validation error into something we can use in our Forms
- notify - simple wrapper to trigger
versions ofreact-notify-toast
- simpleRequest - simple wrapper for configuring an axios instance
- themed - a component wrapper function to apply a
to styled-components with minial syntax - token - token helper functions for getting, and setting
named cookies
- Accessories
- Account
- Add
- ArrowRight
- Bags
- BurgerMenu
- Calendar
- CalendarCircled
- CheckCircled
- Close
- Dot
- Edit
- Eye
- FileAttach
- FileAttachCircled
- LightBulb
- Logo
- LuxityMenu
- Minus
- MobileAvatar
- MyOrder
- MyPayment
- MyProfile
- MySale
- Notification
- PointerDown
- Search
- Shoes
- LuxityArrowLeft
- LuxityArrowRight
- install npm dependencies -
yarn start
- Open Storybook -
yarn docs
- run both lint and tests -
yarn build
- generate built js files -
yarn build --watch
- build and watch files -
yarn test
- run both lint and tests -
yarn lint
- run linter only -
yarn jest --watch
- watch tests (reccomended)
- Checkout your Fork of this Repo
- Run this in the fork root folder:
yarn link
- Run this in the root folder of the project you would like to use this module:
yarn link @bonlineza/luxity-lib
You will now be able to import this module like any normal npm module like so:
import { Accordion } from '@bonlineza/luxity-lib';
or alternatively (preferred)
import Accordion from '@bonlineza/luxity-lib/Accordion';
- after testing is complete and your changes have been merged to master in this Library
- Your personal account on
- Your Account is added to the
Bonlineza Org
- see: https://www.npmjs.com/org/bonlineza
- checkout/pull latest UPSTREAM
and run... yarn install
yarn test
yarn build
- Update your
version info (according to SEMVER) - Update you
file with additions/changes yarn login
npm publish --dry-run
- to confirm that your new files will be packaged into the npm repo -
npm publish
- commit the published files to the npm repo -
yarn docs
- generates all documentation -
yarn build:storybook
- ensure static stybook site is up to date -
this commit with the Tag name the same as the package version number to UPSTREAMmaster
- example: 'v2.1.0'